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There is one thing I’ve never understood about guys like you.

What do you mean guys like me?

You know, your type. I’m not criticising or anything but you are a scally right?

Yeah I suppose I am, but scallies are considered to be bad people. I ain’t a bad lad. What is it you don’t understand?

Ok, hear me out. Why do you wear so many laters of clothing. Look at you now… you’ve got boxers on, and 2 pairs of trackies but no top. And why I’m on the subject, why do lads like you always have hands down their trousers and stick fingers up at random people?

Woah mate there are far too many questions for me to handle at once.

You obviously don’t need to answer any of them. But your a mate, a good mate but we are so very different.

No, I’ll answer. If you want. But I have a far more fun way for you to find out.

Oh really?

Yes mate. If you want too, I’ll let you become me for a few days. Experience being a scally for yourself. You’ll have my body and my life and you’ll learn exactly why I do these things, why I behave exactly like all the other scallies about.

Like that’s even possible. I get it, you don’t want to tell me.

It is possible mate, I promise you. While your having fun being me, I’ll be you for a while.

Really? You can do that? How?

Yes I can do it. And it’s done with my middle finger. It’s why we wear gloves so much too. You see the middle finger of a scally is used to transfer their mind and soul into someone else’s body. If a scally gives you the middle finger, the chances are he wants to trade places with you for a while. It’s a bit weird, I push my finger into your belly button, my mind and soul leaves my body and I have to lean in to kiss you at the same time. As my mind leaves my body, it will enter yours. It will take over your body and force your mind and soul out where it will transfer to my body. And just like that we will of swapped bodies. It’s over in about two minutes.

Mate, that’s more than weird. We might be best mates, we’ve probably seen everything there is to see about each other more than once but to swap places, it’s a bit much. I don’t know the first thing about being you. Like your teeth, gold plated or do you take ‘em out?

My teeth, they are plated, they don’t come out, well they do, but not easily. You won’t need to worry about them. You’ll know enough, my mind doesn’t completely leave my body. You’ll know the important stuff. Like if you need to buy new trainers you’ll know what size to ask for, you’ll know I don’t like vegetables at all. But you won’t have my childhood memories and stuff. Just enough to get you by.

Well, strangely, I’m up for this if you are. I tell you one thing, it’s going to be weird riding a bike instead of driving a car.

Yeah, will be weird for us not at first, but you’ll get used to it. And yes I’m up for it, that’s why I’ve given you the finger.

Can we do it now? Before I change my mind.

Yeah of course, but not here. We have to get close enough to kiss, don’t wanna do that outside where anyone can see us. Follow me.

We headed inside and he led me to his all too familiar bedroom. We had spent hours in here, smoking, drinking, playing games, usually online games. It’s weird, I had never noticed how un tidy he was. His bed sheets probably hadn’t been washed in weeks, and there was a musty stale smell. I suddenly got thinking how many other guys he had swapped with, how many times had he not been the real him and it was an imposter using his body just like I was about to do.

I can hear your thoughts already. Your worried about the mess, the smell and how often I’ve not been me when I’ve spent time with you. Well the answers will all be known once your me. Tidy up if you want, change my bed, you’ll probably not want too once your me, but you can. And if ever you habe been round, I have been me, no one else has had my body when you habe been here. I don’t allow it. That’s why you’ve had the brush off sometimes. Oh and once we are swapped, I insist you don’t swap with anyone else. I also insist you wear gloves anytime you leave this room, just in case you get tempted.

That’s fine.

Seconds after that conversation he was stood directly in front of me. He had lifted my t shirt. I was about to tell him to wait, my mind was doing overtime and I suddenly thought this was a mistake. It was too late he had already pushed his finger into my belly button and he was moving in for a kiss.

His finger began to pulsate inside my stomach. I saw him close his eyes and appear lifeless. I felt a presence inside my stomach and then another inside my mouth. I was being invaded. The two presences’ manoeuvred all around my body and settled them self in. Then I felt like I was detached from my own body and split in two. Everything went dark. I began to feel as though I was moving, I was. I was travelling to my stomach and mouth and I entered his finger and his mouth. Then I started to feel human again as I attached myself to his body. I felt each part of him reconnect with my mind individually. His feet, his legs, his dick his upper body, arms and hands then his head and face. I was now fully inside him and I opened my eyes and saw my former self smiling back at me. It was like I was looking in a mirror. Only it wasn’t my reflection any more.

Wow, I’m you and your me. It really worked.

It sure did.

I began to look at my new body. I had seen him daily, shirtless but I’d never noticed how smooth his skin was. He was hairless compared to my body thst was covered with hair. It felt strange when I ran my hands across his chest and stomach. I’m not sure I’ll get used to being so naked, my body wasn’t one for show, but his was. I had enough of his memories to know he had a size 28” waist, an 8” dick that was quite thin when hard, he had a typical scally sized feet, being a 7 or 8. He could fit in clothes that were small but preferred to get medium for the bagginess. He hated vegetables, loved potatoes, usually survived on a McDonald’s meal each day. Loved to party and cheap vodka was his favourite. He loved to bling but could rarely afford jewellery. Fuck, did I mention I love to walk around shirtless and I’m almost hairless too. Yeah I did, but I love it so much it was worth mentioning again. I was so connected to him now that even the smell of my room didn’t bother me. The unwashed sheets didn’t bother me. In fact it’s time for a snooze. My former body reminded me it was temporary, and to always wear gloves, then he left. I took off his layers of clothes from his lower body. I took care to examine everything.

His sexy sneakers that were a bit trashed. His socks, sexy white ones that were a little dirty. The weed stash that fell from my ankle as I removed his socks. His arched feet

His trackies and shorts and boxers revealing long, really long legs.

Time for bed and some exploration, I’ll shower when I wake up.

Oh and by the way, scallies layer their clothes because if one of their mates turns up wearing the same, they can quickly change.



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