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It began with me noticing his cheesy, cute yet geeky grin. His ear piercings, and I’m sure there was a tattoo on the back of his neck. When I first met Tyler in the local store, I was filling up my car with fuel. I went to pay, it was him who I tried to pay. There was enough in my account to cover it, I knew there was, I had just been paid. However, for some reason my card kept declining. He told me to go to a cash point to try to get some cash out. Again, it kept declining. I headed back to the store and told him my dilemma. And that’s where my new journey began.

His grin grew wider. My bill was around 150, he told me that worked out to 3 days worth of pay for him and he only had 3 more working days over the next 5, including today, he told me his shift had only just started. I asked him why I needed to know how much he had to work, and he told me it would all become clear in a few moments. He told me of the options.

1. Report to the police for theft of fuel without ability to pay.

2. Work his shifts to cover the bill.

I opted for option 2 right away, there was no way this was a police matter. I didn’t see why I should only have these 2 options, but he told me that coming back to pay another time wasn’t an option.

Oh, I’m so pleased you agreed to option 2.

Tyler, I’ve never worked in a store before, I’m not sure I even know how.

Oh that’s absolutely fine sir, you’ll know exactly what to do and how to do it within seconds.

Seconds? St really that easy?

No, not that easy, training is normally as least a week before they let you loose in here.

So how will I know what to do?

Simple, I’ll pay the bill with the cash in my pocket, then I’ll leave.

Still, Tyler, if you leave I won’t know how to do your job.

You will, because I will be leaving with your car, your body and your life for five days.

What? Five days? My body, how?

We will swap places sir. You will be me, I’ll be you. And it has to be five days, I’m working today, Wednesday and Friday. You’ll only pay off your debt at the end of my third working day and we can’t swap back until the debt is paid.

Oh, I get you now, bit weird isn’t it? Swapping places with someone to pay a debt. Done it before?

A few times, yer, but only with guys like you who have decent cars, who clearly have a lot of money. I just like to experience the good life once in a while.

Oh, well, my life is very good. How do we do it?

You see this blue cover on my wrist? Most think it’s a wrist support, it is, but it’s covering a device in my wrist that links to all the nerves in my hand. Oh by the way, you’ll have to wear it all the time while your me.


The device transfers my consciousness to someone else’s body just by shaking their hand. Then their consciousness is transferred into my body. We have each other’s memories whilst we are swapped. You sure you want to do it?

Become Tyler, become you? Your not much older than 20 are you?

I was 20 a week ago.

Happy birthday for a week ago Tyler. Do I want to be twenty years younger, in a fit looking body for five days? Too fucking right I do?

I held out my hand and Tyler held his out and as our hands touched I felt my mind disconnect from my body and travel in to his

Fuck, Tyler.

Hey, I’m not Tyler now, you are.

Fuck, I’m Tyler, fuck I’m a bit of a scally ain’t I.

You are indeed.

Fuck you didn’t tell me about being a scally, you didn’t tell me exactly how fit you are, I am.

You never asked, is it a problem?

A problem, no, not at all, enjoy yourself bye. I’m going to enjoy this.

Bye Tyler.

Wait, what’s this. “Link to card readers and atms disabled, can not connect, re enable? Contact support?” Fuck, he’s done this deliberately. I should be mad, it I’m not, I’m so happy I’m ecstatic. I might see if he wants to stay this way.



Ryan Thomas

Damn I wouldn’t mind taking him for a spin