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Tonight was the last straw. I was sick of living above these two youths. It was bad enough walking by them in the street with a constant smell of weed. I hated the smell, it gave me headaches. It seemed that they had recently decided to start smoking it in their flat, or had a particular pungent crop as the smell was now coming through the floor into my flat.

I was stopping on my floor, I know they heard me. But they didn’t realise it was doing my head in. I remembered an old saying that if you can’t beat them, join them. However, I wasn’t going to join them with their habits and I highly doubted I would beat them but I still decided it was time to confront them.

I headed down to their floor and noticed their door was ajar. I knocked and shouted for them to come to the door but they were either ignoring me or too stoned to realise. Enough was enough and I chose to walk into their flat. I was greeted by both of them giving me a thumbs up sat on a single bed.

Come on lads, give me a break, please stop smoking that shit in your flat.

Hey bro, do you want to try some, it’s good stuff.

No thanks, I’m not into it.

Have you ever had it?

No, never have never will, never even smoked a normal fag.

They both laughed

Well, I think this calls for the full experience then.

The full package, are you sure?

Of course I’m sure.

What’s the full package?

Oh you will see…

Seconds later the one in grey undies stood up, cracked his knuckles and clenched a fist. He lunged towards me and threw his fist towards my stomach. In the last second he stopped and changed his clenched fist to a open hand. His hand slapped me in the stomach. I was expecting immense pain. Instead there was just a dull ache. I looked down at my stomach to see his hand had disappeared and must of been inside my stomach. His arm was getting whiter and it appeared as though my stomach was devouring his arm. The ache became a little more intense as I saw him twist what was remaining of his arm, which moved his hand. He looked at me and grinned.

The full experience.

He stepped a little closer to me and placed his feet on top of mine. His feet sank within mine. My body continued to devour his and pretty soon his entire body was inside mine. I felt like I had doubled in size and weight. Then I felt very strange and suddnelly I could no longer see the bed with his mate sat on it. I saw the room at the opposite side of the room. I began to move without wanting too and I was now stood back to back. I looked down and I was now wearing a pair of grey undies and nothing else. My new naked body was his and not mine.

The full experience is yours, enjoy your spliff, enjoy my body your one of us now. And while your me, I’ll be you and concert your body into a joint smoking whore just like us.



Ryan Thomas

Man I want someone to step on my feet to push inside my body, just 2 guys occupying the same space, it’s so hot