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Mate, I’ve got to admit, this new feature on the cameras you can buy these days is kind of weird.

I haven’t seen it, what does it do?

It’s this setting here, it says MAN.

Oh yeah, I’ve seen that. It just means manual mode.

I thought that too, but it’s not manual mode. It means something else.

What makes you think that?

Well, every time I use it it freezes the person I’ve taken the picture of. Turns them into some kind of mannequin.

Really, like they can’t move?

No, they are frozen solid. I habe to snap another pic on the REV setting to make them move again.

Mate, I think you have one of the new cameras. The MAN setting isn’t manual, it’s mannequin. It turns the person in the picture into a hollow suit. It allows the person who took the picture to wear the suit and become the person whose picture you’ve taken. REV is reverse. NEVER, use thst if someone is inside the suit, it seals them inside the suit and they become the person they are inside forever with no way of getting out.

Really? Turning someone into a body suit sounds really weird. Going inside their body sounds even more weird. I don’t think I’ll be keeping this camera.

I’ll take it off your hands. There’s one guy I’d love to try on as a suit, I wouldn’t want to get stuck as him.

I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that, it’s all far too weird for me, I don’t want to ruin our friendship by remembering stuff like that. But here, take the camera, I don’t want to risks using it anymore.

Thanks mate. Hey ash, smile for the camera.

You double crossing biiii

I’m guessing you were gonna say bitch? Oh you can’t answer. Your just a skin suit now aren’t you ash? Don’t worry I’ll be sure to return you to the exact same place and position, but I’m gonna have some fun being you first.

I walked over to him, looked him up and down. He was post workout, half dressed in our local boxing club. He was a bit smelly. And a bit dirty too. He had clearly just finished work and headed straight here. I then realised I’d never been this close to another man before. His body was a lot fitter than mine but he was smaller, I wondered how I was going to fit inside him. I scrambled through his belongings and found the manual for the the camera, I went straight to the mannequin page. It said one size fits all and to climb in through the mouth. It suggested being naked for the experience to be skin tight. I didn’t have an issue with any of that. So I picked him up, he was really light. I suppose a man who is just skin is very light. I carried him into a private cubicle.

Once there I locked the door and stripped. His skin was so stretchy and it was really easy for me to make his mouth wide enough to fit myself inside feet first. I felt his tongue scraping against my feet then his teeth scraping my legs. I manouvered him around and plunged my feet and legs down in to the hollowness of his legs. They wrapped around me and I felt his skin suck and attach it’s self to my skin. For a few seconds his body had stretched to accommodate my much larger size but soon enough it had adjusted back to normal and had compressed my lower half inside his. His mouth was now massively wide open around my waist. I pulled it up some more and then scrambled around inside with my arms and hands to find my dick, I pushed it inside his dick shaft. It was so erotic it was almost enough to make me cum. I really wanted to cum now, but I thought better of it. I can’t imagine it would be a very comfortable experience having a skin suit attached to you with a layer of cum between. I raised him up some more and managed to get my torso, arms and hands inside his, again his skin stretched to accommodate my body but soon shrank back down with the sucking sound. Now all that remained was his head, as it clobber around at the back of my neck. I reached around and pulled it over my own. I was in, fully inside him now. All of his features were now mine, right down to the intricate horny detail. Every molecule of him now belonged to me and was under my control. From his feet, to his head, the oddly shaped muscles on his stomach, the treasure trail of hair from his naval to his penis. I couldn’t wait to explore that later. I was in awe of his body, I loved the fact he was post work out and needed to shower from that and from working earlier in the day. I loved the little hairs on his chin. I knew nothing about him, the only things I knew were facts about his body like his shoe size, waist size, dick size and medical conditions that would affect his body. I didn’t know where he lived, what he did for a job, nothing. I searched his belongings discovered his driving license which told me where he lived. I also discovered what make of car he drove from the keys.

I headed for the shower and enjoyed every moment of cleaning my new body, his body for the first time.

The manual said I could stay within his body for as long as I wanted. And I definitely planned to abuse this feature. I packed up my belongings and his into his bag. I picked up the camera. There was an image of ash on the screen. It was the picture I took of him before I went inside him. I moved the setting away from MAN and away from REV. I thought I had turned it to off. However, there was another setting. MER. as I placed the camera in my bag. I got to my new car, threw the bag on the seat next to me. Then, I heard the click and the computerised sound of a picture being taken.

Sudnelly, I felt huge, I was expanding from inside. Then my head began to pound. It didn’t last long, but all of a sudden I could hear a voice in my head. It was ash’s voice. And I knew EVERYTHING about him. Ash knew what I had done and what had happened. The camera had merged our two bodies together and linked our minds. We were now completely in separable, I was still him though I was still in complete control. Ash told me if two more settings on the camera. SEP, for separate. This would allow him to come out of his own body, with mine. And SWP, which stood for swap, this would swap our minds around, leaving him back in control of his own body, we could then use SEP to get me out. I had no intentions of using SWP, for now I was perfectly happy being ash with him being a voice in my head. I learned that ash had planned this, although his plans were for a week, mine were for much longer. The only issue I was going to have was the voice in my head, because I could only talk back to him using my voice. The final setting was SIL which silenced the voice in my head.

I’m certainly not leaving his body any time soon.



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