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Sir, you've practically won the lottery scoring a body like you have for your time away. A definite improvement on your current body.

I'm perfectly happy with my body thank you but it will be nice to have a break and become someone else for a while. As for the money it's a small part of an inheritance and I thought a month away would do me good. This option is far cheaper than a holiday.

Okay, we don't need to know the details. Is there anything you require doing to your body whilst your away?

What do you mean?

You've bought the premium service Sir, someone looks after your body whilst your away. I assure you it's all quite normal. Often it's the person who's body your getting, sometimes it's one of the technicians here.

Oh I thought my body went into stasis while I was away?

Only on the basic and mid level packages. However, we find that once your own body is returned to you they are a bit laggish for a fair period afterwards, it's close to a vegitive state in some instances. This is definitely the better way.

Oh I don't want vegitation, fine go ahead. You can take me if you want?

I may do, so thank you. Unfortunately, it's not up to me. We have to let your host decide. He hasn't seen who he is becoming and doesn't get to see until he is in your body. Have you seen who was selected for you yet?


Okay let me see, oh here he is. Jacob Anders. Oh, Jacob probably won't want to stay in your body. He prefers muscular types and your a bit skinny. So I will probably end up being you. Here he is


Oh he's quite hot I'll take him. I'm guessing you mean chavvy types. Not bothered who takes my body its only a month!

No worries. Back to my original question, anything you require doing?

Like what?

Anything, finish that tattoo, get more, bulk you up, get a haircut, New wardrobe, anything you can think of. If there's time, it will be done.

All of that if you can. Is it free?

All part of the service.

Awesome if you have time, or Jacob has time then as many improvements that you can make. Especially finishing the tattoo.

No problems. The sequence has begun you should start to feel the effects very soon. Jocob is in our foreign office and he's already transforming into you.

Yeah I can feel it. How do I get to be at his location?

It's a process of teleportation. Once he is fully transformed into you, he is teleported here. You check him out make sure he has ALL of your body then he checks you out to make sure you have all of his then your teleported to his previous location and are free to do as you please.

Fuck I've got his lower half already I didn't expect this to be so quick.

You've got his upper half too and his arms. He will be arriving any second now, you've just got his face too.

Can you confirm the former Jacob anders has your entire body?

Yes it looks like its all there. Perfect, clothes can be added to him. Jacob have you decided if your keeping his skinny body?

I think I'll let the teccy have it. It's a little too skinny for me!

Okay, it looks like he has your entire glorious naked body can you confirm its all there.

I can indeed!

Perfect, enjoy your month of being this stunner bye.

Off I went as Jacob. A few weeks in I got a picture from my own number. There was only 1 week remaining my body had definitely been beefed and my tattoo was complete



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