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Oh good, I’m glad you are here, I’ve been meaning to talk to you.

Yeah, our weekly chore of me becoming you.

Yeah, about that, as you know, when your me I go into an abyss of nothingness! I have no idea what you get up too. But I do find out! I’ve been looking into the terms of our agreement and frankly you are not living up to your end of the bargain. When you are out and about you are supposed to act exactly like me, but you have been flirting with my friends, apparently trying to get some dick! That’s not like me at all and my friends are suspicious. You’re also supposed to do my chores whilst your me, you have been neglecting that!

Oh, I thought I was behaving exactly like you. I’m sorry I’ll change the way I act.

It’s too late for that. Like I said I looked at the terms and I have to act upon what I know. I’ve decided to act upon what I know and activate the punishment for it. Although you will probably enjoy it. This week your not becoming me. Your going to be my socks and sneakers for the entire week.

You do know if you activate that……

I don’t want to hear any more, I’ve made my decision.

Okay well be kind! Some nice clean ones since it’s my first time!

Clean? You should know it’s you who does my laundry I don’t have a clean pair! You’ll have to make do with these 2 day worn socks.

With that he sat on the floor, half naked with his socked feet on show. He stuck his 2 middle fingers up at me I began to merge into his socks. I didn’t need to touch him or anything. Before long I was covering his feet. His two day old socks had clearly been through a tough time filled with his usual gym and running routines. Now I was his socks I was warm, damp, smelly and sweaty. Then a pair of sneakers sprouted from his feet and my transformation was complete. Or was it?

Now if he had read the finer print of the terms he would have realised that this punishment didn’t apply to the receiver of the host body. The punishment only applied to the host. I tried to tell him but he wasn’t interested. Punishment was also permanent. He was now going to be transformed too.

My transformation began again. As a pair of socks and sneakers I fell or rather slid of his feet onto the floor. I began to grow again and develop human features. Features of him. I had taken his body possibly 100 times and lived his life. I had experienced every aspect of his body already but this was different. He had activated the punishment protocol and now I was going to become him forever.

He soon realised what was happening. But was powerless to stop it. For a few moments we were both him. His punishment that he thought he was passing to me would be activated on him. I touched him and said goodbye bye. Instantly he began to shrink. He split into 4 pieces . 2 pieces became his dirty two day worn socks, 2 pieces became some Nikes! He encompasses my feet perfectly.

This is going to be fun, I can change him anyway I want too now because I am him



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