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Fuck, your wearing one of them Mr Barcode T shirts.

Yeah, and?

Oh, you don’t know?

Know what, it’s just a T-shirt man.

It’s more than a t shirt, it’s access to YOUR body, mind, soul and your life. Once you wear one, that’s the only T-shirt you’ll ever wear. You’ll never be able to take it off.

Of course I will. Here watch….. Fuck it’s like stuck to my skin…

See I told you. The only time it disappears for a while is when you get it wet, so you can shower and bathe. Other than that it will be attached to your body forever.

Well I suppose that’s pretty neat but why does it give access to my mind, body and soul?

Mate, you obviously didn’t get the instructions that came with it, or you didn’t read them. These T-shirts come with an app and anyone who knows about these T-shirts can download it for free.

Ok a t shirt with an app. Pretty cool but pointless.

Well it’s not. Anyone with the app can scan the barcode with their phone.

Oh right and then the app tells them everything about me?

Yeah, literally everything and more…


Yes mate. It gives them your body, your mind and soul, your life.

Fuck, that’s freaky… what happens to me if someone scans my T-shirt?

Well the person who scans you is given a fresh t shirt for their body and their body becomes yours.

No way, that ain’t possible.

I promise you, it is! And people don’t need to ask permission to scan your T-shirt. Just by wearing one or downloading the app gives permission for anyone to scan the barcode.

Well, I don’t believe it can work.

I could prove it, if you want? You look scared?

I’d love you to prove it. Simply because I don’t believe it works. I’m not scared, but I don’t think I want to become you.

Well, I can see your mate has been downloading the app whilst we’ve been talking. If you don’t wanna be me, why don’t you try being him.

Yeah, I’d be up for that, make it a three way swap. If you wanna be him, he can be me and I’ll be you?

Being you would be better than being him, but it’s a very drastic way to prove this app and T-shirt thing works. I’m happy being me. I don’t really want people being able to scan me and turn into me. It’s a bit weird turning into someone else randomly. But I suppose I’ve got the T-shirt so it’s going to happen at some point isn’t it. And I think my first time should definitely be someone I know. I’m guessing I can scan my original body and turn back into myself at any time?

Yeah, but if you become me then your not far away from your original self.

Yes you can scan your original body’s barcode any time, you’ll get your own body back, but you can never stay in a body you’ve had before for longer than 24 hours. It’s just visiting rights, nothing more. After 24 hours your sent back into your previous body until you scan another barcode.

Okay, fine.

Well, I guess I’ll have to go first, since I don’t currently own a t shirt, I’ll need to scan yours. That means I’ll become you, and you’ll become me but with a new T-shirt.

I really don’t want to become you though.

Mate, it’s fine, as soon as your him, you’ll have a mr barcode T-shirt. I’ve got the app. I’ll scan it as soon as I’m allowed too and you’ll become me and I’ll become him. It’s only going to be for a few minutes.

Oh great, so if this works I’m turning into two different people today. Cheers lads.

Only way to do it I think. The app is free, the T-shirt is over $200, I don’t have that kind of money lying about like you.

Oh great, so I’m becoming a broke ass bitch?

I wouldn’t say that. I’ve got money, just not one to waste it on a T-shirt for $200 when a similar thirst, without the barcode costs $5 and does the same job. Besides both our bodies will be given a $200 T-shirt just by downloading the app, scanning and transforming, why pay for it when we can get it for free.

Well, you’d better get on with it, scan me. I can’t wait to be laughing in both your faces when nothing happens.

Come on, it’s going to work, I mean why else would they create a T-shirt that isn’t removable?

Fine, get on with it before I change my mind.

I held my phone up to his chest the app scanned his barcode and beeped. A message popped up on my screen.

Do you want to become him? Yes

Take his body, life and soul away from him and give him yours? Yes

Your next response does not change your previous answers, but did he consent to this swap? (Record keeping only). Yes

We recommend being in a seated position before clicking the next question.

Are you ready now? Begin. Yes

I sat down on the opposite side of the room on what I assume was his bed. I looked over at them. At first nothing appeared to be happening. But then he started to complain of chest pains and stomach cramps. He began to sweat. The barcode changed from white to red and then the whole T-shirt dissolved into his skin. Now the barcode seemed to be imprinted on his body. The pain he was experiencing began happening all over his body and the rest of his clothes sank into his skin. The barcode disappeared. His hand was the only thing hiding his manhood and his manhood was clearly becoming erect as his hand could no longer hide all of it.

Fuck, why am I naked. You never told me I’d end up naked. Didn’t want either of you seeing me completely naked.

Relax, I’ll be seeing a lot more of you naked, I’ll be in your hot body fairly soon.

He started to laugh but it soon changed to a scream. The pain appeared to be getting worse. All of his features were disappearing. Every hair, wrinkle and blemish on his otherwise perfect body faded and pretty soon he was no longer identifiable as himself. He could now only be identified as a white human shaped blob. Pretty soon after I began to feel hot and began to sweat. I saw the black barcode T-shirt appear on my torso. I looked over to him again and he was beginning to look different. No longer a blob he was now clearly getting my features. As I became naked, he was identical to me now. As well as a new black mr barcode T-shirt, he now also wore my white socks and black pants. He was also wearing my black Fitbit and was holding my blue phone. He was now me. I was now no more than a human shaped blob but I was soon transformed into him.

I felt amazing being him, I’ve no idea why there wasn’t anything wrong with me. But now I had a new body to explore.

Fuck, my body looks good on you.

Thanks, I like it too and my body looks better on you that it did on me.

Oh my gowd, it was so hot watching the two of you transform like that. I can’t wait for it to happen to me.

No way man, I’m him now, I really don’t wanna be him but I don’t wanna transform again. It hurt like hell.

Aww, come on. I really want to try this. Please.

Fine. Just get it over with.

Scanning you now. Oh my gowd, it’s happening already your clothes are fading.

Yeah and I’m sweating again. Fuck the pain is starting again, but it’s not as bad as last time.

Fuck I’m turning now. I fucking love this, even if I could I’d never take off this mr barcode T-shirt.



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