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Mate, I see you're staring at my socks and not me, my eyes are up here.

Sorry I didn't realise you'd notice.

It's fine, lots of lads like socks and ill let you touch them, sniff them lick them anything you want and ill make you the same offer I make to anyone who does. But I'll tell you now that only one other lad has succeeded.


, what's the offer?

Well if you can remove my socks using only your teeth and mouth, ie NO hands, I'll let you have my body for a whole week.

That's easy.

Yes, but you can't touch any other part of my body, just my feet socks and toes, and none of you can touch me. And you've gotta do it in under two minutes.

Right, okay so how do I get your body, what happens to you?

It's all automatic, if you do it, you'll just become me, absorb into me. I'll be trapped as my own socks for the week.

And how long have you been wearing these socks?

Only since this morning. They are pretty clean, I can out on a cleaner pair if you like?

I'd rather you put on some dirtier one's.

I could but I reckon your in with a good chance of taking my body and since you have to wear me day and night for the next week then and your not allowed to wash me, then I think id rather not risk any dirtier than a day.

That's fair enough. Is there a chance of a next time?

Yeah of course, but next time you only have a minute and a half, but you get my body for ten days, after that, a minute for two weeks, then a minute for a whole month, thirty seconds gets you a whole year.

Oh, what happens if I wash you?

Don't wash me! I'll be stuck as the socks forever. Don't ever wash me!

He pushed his socked feet into my face. I gave them a sniff and rubbed the with my fingers. I then licked his socked foot and all the way up his leg. I managed to get all the way up his leg and into his shorts, I got to lick the tip of his penis before he pushed me away.

Ready for the timer?


It's all automatic, if you do it, it will happen.

I had already begun by clenching my teeth into the ribbing of his socks lowering them down so they were right near his heals. Then I got to the toes and pulled both off within seconds. It took me just under two minutes and I lunged in with my tongue. That's the last thing I remember before I woke up staring at his socked feet, my feet at least for a week .



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