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Hey Jamie, just checking in with you, seeing if you still wanted to try out body swapping with me?

Well Connor, I know I said I would, but I have to admit, I don’t see the point, we are both lads, we look quite similar too. And I’m not sure I wanna be turned into someone else. It’s going to be a bit weird looking in the mirror and seeing you instead of me. It’s going to be weird using your hands to do stuff. And I’m certain I don’t wanna touch another man’s dick. Especially not yours, no offence

Well for me mate, it’s a thrill, an addiction. And the experiences you mention, seeing me in the mirror, using my hands, touching my dick, it’s all relative. Since you know you are me then it doesn’t feel like your touching another man’s dick or seeing me in he mirror. You are literally me, 100% inside and out. So your using your own hands, seeing your own reflection, touching your own dick.

Okay, I’m convinced. Have you done it before?

Yep. Quite a few times.

Ok, why me then?

No reason, just thought I’d ask if you wanted too that’s all.

Just had a kid haven’t you?

Yep, good sleeper though.

I bet…

Well, it would be nice to get a break from 4am feeds.

Ok well I’m still thinking about it. I wanna know what it’s like to have a kid before I decide to have any of my own. How long do we have to swap for?

It’s a week or 2 if you want, but a minimum of a week.

Fuck it bro, I’m feeling cute today, fresh out of the shower. let’s do it. How does it happen?

It’s all a bit weird really but quite harmless and simple. I’ve got an app on my phone. All you need to do is send me a selfie, then the app will send you one of me. Next time we meet up the app will start our switch, all we need to do is touch each other, a simple handshake will do, and the app takes care of the rest.

I’m not waiting around to meet up with you, if we don’t do it today, I’ll probably change my mind.

It’s fine bro, we can meet straight after you’ve got the selfie if you want?

Yeah, we will have too. Or I might change my mind.

Nah, you won’t mate, besides, once you’ve done it once you’ll want to do it again and again. And not always with me, you’ll want to be other people too.

Ok, I’ve sent the selfie. What happens when we meet and shake hands?

Well, you’ll have to experience it to understand but trust me it’s amazing. You’ll get a sudden rush, then we will merge, not completley, just where we touch. Then we will change, transform, grow and shrink into each other. It truly is wonderful. I’ve sent a selfie back, and the app has registered that we will swap when we next meet. There’s no going back now, even if we don’t meet for years to come, we will still swap. Wanna come to my place in half an hour?


Hi Jamie, I wasn’t sure you’d come, but I’m glad you did. Are you ready?

Ready as I’ll ever be.

Okay, come sit down next to me, make your self comfy. It’s gonna be your place soon, so treat it that way. Take your shoes off, put your feet up so to speak.

You sure you don’t mind..?

I don’t mind at all, my place is your place. My body is soon to be yours.

Cool, I don’t like shoes in a house, so I will if you don’t mind. How shall we start.

There’s a few options, we could just deliberately shake hands, give each other a hug. Since you have bare feet, I could give you a foot massage, well it won’t end up being much of a massage, but it would be a start. Or we could just hang out and touch accidentally at some point soon.

Nah, I don’t want it to start by accident. How about you kiss me?

I could, but then our faces would merge, and we wouldn’t witness the transformation.

Ok, fair point. I won’t lie mate, my dick is throbbing. I may of been reluctant at first but I’m so excited right now.

Is that an invitation?

I suppose it is.

I’ll not get to feel it much really. As soon as I touch it, my hand will merge into it. I’m gonna do it.

He lifted his legs so they were lay across my lap. I reached down his trackies into his briefs and laid my hand on his throbbing dick and my other hand onto one of his feet. Both of my hands were now merging with parts of him.

Fuck me mate, I knew you were big, but it feels like it’s bigger than I expected.

I’ve never had any complaints, I’m sure you’ve never noticed how big it is when I’ve been hard, I’m careful to hide it when I’m around others. You were right about the rush, I feel like ecstasy. I can see what’s happened to my foot, A weird mass of skin and flesh, I’m guessing my dick is the same.

Your face is beautiful man, your smile gorgeous, I think I do want to kiss you.

I’ll let you but I want to watch as much of this as I can, so wait till near the end please.

Our transformation began and I was turning into Jamie. Inside and out. It felt amazing. I loved the transformation part. Every molecule of our bodies was converting. As soon as I knew it was almost complete, I lent in to kiss him, just before our heads changed. Our faces merged and then our memories became one. I felt fabric grow from within my skin and the swap was over. Jamie, now adorned my body and was sat in his original position with his legs across my lap. I was now Jamie, with one hand on my former dick and my other hand on my former foot. Our faces detached from each other and we were fully transformed. The last few moments had been absolute bliss. Now I had some exploring to do and experience Jamie’s body.

So we swap back in a week, maybe two exactly the same place?

Yes mate.



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