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Oh, wow, doc, you look so....

Out of place. I know.

What happened?

Well I had a patient who was being really vague about his conditions. He just couldn't describe it.

Okay, and what were his conditions?

It turns out he had absolutely nothing wrong with him. Trust me I've been very thorough in testing him especially since he gave me his body and I now look like him.

Gave you his body?

Yep, he suggested that I could experience his pain and then in a flash I was sat on the other side of the table watching my former body remove my doctor's uniform and leave. He didn't have any pain or so it turns out. I appear to be stuck like this. I've tried calling him but he doesn't answer my calls. It's only been three days and many of my patients don't trust me now looking like this. It's a good job I'm an Italian doctor or I think all of my patients would of left.

You can always change your look, shave that beard for a start. But there are other things you can do.

I don't think its the beard. I think it's the tattoos. I mean look at these numbers on my fingers. 11 07 19 98, that's his date of birth and it matches his medical records. That makes him 24, the same as me but I look 44. I'm guessing he swapped with this guy and then decided he didn't like this body and swapped with me.

Yeah, body theft is on the rise. As I said there is more than one way to change how you look. You could take my body?

Meh! You're a chavvy builder and I know you have tattoos too, I do my your yearly physical.

Yeah, but I'm one hell of a fit chavvy builder. I think you'd get more clients on your books if you had my body. My tattoos are all hidden!

I may well do, but really I want my own body back. Besides, steel-toe boots and a high vis vest isn't really suitable attire for a doctor.

Hey, I've got a hard helmet too. You'd only need to keep your doctors jacket, the rest of my clothes are in my van, I knew we were doing a physical today so I thought I might as well be nearly naked for it.

I don't need to know about your hard things.

Less of the inuendos. Look, I'm offerimg you my body to help you out, can't have a doctor looking like you do! Hopefully, in a few days or weeks you can find your real body and swap back into it.

I wouldn't know how to swap back into my own body.

Oh don't worry about that, if you do take my body, you'll gain the ability to swap with anyone you like, including your real self, but most never go back to their own body. my body is only a loan anyway, I'll want it back at some point.

Fine, fuck it, I'll do it.

Hang on there a moment. There are a few rules to my body.

Okay, what are they?

First, sun beds at least 3 times a week. Gym 6 days a week, healthy food only. No sex, or at least don't be getting anyone pregnant, no more tattoos without my express permission.

Your talking to a doctor, all of that is perfectly fine except the sun beds, do you know they cause skin cancer?

They are the rules, if you don't agree to them I won't help you out.

Fine, just do me a favour and go get dressed before we swap. I've no desire to see your hard helmet poking up at me when we swap.

That's another rule I'm afraid, I've gotta be naked to swap, because in order to stay swapped one gotta get some of my former DNA into my new body. The easiest way is if I suck your dick. If we don't we will just swap back every night.

Fine! A naked swap but make sure your clothes are ready for me to put on. So, how do we swap?

It’s easy, we sit opposite each other, touch and then I say 3 magic words. Elisium soul advance.

Oh I remember those words.

Yeah he would of used them and you’ll need to use them for any swaps you do.

Cool let’s do it.

Within seconds we were holding hands, he muttered the words and I felt his soul invading my current body. Moments later I was inside his body. His glorious body and I was looking back at my former body and realised how bad it looked.

He was right I wasn’t sure I’d go back to my former body, my real one and if I was only borrowing his id need to find a suitable replacement. Any ideas who?



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