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Odd socks dude, that's so weird.

Not that weird in my life. It's variety. I got cursed a few years back now every day I'm forced to transform into someone else.

Fuck that's actually a little bit kinky id love to try it. How does it work?

I can give you the curse too, but its a huge undertaking. If ever you decide not to change your curse is to spend 24 hours as a pair of socks. And to change, I bane to constantly buy or obtain used, worn socks. I wear them and I get the body of the last wearer. The reason I do odd ones is so I wont know who I'm becoming. I get the body of the guy who's socks had been worn longest. Your about to witness my transformation today.

Oh fuck, so black sock guy won today then? That was sexy to watch.

Yeah it's sexy to experience too. Not sure “win” is the right word since I have the body of the guy who wore his socks longest, and therefore dirtiest. I'm pretty hot today too. If you really want the curse I can give it to you. It's easy. In 24 hours I need to put on some different socks. If I haven't by the time we get to 25 hours I'll become this guys socks. And lay there without a body for a further 24 hours. If you want to be able to do this all you need to do is wear the socks. You'll become him, After you've worn the socks for 24 hours I will become me again and you'll stay as him for a further 24 hours then you'll need to put on another pair of socks and become someone else.

Cool, but what if I prefer the socks of the white guy or anyone else?

It doesn't really matter you can have any socks/ bodies the day after me.

Yeah but I think my first new body should be a really good body. Let's see what tomorrow gives you first?


There you see was right to wait this guy is much hotter than the guy you were yesterday.

Maybe so but his socks are rank! Please don't pick him as your 1st. Not sure I can handle 24 hours as his socks then another 24 being worn by you with your/ his feet inside.

Come on bro, he's hot. I wanna be him first. What's the worst that can happen.

The worst is you fuck it up and I stay as a pair if socks forever.

I won't fuck it up!

Fine be here in 24 hours.

The next day I arrived a few hours early he went through all of the rules. At hour 24 he reminded me that he only had an hour left and if I wanted to change my mind he wouldn't object. Half an hour later it was beginning ing to happen to him he was losing cohesion.

Bro I smell like a pair of socks, I hate this.

You are starting to look like a sock and your shrinking.

That's the way it begins it won't be long now. Make sure you put me on as soon as I am only a pair of socks, don't wash me, don't cum in or on me and most importantly don't forget to take me off exactly 24 hours after you put me on. As soon as you take me off I'll get yesterday's body again with the black socks and you'll have the curse and have to change your socks every 24 hours. We can work it out between us and we can always trade and use bodies we have had before.

Cool, your almost gone buddy. I'll look after you.

Moments later he was just a pair of grubby white socks on the couch. I had already removed my own socks and shoes. I got hold of them and put them on. Instantly transformed into him. I felt, looked and smelt amazing and I was going to enjoy my first ever body swap for the next few days and being given the curse was amazing too. A new body each and every day.



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