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I quite enjoy my job in the sneaker store, sure it's low pay, long hours, rubbish bosses and some of the customers were downright rude but it has it's perks, one in particular.

Arun here doesn't work here, I do, but right now this is me!

I get to meet a lot of cute guys. Young ones, old ones. Slim ones, muscular ones. You name it I've met them here. We are even in such a popular place that we get some celebrities and sports stars. Many from other countries too. I'm often rushed off my feet getting shoes for different guys letting them try them on. Helping them get their feet in to check they fit.

The beauty of it for me is that I can use the shoes that they simply tried on to transform my body into theirs. If there is someone I really like I would usually get a size that's slightly bigger than they asked for, get them to put them on and when they ask for a smaller size I keep the ones I gave them last for later.

The beauty of it is that I change into them but I'm still me. Even though I look different everyone still recognises me as me. Plus it's not just my body that changes. Everything I own turns into theirs. So I slip on the shoes they tried on and the shoes I was wearing changes into the ones they were wearing when they first came into the shop, so I don't even need to take the shoes home with me. My car turns into a replica of theirs, all of my clothes, my bedding, everything. I get to keep the body until I wear another pair of shoes. But I don't get to be the same person again unless he visits for another pair of shoes

There is only 1 drawback that I know of. I can't meet the real guy whose body I have borrowed if I do I will merge into him and I will no longer exist. It's bound to happen one day but up to now it never has. It's irreversible too so I hope it never happens.

Arun was a lot of fun. Young and skinny but the car I had from my last body turned into a moped which wasn't great. And it was empty of fuel for my ride home. I hope I can find a change tomorrow.

On yeah! This guy will do for a few days or weeks



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