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So, you really want me to use my powers to transform you into him?

Yep, that was my plan.

Why though.

He’s young, he’s skinny and he’s got abs. I’ve never had abs, never been able to get them no matter how hard I’ve worked out.

You realise he’s only thst skinny because he doesn’t eat. You realise he doesn’t eat because he’s a broke ass bitch. You realise that along with his body, you get his life meaning you’ll become that broke ass bitch.

Yes I know all that. I’ve done my research into him. He can’t keep a job and is often in trouble with the law. With my mind in his body I can change all that.

Sometimes things can’t change, you might not be able to change his ways. Worse yet, you might and end up changing him so much, getting money in your bank and end up fat and old just like you are now.

I doubt it, but it will be a fun journey getting there if it does happen like that.

Okay, well so long as you know what your doing. Just to remind you, there’s no going back. He gets your body and life, money, job, family, everything.

Yes I know, I also know he doesn’t realise he has been swapped so he just carries in being me after the swap.

Yes he does indeed. So for it to work I need something of yours and something of his. Have you planned how to get something of his?

Yep, he’s always walking around shirtless. He often leaves his shirt beside him when he sits on the beach, I’m going to take it when he’s not looking and leave mine there.

Well, he might not notice but there are others who would and I’m sure one of them busybody’s will tell him you’ve just stolen his shirt. And why would he then put on a random shirt that’s left where he was. You need him to wear it or it won’t work. Your dressed in a shirt and tie, not his usual attire. You need another plan.

Ok, how about I offer him a trade, his shirt for mine. And I can ask him to model my shirt for me.

That’s better. He might do that, but he might say no. He might want some cash too. Don’t forget, the cash you give him will be yours anyway. I happen to know his bank balance is 0. So it’s probably a good idea to give him quite a bit.

I can do that. I’ve got 2k in cash in my wallet.

2k is a lot for him, you’ll probably need it. I’ll wait here, bring me whatever you trade with him before you wear it. All your clothes are ready for him to wear but I need his clothes before you wear them.

Hi mate, I wondered if you’d consider a trade, my shirt for your shirt. I’ve been looking for a shirt like that for months mate.

Nah, I don’t want your shirt, wouldn’t suit me. Don’t wear shirts. In fact I don’t wear tops often at all.

Come on mate, I’ll throw in some cash if you model it for me.

Nah not worth my time mate. Hold on, are those doc martins?

Yes mate, vintage doc martins. Been in my family for decades. I only wear them once in a while. They were over $1000 when they were new, now they are probably worth ten times that.

Nice one, I’ll trade my sneaks for your boots, I’ve wanted some docs for years.

Okay, I’ll throw in 2k if you wear them one and I can snap a picture of you wearing them?

It’s a deal mate.

He was extremely quick to toss off his adidas sneaks and throw them at me. He even gave me his socks. I reluctantly took off my docs and my socks and handed them to him. He sat down on a bench and began to put on my boots. Then he stood up, waved his phone in my face demanding the 2k and reminding me to take the pic. He wanted one in his phone too. I quite hurriedly snapped the pic and handed him the cash. I then walked away 2k lighter, barefoot with his socks and sneaks in my hand.

Wow mate, I’m impressed. I knew he would accept money from you but I wasn’t actually expecting him to hand over any of his clothes, let alone socks and sneaks.

Yeah, he had a fascination of my doc martens, they are a family heirloom, but I won’t need them once I’m him. Plus he didn’t question the 2k.

I bet he didn’t, 2k is probably more money than he has ever had, we had probably make the swap happen before he spends it all. Won’t take a lap like him long to blow it.

Yeah we better do it quick. How does it happen?

Well, you probably didn’t notice, but I managed to touch everything you were wearing just before you went over to speak to him, I touched your trousers, shirt, socks and shoes, I even managed to ouch the waist band of your underwear. Although I highly doubted it would be underwear that he swapped with you, I touched it just in case. Now all your clothes are prepared to turn any one who wears them into the person who last wore them, but nothing will happen to him, unless someone else wears something belonging to him. All i need to do is touch the socks and sneaks he gave you and then you need to put them on. You’ll start to swap straight away, but the process will only complete at midnight.

Ok cool, that’s about six hours from now, should I put them on now?

Yes mate, the sooner the better he needs to still be wearing your stuff when you put his stuff on. So now Is a good time. It’s probably a good thing he gave you his socks as well as his sneaks. If he just gave you his sneaks and you were a different size then it might of been a struggle for you or him to get them on. But the socks will prepare your feet, it will likely of already changed his feet into yours and yours into his.

Is this defiantly going to work? Or have I just wasted 2k.

No you haven’t wasted 2k, but by my estimates he’s already spent a few quid. He will stop spending once you’ve begun to turn into him by putting on his socks. And, yes, it will work, I assure you of that. You’ll be able to tell when you put his sneaks on. You’ll suddenly realise that his much smaller sneaks, being a 7 will fit your feet even though they are a 12 because by wearing his socks your feet will of turned into his. Other than that, you’ll not notice anything until midnight. You’ll feel strange for the rest of the day, but Up till then all the changes will be happening from within. But at 11.59 your entire body will twist, convulse, bend and transform. So will his. At 00.00 you will be him and he will be you. The galaxy will reset its self and ensure your new body is where it should be and his where it should be, don’t ask me how that happens, it just does. At 00.01 you’ll awake with a raging headache, and muscle ache all over your body, you’ll be dripping with sweat. Then at 00.02 it’s all over, the aches are gone, the sweat disappears and you will be him completley from then on, he will be you.

After a few moments I had put on his socks and I had already noticed my feet were now much smaller. It was going to work. The next few hours I just went along with what I was supposed to be doing and the next thing I remembered was waking up with a raging headache, I was covered in sweat. However, I had got my wish I was him.



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