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Control, control, come in control!

What’s up 3591, how can we help?

Yeah, there’s a problem with my latest download. I’m set up not to be given any assignments that require me to be downloaded into a guy who has a hairy body. I can deal with hairs anywhere else, but not on my chest, stomach or back and you know my thoughts about facial hair. I knew I was due to change today, I checked my assignments yesterday and the guy you’ve given me wasn’t in my queue. There has to be a mistake.

3591. No mistake sir. It was a last minute change. This assignment has the highest priority. Chief said only you would be able to complete it. You woke very early, we had planned on letting you know but we simply didn’t have the time.

Well chief was wrong, I can’t complete it if I’m not happy with who I am. You all know that.

3591, unfortunately your going to have to find the time to make your self happy. You know a download is not reversible. Your assignment should only last a week or so and you know the downloads can’t be hurried along. Your stuck in this body for a month. You know that.

I refuse. Put me in another assignment. Download me into a new host.

3591. A reminder refusal to complete an assignment will lock you into your current body for twelve months. Can we offer an alternative solution, at the company’s expense of course.

Of course, but I’m not at all happy about this one bit.

3591, shave your face. And the company will get your body waxed.

I’m not going through all that pain. I’ll be red raw for days and it will be growing back in about two weeks.

3591, we can place you into a temporary holdimg John Doe body, but as you know they only have enough power for two days life. We can get your body waxed, relieved of the red raw situation and returned. Then you can continue in this body and complete the assignment. Will you accept this?

I don’t have much choice do I? What are the doe’ like these days?

3591, No, not a lot of choice. Image of doe’s coming through now .

Oh wow, the doe’s are quite hot. Lots of ink.

3591. They are regional specific now. Specially adjusted to match and blend with stereotypical guys in the area. As you can see almost no hair.

I could get used to a body like his.

3591, they are available for you at retirement, looking at your records, you’ve got five years service left for us. You’ll be offered one, including a portable recharger for free in five years. But for now it’s two days. Are you ready?

Sure am, can’t wait to peak under that towel.

3591, just be sure to return by this time in 2 days, your assignments body will of been waxed . Don’t get caught short, don’t be stuck in a doe! Once they are discharged we can’t trace them.



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