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This was a familiar image of me at the beginning of a match. My coach on my shoulders, his entire body, all his weight resting on my shoulders. He never really held on, he just expected me to stay perfectly still so he wouldn’t fall. My coach Connor said it was a test of stamina. He said I needed to pose in this exact position for one hour before every match. In five years I had only managed it once before, I had come close many times. If I was honest I was sick of it. He was heavy and it was a really tough thing to do.

One day I was up for the challenge, but still really pissed with having to do it. He said he knew today was going to be the day. He was so confident, more so than me that he decided to do it naked. I didn’t even know he was naked until I was too late. I knelt down in front of the bench that he was approaching. He jumped on it, apparently stripped and then swung his legs over my shoulders and I stood up taking him with me.

Barefoot? That’s new!

Not only my feet that are bare.

Your naked, is that your dick on the back of my head?

Yup. You can’t quit now. If you do everyone on tv is going to see my dick and balls live on tv.

It’s a good job no one can hear us. Your serious ain’t ya. Your dick and balls are resting on the back of my head!

I’ve never told a lie to you, I’m not about to start now.

And your ass crack is touching me, ewww dude this is discussing.

Yep, but I know you can do it.

After 45 minutes I was beginning to crack, literally. Suddenly I decided that his dick, balls and ass crack touching me was too much. “You know what coach, I’ve never seen you do this, maybe you should show me how it’s done. I quit.

I began to try to get him off me. He reminded me I only had 15 minutes left and not to stop.

I’m told him I was done with carrying him, I was done with boxing!

He told me he couldn’t allow that. He tapped on my head twice. The cameras were turned off and the crew left.

You know what punk, I will show you exactly how it’s done, exactly! I’ll prove your body can do it.

Moments later, sudnelly he felt lighter. You know what coach, maybe I can. You feel so much lighter.

Just then I noticed that his legs had disappeared. Usually resting on my chest. I looked around in horror and felt around hoping to find his legs. It was then I noticed that his legs were inside my arms and his feet, well half of his feet and his toes were sticking out from my elbows. This was weird, what the fuck was happening? His feet were still moving, travelling down my arms. Then I realised that he wasn’t sat on my shoulders any more, his crotch had disappeared. I was hoping it wasn’t the case but it appeared his dick was now inside my head.

Fuck coach, what’s happening?

I told you I’m proving your body can do this, you have the stamina and I’m taking your body to show you.

Taking my body, I don’t think so.

I tried to get him off but it wasn’t working. Then there was a loud snapping sound, no a cracking sound. I looked at my hands they had changed shape. They had become much longer and narrower and my fingers were much shorter. His feet were no longer showing on my arms but clearly they had ended up inside my hands. Then a ripping sound and a sharp pain in my forehead.

What the fuck is this? It hurts!

I reached round and felt my head. I was disgusted! Some how his rock hard dick had shot through my forehead and I had just touched my coach’s dick.

Oh yeah, you liked that didn’t you?

No it’s fucking disgusting, get the fuck out of me.

Another rip and suddenly I could no longer see. His balls had now escaped from inside my head and were now resting in front of my eyes.

There’s no way to stop this, I’m becoming you and that’s it!

At this point, nothing happened . He didn’t move from his current position. He tried to push him self lower into my body but he didn’t move and was completely stuck.

Fuck man what’s happened to your hands?

No idea, your feet went down my legs and I think they ended up inside my hands.

Fuck, I’m stuck I can’t get inside you any more.

We’ll get your self out then.

I can’t, I’m completely stuck

Shouldn’t have done it in the first place, get out.

I can’t bro.

Look at me, I’m a fucking freak. Feet for hands and a literal dick on my face, plus the rest of your body sticking out the top of my back. We have to do something.

We tried all kinds to try to get him out or further in. It went on for days. Everything was a real struggle. He had to eat, he had to piss, he had to sleep all whilst partially inside me. He even had to use his hands to feed me as mine were unable to grip anything since they were now shaped like feet. It was labourers and he was getting really heavy now.

After a few days we were so sick of this. So we began looking into how we could fix things. Apparently he should have also purchased a pill that would correct things and make the actual swap happen. Now that we were in a stuck weird position, we needed a pill each. They were ordered and they arrived the next day, 4 pills in fact because I know he is going to end up being me and I’m not having that. we each swallowed a pill. Now I needed to get his legs and feet to go into my own. To do that I needed to get my hands near to my feet, it was a struggle, but eventually, one by one his feet and legs disconnected from my hands and arms and went inside my legs and feet. My hands returned to normal and I stood up.

At this point he was still on my shoulders and his legs were inside my own. He was complaining of pain, after all, his legs were now almost 6ft tall. He tapped on my head then pushed his finger tips into my shoulders. They went through my skin and down into my arms and he began to lower down. I could finally see again as his dick and balls lowered down my face. It was weird seeing a dick travel down my body. I felt a tickling on my neck as his beard rubbed against my naked skin. Eventually though he was fully inside me and I lost control of my body.

My body took a few steps forward and I felt like I was being disconnected. I was now stood directly behind my own body and I was him. Fuck I felt so dirty, I wanted to get out of his body quickly. He had other ideas about being each other for a while. I told him no, but if we could prove we can get in our own bodies that I would consider it in the future. He had one request, he wanted to prove my body could take the weight of his which I was now in for one hour and prove my body has the stamina he says it has and then take the pill and swap back. Either way we were going to swap back so I agreed.

He got into position and I climbed onto his borrowed shoulders. Half an hour in he was beginning to struggle, 45 minutes, he gave in and took the pill, I did too. I began to lower down into my own body this time everything went where it should. And ten minutes later I was back in my own body and he was in his.

Thank fuck for that, I knew my body couldn’t do it.



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