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You may wonder why someone like me would want too or even agree to swap bodies with someone like him, but let me tell you it was probably one of the best decisions of my life.

You see I used to be the guy with the 11-degree shirt but about two days after this photo was taken Ethan on the right was wanting a change.

It was quite tough being me, Jack, always popular, athletic, attractive a crowd-pleaser! Ethan was quite the opposite and he got down about it one night. He said to me, “I wish I could be like you, good looking and popular.” my response was “well its not so easy being me either.” I was trying to reassure him, reassurance was the last of hksmlr my worries.

Just as he said it, some kind of magic genie walked by and asked one simple question.

“Would you like your wish to become a reality?

Ethan instantly responded with “YES, most definitely yes.” I didn't have any time to respond and instantly felt off. Sick almost and not feeling like myself. I suddenly felt myself growing and expanding. I'm was also looking at Ethan, he appeared to be shrinking. He grabbed a hold of my shoulder to steady himself. Ethan who had always been clean-shaven was now sporting some designer facial hair, it looked uncannily like mine. His skin was tanning too. It didn't take long for either of us to realise that we were switching places. Soon he was me and I was him. Even our clothing had changed and I was also wearing a gold necklace. The genie pulled me to one side.

Jack, your Ethan now and the genie community thanks you for such a sacrifice. You've got a few options to help you with this situation.

1. Do nothing, stay as Ethan.

2. Assist Ethan with his struggles, tone his body up make him more popular. Swap back with him if you like.

3. Assist Ethan with his struggles, tone his body up make him more popular. Once you've assisted him, give him the choice to get his body back, but your quest will continue by swapping with others, improving them along the way.

I never wanted a body swap in the first place but the look on Ethan's face which was now my face was the thing that shifted things for me. He was clearly ecstatic that he was now me. Maybe a change will do me good too. I decided to accept the challenge. I'd stay as Ethan, improve his body and his image, hopefully, make him more popular and see if he wanted to swap back in a few months. He graciously accepts my offer.

That first night was weird, waking up was even more weird. Getting used to someone elses body, their image in the mirror that you now control. But as the days went on it became more normal. After a few months I had managed to improve Ethan's body, it was even better than my real one now and he had a following of friends. Ethan who was still me had kept my body in shape as well as keeping me as popular as ever. I offered Ethan his body back on our six-month anniversary of the swap. He declined. Saying something like Even though you've made my body better than yours, I still prefer being you, I'm more comfortable in your skin than I ever was in my own. As promised the genie returned after hearing Ethan's rejection.

So Ethan/ jack. You managed to improve the body you occupy but it's former owner has selected an offer to return, which option will you choose?

No offense mate, but I don't want to stay as you, I sacrificed my body for you and improved yours, but I've had time to think about this. My skin is comfy like you said so I don't blame you for wanting to stay. I'd like to continue with my quest to help others.

I thought you'd say that. You will now swap bodies with the next person you see. You will swap once you've made a change to their body or life to improve them. After three months you'll be able to swap again, but only if your change was good enough. If youmreachmsix months in the same body you'll be trapped in their body. Make your first a good one and enjoy.

He former Ethan asked a question, so who is going to be me


You already are you, your jack now, there's no more swapping for you. But if you mean Ethan, then whoever he becomes will turn into Ethan. The current Ethan will return to being him for a short period before he swaps again each time he has finished the improvements. So who's your next quest with..?

Oh I have a food idea about that one.

What do you think?

Little bit chavvy but he's a good first!

Chavvy was the point, complete change form jack and Ethan, I'm sam now, east to change him and get him to step away from his persona of a criminal.



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