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Mate, I can’t believe you read that spell out loud, you habe no idea where that book came from.

Relax, it’s not like it’s going to come true is it? It’s fairy tale magic. And the book, it was in the trunk of that old woman’s car.

What the old lady who had a green tint to her skin, the white hair? The one who looked like a which?

Yep that’s her.

Well didn’t the spell say that we would be forced into the bodies and take over he lives of the next people we talk too? Didn’t it say that we would only have 1 route home, that we would have no choice to walk to the nearest bus stop and that we would be forced to get there by walking in our birthday suite? Didn’t it say that the only way to get our own bodies back is to make our former bodies sleep with us and have sex, and that we had to do it within a month or be stuck in the swapped bodies?

It did, it said exactly that.

Well, haven’t you noticed that your clothes are missing. My clothes are missing. We are naked, in our birthday suites!

Now you mention it, it is a little colder than normal, my clothes are missing, and so are yours.

Well, I’d say he spell isn’t a fairy tale and it is happening.

Fuck, what are we going to do?

Well, I’m guessing we will switch places with the next people we talk too.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. I don’t want to switch places with anyone. The spell said that they wouldn’t know about the swap. How the hell are we going to make us sleep with, well us.?

It’s gonna be a tricky one. I’m guessing we need to seduce us some how?

But we are both straight, the spell said we would only switch with the same sex. It’s going to be more than tricky, it’s going to be impossible.

Okay, I have an idea. It’s only gonna work If we swap with a couple, a gay couple. I think I know just the guys. They walk past here every day, on their way to the gym, I know they will be on the bus at the same time we get there. Since they walk past here twice a day, every day we will just have to come in here each day and ‘chat’ us up. It should be easy since we know what gets us going. If by the end of it we haven’t managed them to sleep with us, then we will have no choice but to force our new selves on to our old selves and hope to got it leads for them fucking us.

Cool mate, that’s the plan then.

They will be on their way now, shall we invite them in here or do it on the bus?

I think here is going to be better, the spell said that our clothes for these bodies will be in the changing room here, and they are going to need clothes. We will do the walk of shame to the end of the street, I know they will follow us in. And once we have chatted with them, we will be them.

If the rest of the spell works.

I have a feeling it will.

Moments later the two guys were in sight. I wolf whistled and they looked over. We both walked out, together and started behaving like hookers, we wanted them to see us and follow us back inside. Which they did.

Fuck, they are both so young and they are still in gym gear.

And? I’m young.

I know that, but I’m nearly 40. Not sure I’ll want to be so young again. And what if I like being young? I might not want to swap back, but I don’t want to be gay.

Well that is a dilemma. It’s now or never. I think. You want the one with the cap or the tall one?

Neither if I’m totally honest. I’m guessing you have a preference. You pick.

Which one is going to be the top do you think?

The top?

Yer, the guy that fucks is the top, the guy who gets fucked is the bottom.

Oh fuck, oh fuck. I hope you pick the right one. Don’t think I’d handle being fucked.

Let me see, it looks like the one in the cap has the bigger dick, though the other one could be wearing protection. Fuck it, I’ll take the taller one. He must have the bigger dick. He’s having to hide it and he has bigger hands and feet. His dick is gonna be too big to fuck the smaller one. Having said all that, they might both be versatile.

They are coming in, just talk to one of em. Shake his hand so I know who your talking too.

Here goes.

Seconds later I’m looking back at my former body. Naked and pale as hell. I’ve just taken over the taller guy and I’m now called Robert. I grinned as I realised I would be ducking garrat tonight. I was right, I had the bigger dick, but I was the top. The spell said we would have to live the lives of our new bodies exactly as they would so garrat would have no choice but to get fucked by me.



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