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Mate, your positively glowing. You look lush.

You think so?

Yep, won't lie though, green is a little strong.

Does it show? Am I glowing green?

It definitely shows, but you're good your a normal colour. It's your surroundings that your making green. I mean look at the table and your t-shirt, even the head on your beer. What is this stuff? What does it do?

Well, we were on the water earlier today and I was well, looking at you. And although I absolutely love my body, I wished I was bigger, but I think my body has reached its peak now. It's called hulk powder. It promises to make whoever comes into contact with it much bigger. It promises results in hours, not days or weeks.

Oh yeah? Well, I think it's working. You definitely look bigger. What do you say we hit that beach party later tonight?

Yeah, sure.

As the night went on, I felt myself changing, I knew I was getting huge because my t-shirt ripped clean off my body.

Two of my mates t shirts had also been ripped off, they were getting bigger too. Then I noticed the crowd. A lot of them had a green tint to them. I asked a stranger to snap a pic of us altogether and my worst fears had been confirmed. The hulk powder was affecting hr entire croud, even my mates, even the girls there.

We looked at the pic together. My mate pete had a beard, long hair and was wearing that red vest when we arrived. Now he was smooth, had no best and was wearing two necklaces. My other friend, to the left with his tongue stick out used to be much bigger than me. I'm too was now wearing a ring and a bracket and I was by far the biggest in the group. no That's when we realised the powder hadn't just grown our bodies it had swapped our bodies



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