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You wanna trade bodies?

Yep, that’s the plan.

With me? I’m almost 40, your only just 20.

Yep, that’s he idea?

You really want my old body for a month?

How many times, YES. I need to know whether to accept the body swapping experiment contract which ensures I’ll have an eternal life and never be older than 25. I need to know if being 40 is worth it before I agree to it and sign on the dotted line.

Your really debating never getting older than 25, I can tell you now you’ll want to be signing that contract. In fact I want to be signing that contract, where do I sign up?

Sorry mate, at the moment it’s only open for 20 year olds, but if the trial goes well it will be extended to the older generations.

We’ll make sure you put me down on that list.

You can put your own name on the list when your me for the month. Suppose it’s a trial for you too, see if you like being 20 again.

Mate, I don’t need no trial to decide that. Life beyond 30 is great, most lads are settled and stuff, but once you got 35, you start to feel it. And you’ve gotta wayptch what you eat or you put on the pounds. Why me though?

I’ve seen you around, you like to work out, your better than the average 40 year old around here.

Okay, just one question, what’s with the hair?

Well it was my idea to try and see what I’d look like old, with white hair, it didn’t really work out. You can cut it out or dye it again if you want too.

I’ll see, it kind of suits you. But I’ll change it if I don’t like it. If that’s ok?

Fine by me, for the month, this will be YOUR body, YOUR life, it’s yours to do exactly what you want with. And at the end of the month we will swap back. Hopefully by then the trial will of been extended and if you’ve enjoyed being 20 again you can carry on with someone else.

Maybe, hopefully. How does the swap work then?

Oh it’s really simple. We meet, we buy a drink, add a special blend of chemicals to it, spit in each other’s drink, mix it up, then drink each other’s drink.

I’ve gotta drink your spit?

Yeah, but it’s not as bad as it sounds. The spit and the chemicals don’t change the drinks taste. And by the end of the swap, by the time all of the drink is gone, in a way you’ll of drank your own spit because we will of swapped bodies.

And that’s it? By the end of the drink, I’m you and your me?

Yep, you’ll be me, wearing my clothes, or lack of depending how hot it is and if I’m wearing a top. You’ll even have my necklace and my piercings. Actually, Well, you’ll look like me, to get each other’s memories we need to kiss. Only a quick kiss, that has to last at least 5 seconds. It’s the joining of our lips that makes our minds merge so we are able to take on each other’s lives.

Fuck man, this sounds quite horny. Piercings though, I can only see one ear pierced, where else you got done?

You’ll find out, it’s a very erotic place. When do you want to meet?

Tonight? My place?


Once he got to my place, he got two bottles of juice from his bag, he had bought my favourite. He handed one bottle to me along with a small vile of body swap chemicals. We both added the chemicals to our drinks, spat in them, mixed it up and traded drinks.

Mate, whatever you do, don’t down it, you need to drink it gradually, and we both need to drink it at the same pace, the change will begin instantly from our feet upwards. The last parts of us to change will be our faces and our dicks. If we aim to drink the entire bottle over half an hour, we should be fully changed in about 45 minutes.

Fine by me.

From now on in, things are going to get weird. Obviously, neither of us have done this before but I’ve had a bit of training. Now we have both had a bit of the drink our bodies are going to start to trade places.


First of our shoes and socks will disappear. Then our feet, toes and ankles. From the stumps on our legs new feet will grow, feet belonging to each other. You won’t be able to control your replacement feet, however you’ll still be able to control your own feet even though they are attached to my body. It will happen for each part of us that swaps and will only change after the kiss.

Yeah mate, it looks like I’ve already got your feet, they look smaller and younger, the skin tone is defiantly Parker. I’m wiggling my toes, they ain’t moving.

Mine are, this is weird. Take another sip of the drink.

Mate, my legs, they are gone. No wait, I’ve got legs again, yours…

Yeah, I’ve got your older ones, longer ones. I don’t think we should try and walk on each other’s legs not until we are fully swapped.

Agreed. Fucks sake, I’ve got your pigeon chest and abs now. I was sceptical about this but clearly it’s working. It feels good to be young again.

I bet it does, I’ve just got your inked arms and hands.


Hey what was that for?

Just felt like slapping you, well me! I used your hands to slap your face. It’s funny.

Well the joke is on you cause your about to get the stinging red cheeks from your hand slap.

Fuck, the drink is all gone, this is it I’m nearly completely you.

Yep, now you’ve got the red face!

And it hurts too! your me, your old. This is fucking weird mate, I can move but I’m moving you. It’s like your a puppet. I’m talking but it’s coming out of your mouth. Mate we gotta kiss soon. This is just too weird.

Just a few more minutes mate. Our clothes need to appear first, and you’ll feel the peircings arrive soon.

Oh holy fuck, I can feel the prick of the needle. There’s one in your dick and one in your balls. The ring and bar is growing from inside me. You horny little devil you!

Haha, your the horny little young devil now. I love getting pierced, feel free to surprise me with some more when we swap back. It looks like our clothes have just appeared, ready to kiss?

Gotta do sooner or later ain’t we. What’s the smell?

It’s you. It’s what you smell like now, mixture of teenage skin, combined with cologne and probably three days without a shower! Probably should of warned you. Once we’ve kissed you’ll not notice it.

Yeah, probably not but I’ll still know about it, 3 days without a shower!?!?

Yeah, that’s probably my limit. Besides it gives you chance to explore your new younger body for a while. Kiss??




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