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Why are you wearing a mask, your at a private indoor party? Do you really believe in all the government hype that a mask is going to protect you?

The government hype is there to protect us all, so yes I believe in it. But that’s not why I’m wearing it.

Go on then, why are you wearing it?

You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.

I’ll decide if I believe you or not.

Okay, well the mask is there to protect you and everyone else at this party.

So it’s for covid reasons? Take it off, we don’t care about that shit, we’re all vaccinated anyway.

Not to protect you from covid, to protect you from me. You see the mask it’s the only way I’ve found to stop it happening. Up until the government forced us all to wear masks I was cursed.

Cursed? With what?

It’s a very weird situation where I change.

Change into what?

Change into whoever is stood in front of me, or near me. If I breathe the same air as them I become them. I told you it was weird, and you probably won’t believe me.

I might believe you if you can demonstrate it.

I’m quite happy with who I am right now, this isn’t my real body, the one I was born with but I like it.

Fine, definitely don’t believe you then. What happens to the guy you become?

They become me, it used to happen all the time before the mask, randomally in the queue for the bus or walking down the street. I’d suddenly find myself walking in the opposite direction.

It’s a body swap curse then? So why don’t you demo it with me or Karl? Then once you’ve proved you can do it you can swap back.

Yes it’s a curse, I don’t want this, but it’s what happens to me. And I wouldn’t swap into Karl. Me and him, we’re pretty much the same. But if your offering your muscles to me I’d happily take them on.

Yeah, go for it, just for a little bit though I want to swap back.

I’ve never found a way to swap back into someone I’ve been before, it’s a one way trip I’m afraid.

So if I let you do this, I’m stuck as you?

Yep, that’s the way it is.

Okay, well I couldn’t see my self being so short.

Hey, I’d love to be you, shorter, easier to get muscle mass. How about a three way swap. Is that possible? Said Karl.

I’ve never tried, I don’t see why not, I’d need to become you first Karl, then James.

Cool, go for it. Does it hurt? What do we need to do?

Nope it doesn’t hurt and all you need to do is stand in front of me and breathe. My mind will detach from this body and enter yours. Your mind will wonder what is going on and find the only ‘empty’ body it can, mine. Instantly I’ll be you and you’ll be me. Here, I’ve took my mask off.

Oh fuck this is really happening, I’m Karl now, the guy in the left of the picture. Karl is now Alan, the guy with the mask and alan is now enjoying my body with its hard earned muscle. He sends me selfies everyday. I love getting pics of my old body it really turns me on.



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