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Seriously, babe, you want me to look like this. Our first date night in months and you chose the only chav in the gym! You could of transformed me into any man in the entire world, but you chose this guy. Why?

He's pretty hot, and cute. Always wondered what it would be like to be a chav and date a chav.

Well you couldmof warned me I was lifting some seriously heavy weights then I felt the transformation start, around the same time he left. There's no way be could of continued the lift. As usual, it started in my legs when I felt them get smaller. Then my chest. I only just managed to put the weights down before my arms changed. Then I felt my face change, my ears stick out and my hair grow. Then I saw the reflection. All of my hard earned muscles were gone.

Weren't really your muscles though, I'll change you again if you really don't like him.

Nah, it's ok. It might be fun. Besides I still have to pick your body

Well, don't forget if we stay in our bodies for longer than 24 hours we can't change again for another six months. You can't make me too shabby.

Yeah I know. I've just scrolled through this guys social media. I've found the perfect body for you. I've sent you the transformation instructions.

Yeah, I got it, I'm changing now.

Seriously babe. Why?


, I assumed you liked the chavvy look since you turned me into one!

Yes I thought it would be fun to see you as a chav, didn't want to be one my self. Especially since this one seems to like PVC trousers and doesn't appear to be able to tie his shoe laces!

Come on, what's the worst that can happen? We can always change again if we aren't enjoying looking like this.

The worst thing would be actually enjoying these two and forgetting to change again. We got to remember to change again before we go to sleep tonight, I can't go to work looking like this.

It's a deal, see you in a few.

After date night of course follows sex, what happens after sex, sleep. We both had lots of fun. Suddenly we were awoken by our phones going off. He rolled over, kissed me as soon as he saw me he realised we hadn't remembered to transform again and then realised what time it was. 8am, that meant we had been through a full 24 hours and could no longer swap.

Fuck, I know we have their clothes now since im stuck with this body for a whole six months. I hope he owns a suit! Why didn't you remind me we needed to change?

Haha, I'm sure he does, everyone owns a suit. You could of reminded me too, now we are stuck like this. We are both kind of cute though.

I guess it could be worse!



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