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And where do you think your going?

Home boss, I'm knackered.

Like hell you are. We need you here.

Boss, I'm entitled to time off and I've pulled a double shift the last 4 days and worked every weekend since like forever.

So your tired?


, boss, my body aches like hell. I'll see you tomorrow.

Nah, we need you here. I'll have to body-swap you with one of the rookies that

have just come on shift.

Boss, I don't want to stay all night, and them swaps, they last 24 hours. I don't want to be someone else for a whole day.

They have to be a minimum if 48 hours now, Do it or you're fired.

Fine, I can't afford to be fired. But I'm taking a week off after this.

I knew you'd see sense, meet me in my office in ten. I'll have a rookie for you to swap with. And yeah this job will be done in two days so take your time off.

What if this rookie doesn't want to swap? Or doesn't want to be me?

He won't have a choice, it's in all their contracts.

Oh, you're my rookie? Can I ask do you always start work shirtless?

Not usually, is it a problem?

No, it's just I wanted to keep your persona while we are swapped.

Nah, I knew what I was here for and thought I'd show you what you was getting. This young stud, aka me, Jonny.

Well Jonny, nice to meet you, I'm dan, Well you'll be a dan for a few days. Now can you pop some clothes on please?

Sure, this better?

Oh, you've, ... You've revealed more of your self, I really don't need to see All that, will be mine soon enough and I'm sure I'll see you in all your glory, not that I want to.

Yeah, I know but I like to put on a show.

And a very wonderful show it is, but let's stay dressed and just swap.

Moments later the boss used his weird device and swapped our minds into each others bodies.

So boss, 48 hours and I can take some time off? I'm stuck with this rookie body for a whole two days.

Yep that's the deal.

I've got to admit, it might seem like they come out of school far too young, but I'm liking being Jonny. I can see why he likes to be shirtless so often. Got a good package on him in the body and trouser department. It's a shame this is only temporary. As time approached for us to swap back I asked my boss if I could cancel my time off and keep jonnys body for a while longer. He said it wasn't possible to stay as Jonny but if I wanted a longer contract in another rookie I could cancel my time off. The only issue was he couldn't show me the person id become before I agreed to it. It had been such a thrill being jonny, of course, I said yes.

Moments later I was cal. I was thrilled. It was a six-month swap. In a foreign country, a hot foreign country and I was hot as hell. Full of muscle, testosterone and ink.



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