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After watching a few mates on the motocross circuits I couldn’t help wondering what it would be like having the talent to drive those kind of bikes. It had developed into more than a fascination.

Tyler had become an object of desire. He always seemed to win and was a bit of a twink. I used to be a little twink(ish) but now I was older and getting fatter I was more of a twunk. I had learned many aspects of Tyler, from his interest in leather to his shoe size, an 8 and his height being only 5ft 6. He was also extremely protective of his gear especially his motocross boots. Tyler became a desire quite quickly and I found myself thing about being with him, connecting with him somehow and spending my life with him. In fact it was more than that, I wanted to become him. It was a really strange feeling that I couldn’t shake off.

A few weeks later, I won a competition and I got to get up close to Tyler. I had won an afternoon with the drivers, in their lounge. At the end of the day they promised some one on one time with each driver. I was led to their changing room which was strewn with leather biking gear and boots. It was like heaven to me.

Finally Tyler came in. He said I hope you don’t mind but I need to shower first. Of course I didn’t mind! He stripped to his underwear directly in my field of view. Leaving his gear and his size 8 boots right in front of me before disappearing into the shower. I checked around and no one was there. So I decided to go and check out his sweaty used worn biking leathers. First there was a grey T-shirt, covered in sweat. His sweat. I took it and brought it up to my nose. The stench was beautiful. It smelled just like I had imagined Tyler would. I wasn’t really interested in the leathers but weirdly I wondered what it would be like to feel them against my own skin, but heck they wouldn’t fit me.

Then I saw his boots with a pair of mucky white socks resting on the top, tucked slightly inside the boots. I was extremely intrigued, I was finally getting close to Tyler, closer than I ever expected. I picked up the boots. I felt inside them with my hands. I noticed all the groves where his toes and heal would normally sit, they were still warm, sweaty and musky. They would be he had only just taken them off a few moments ago. I checked and confirmed the size, an 8. I was a size 12, so there was no way they would fit.

Something came over me and I needed to try them on and experience walking in his boots. I needed to make them fit. Let’s hope I don’t damage them. As I slid my bare feet into each one there seemed to be a really strong vacuum, it was pulling and forcing each foot deeper into the boots. It was a strong sucking sensation and even the sound was there. Some how both of my feet were fully inside, so were my ankles and some of my legs. Wow they fit me. My feet were both in pain, they weren’t flat against the sole of the boots, my toes were curled, but they were on my feet, that’s all that mattered. The sucking sensation continued and intensified. My feet seemed to be heating up. Suddenly I felt my heals and toes connect into the indents of Tyler’s boots. I felt intense pleasure. The pain was gone, but the sucking continued.

The heat began to radiate up from my feet and into my calf’s. I was enjoying the experience so much I didn’t care if Tyler or anyone else decided to come in. I did the buckles up now that my feet were firmly planted into Tyler’s boots. Sucking sensation was now extremely powerful and now irradiated address my entire body. I was definitely in heaven now and a feeling of complete ecstasy was washing all over me. I looked at my hands, covered in oil and mud, I looked at my body and I was naked, I hadn’t even noticed the changes.

Then I heard a man shouting, what the fuck have you done? The man came from the shower room where Tyler had disappeared a few minutes earlier. The man wasn’t Tyler. He was a jock.

He was still dripping wet from the shower. And he asked again, what the fuck have you done?

I didn’t know who he was, but this man was angry. I answered honestly. Oh hi, erm, a little embarrassing, I just decided I wanted to be close to Tyler, so I wore his boots. That’s all.

That’s all? I’m Tyler, well I was. Now I’ve been given a new body, an upgrade apparently. I wasn’t ready to leave Tyler’s body yet, but you have forced the issue. You are Tyler now.

I’m Tyler?

Yes, you are Tyler now. Your old body and life is gone.

So who are you?

I don’t know yet, memories haven’t surfaced yet, all I know is my name is Josh and I’m one of the tech guys who work on the bikes.

Well, you’re hot! I’m hot. I wanted to get close to Tyler, but I never imagined I would get this close. But how am I Tyler?

You wore my, well his, well your boots. Confusing I know. But they are magic boots. Tyler’s body wasn’t really mine, his body was gifted to me two years ago. The boots change the wearer into Tyler the twink, well,almost. I wasn’t ready to leave Tyler, but apparently I’ve done some good, the body I have now is amazing. I’m given the body of someone completely new. My looks are based on how well I did at being Tyler, I’d say I’m an 8 on a scale of 1-10, another few months and I’d of got a 10 body. But then again, more time could have meant more mistakes and I could have got a body with a score of 5 or even less. You’ll get the same treatment when you pass the boots on, or someone steals them like you did.

Now I had noticed the changes, I felt a wave of pleasure and pain all over my body. I was already Tyler, but now it was becoming real, permenamt. I was getting shorter shrinking from 5ft 11 to 5ft 6, dropped about 20 years in age too, I was now only 20 years old which meant Tyler was just about done with growing, I was short now, but I was young, lean, fit and ready. I was Tyler now.

You’d better go shower dude, Tyler, sir! I’m sure you want to check your self out and cool off!

I attempted to do so, but the boots weren’t ready to be taken off yet. They seemed to know Josh’s plan. Josh wanted to try to take Tyler’s body back. Somehow the boots told me this.

Dude, a little privacy please, this room is for the riders only, you’re just a grease monkey now.

Privacy, I used to be you remember? I’ve seen it all before.

Yeah and I haven’t, privacy please.

Eventually he left. After a huge struggle, where the boots didn’t seem want to come off the sucking continued. It was a huge struggle getting them off. I wanted to see and feel everything about Tyler. I decided to take the boots and the rest of my/ Tyler’s clothes into the shower room and locked them in a locker, just to be safe. I took a shower and let’s just say it was the best shower I had ever experienced.

I had Tyler’s memories now and I had all of his experiences. I knew in my mind every nook, cranny and imperfection of his, my perfect body but it was still good getting to know it by myself. And scrubbing the oil and mud away from my perfect hands.

The boots were calling my name. Even though I had a perfectly clean set of Tyler’s pristine designer clothes I opted for the sweat stained t shirt and of course the boots. I slipped them back on the sucking continued and my feet became bonded with them. Fuck!

Just then another biker guy came in. I hadn’t noticed him before. Hey I’m Kyle. The new Josh told me what happened, welcome to the world of magical boots!

Then another guy who introduced himself as John!

And a third guy called Kieran

Kieran and Kyle were more of the back seat driver type and didn’t have gear of their own but they said their boots were magical too. Their boots were just builders type boots but they said that worked just the same.

They all complained of Tyler never sharing his boots and body. However, they hoped I would. They told me that the boots were interchangeable between others and if I wore any of their boots and they wore Tyler’s we would swap bodies. Tyler’s body would be the one I returned too though when ever I took any of their boots off.

I told them I would definitely share providing it did not interfere with my future upgrade. But not today I wanted some alone time to explore Tyler some more. I also asked for a demonstration.

Kieran and Kyle obliged right there in front of me. They attempted to take off their boots and socks. As it was with me it was a struggle and the strong sucking was there. They removed their socks too and then added each others boots to their own feet.

I watched as they became naked revealing their amazing bodies. I saw their skin change, their bones crack and muscles expand and shrink. They were also looking very warm and sweaty but the look in their faces was shear pleasure. After about five minutes the changes had stopped and they had transformed into each other complete with each others clothing.

Wow I exclaimed! That was amazing to watch. I’m looking forward to trialing each of your bodies. I guess the switch back is just as easy?

Yep, just got to wait a few hours to let the suction die down. I mean we could take them off right now, but it’s tough straight after a change so we may as well wait. Hang out with us for a while and we can show you.

I decided it was a great idea, we went for food and drinks together as motocross mates. After a while Kieron and Kyle announced that the auction on their feet had stopped. I noticed the same too. They looked at each other and nodded before removing their boots and socks.

Instantly they became naked again right in the middle of the pub we were eating in.

Jesus lads we are in a public place you can’t swap here.

Too late Kyle said, or was it Kieran? Besides no one sees us change. Except other magic boot wearers. We are kind of placed inside an invisibility bubble whenever it happens.

Before he had finished his sentence their bodies had swapped back again and they were fully clothed.

So do you fancy taking one of our bodies for a ride? Literally not in the biking sense! We ain’t been able to use Tyler’s body for at least two years and we know we are missing out.

Well yeah I would but I still need to take Tyler for a ride first, and no offence but I ain’t seen johns body yet. So when I do I’m taking him for a ride first.

Yeah said John. How about tomorrow?

If we do it early enough we can all have a few hours in each others bodies.

Sure, why the hell not?

When I got home, Tyler’s bedroom hit me like a ton of bricks in the face! Wow this is my bedroom now, full of photos of lads in my gear, a few in a stack under his bed, his wank bank, of John, Kyle and Kieron. It stunk like young adult sweat and leathers it stunk like me. I was horny as hell and this level of horniness couldn’t be wasted on just myself so I invited the lads round for a swap party. I gave them 2 conditions.

1. No one falls asleep in Tyler’s body, my first night in a new body I want my own, I’m waking up wearing Tyler’s body or the deal is off.

2. We are all fucking each other.

There was a strange silence on the messages but pretty quickly there was a raving of bike engines outside my house. The lads let them selves in.

John was first to my room he forced me onto the bed and took off my boots. He added his own to my feet and I was transformed into him. He wasted no time transforming himself into Tyler.

Kyle and Kieran brought another lad with them. Josh. Josh wouldn’t be able to be part of the body swaps but he sure as hell wasn’t missing out of the sex.

Wow what an amazing day and night. I’m back to being Tyler just as we all fall to sleep. The next few years is going to be really good. I’m just going to have to keep them boots under lock and key whenever I’m not able to wear them, which is almost never and I get to swap with the others whenever we want.




Would love to slip on those mx boots and become Tyler


Or John