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So you're proposing we swap bodies for a week and that's it?

Yep just a body swap, I will be you, you will be me.

JUST a body swap, that's it?

Yep, why all the questions?

Well one had “body swappers” offer this to me before, I like the idea of it. I've let a couple of body swappers take my body before and things went wrong. Actually things went their way. So I'm just checking your not going to turn me into a pumpkin or something daft like that.

How did it go wrong?

Well every proposal I've had, they say after a week of me being something that belongs to me that ill get their body, but its never transpired like that. I just get stuck as the object until they swap me back to being me.

I promise that wont happen to me, what have you been then?

The first guy said I would be an object of my own clothing for a week, I wasn't allowed to choose which item of clothing I would be, just that it be my favourite item of clothing, which, at the time was socks, so I spend at least two weeks on my own feet. He took me off just to shower, it was disgusting. The second time I was one of my own body parts, and I was made to be and control a different part every day. I began as my own hand and became something different until the final few days when I became my own dick. I knew I would be released at the point he made me cum, but he spent three whole days getting me on the edge and then just stopping, who does that, especially in a borrowed body? The final straw was when I was promised to spend a week as something that pleased me, well let me tell you being a dildo, that may of pleased him, but not me!

Yeah, I can imagine. Look I understand if you don't want to risk it but with me it's a straight swap, me for you and you control it and can swap us back any time, even if you do end up being a pumpkin, which you won't.

Ok cool I love the idea of trying on someone elses skin, I really do. I just don't want to be any kind of object. It had better work, how do we do it?

Well I hope you don’t mind but I’ll need to put my dick in your butt.


Then I’ll literally step into you feet first, then my arms and the rest of me will just follow in! After a while my body will continue stepping forward only you will be in it and I’ll be left behind in yours.

Cool, that’s easy then, no effort from me at least.

The final bit is we both cum simultaneously your old dick will orgasm into your new butt and your new dick will erupt all over the place, a waste really but that’s the way it has to be. and then complete the swap.

Pretty awesome then can we do it now?

Yeah come over to my place, not the kind of thing to do outside!

Within a few minutes he was already in my room.

So do we need to get naked then?

No, not if you don’t want too, in fact I prefer it if we don’t. Id sooner have the big reveal of my borrowed body on my own and if I’ve seen it before we swap then it’s not quite the same.

Yeah, I get that completely. So are you going to start?

My dick is already halfway in you, can't you feel it?

Oh, I felt a tickle, that's about all...

I'm all the way in now.

Is that it? I've had bigger shits that this... Wait have you got a tiny dick? Are you about to give me your tiny dick? If you've got a tiny dick, then I've changed my mind, I don't want a most swap....

It's too late to change your mind now. My feet are already in yours, my hands and arms are nearly inside yours, and the rest of me won't be far behind. Besides, it's not that tiny.

It feels tiny, if I'm not happy ill activate the recall. Actually, if so much of you is inside me, my can hardly feel a thing. I know your there, I know I've got parts of you inside me but I was expecting pain. This feels quite pleasurable actually. Different from when I've become an object. That hurt like hell.

That's fine, but give it a few days, it will grow on you... Literally... You ready to loose control? Ready to be me?

Ready as........

Fuck yeah. I'm you... I'm guessing you were about to say ready as you'll ever be. See you in a week tiny dick.

My old body popped out the front of me. Leaving my new dick inside my old butt. It was time to cum, completing the swap, this next week was going to be amazing.



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