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Hey boss, any chance of a raise in my paycheck?

No can do mate, all this cost of living stuff has made materials skyrocket, things are a little tight right now. besides you had a raise, what 3 months ago?

Tight, you're not kidding, that's why wanted to ask about a raise. I bet it's not as “tight” for you! Must be fun for you living in a five-bedroom house, fully heated with solar panels for heating and power. Why do you even need a five-bedroom house, you don't have any kids.

It's not easy being me you know. An ageing entrepreneur with no family granted I'm not 40 yet, but I'm older than you. Just my partner. It's boring most of the time and now with every thing going up we can't afford our entertainment. That's what the five bedrooms are for, when people want to stay over. It's not easy being me

But still your life is better than mine. I can barely afford food let alone heating.

You'll get there lad! Maybe if you stop buying designer clothing and use the outdoor gym rather than paying for one you'll be able to spread the cash a little.

Designer Clothing, how did you work that one out?

Your Nike underwear for a start. They have got to be what, $40 a pair? What's wrong with none branded stuff?

These fit better. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could swap places, you try being me for a while, and I'll be you.

It would be wonderful. Would you agree to it if I could make it happen? You'd happily take on my older body and life in a trade with yours?

I agree in a heartbeat right now. But only for a while, not forever like.

A month?

Yeah, sure.

Ok well, I can make it happen.

Really how?

You've got to agree that my boyfriend wont find out, you've got to be me completely so he doesn't suspect.

Your boyfriend? I always assumed you had a Mrs. Yeah I'll do anything it takes. While your me, do whatever you want, I'm single fuck girls, guys I don't care.

That's a very nice offer and I'm sure I'll get plenty of offers. So the how. The fact you're sticking your fingers up at me is very appropriate. The swap is very precise. Everything about us will swap. Our entire bodies. You'll get all my tattoos on your skin, you'll get my beer belly. I'll get your abs and even your almost perfectly smooth skin. We will even be able to taste whatever each of us are or drank. You'll get my shorts and ill get your mucky trousers, even with the slightly unzipped fly. You'll get my beard and watch. I'll get the keys to your car, the fags in your pocket, of course you'll get mine. I will even get the drill hung on your pocket and the hammer in your hand.

Cool, but how...

You see your finger, poke it into my belly button, and it will go straight in. Then ill do the same for you then the transformation will begin and it will only take half about ten minutes.

Awesome, guessing it hurts a bit. I've always wondered what belly buttons were actually for.

Now you know.

Seconds later his middle finger was in my belly button, and a few seconds after that mine was in his and our transformation began. Exactly 11 minutes later we had completely swapped places.

Wow, boss, you look exactly like me. It's like looking in the mirror.

Only I'm not your reflection anymore because you are me.

Shit, yeah I'm you. Fuck, a beer belly, tattoos and a beard. Never thought I'd have any of these things. How am I going to act like you, I'm still me in my head, I know nothing about you.

Only for a month don't forget. You know anything about your current body. Here, what size are the boots I'm wearing?

Label says 9 boss.

And your size is?

Nnnnii nn, 13 boss.

Less of the boss, your the boss now. The rest of the stuff is transferred with a kiss.

Sweet, I get to kiss my former body.

It only needs to be a small kiss, nothing major.

Nah, I'm the boss now, you're getting full-on lip-and-tongue action.

Moments later I had all of his memories and he was truly the boss now, my only hope was he would prefer my body and life and decide he wants to keep it because I sure as hell don't wanna go back to being me



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