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Another suit, another disappointment. I swear I've had about ten suits now and none of them have had dicks bigger than 6inch! Why doc? My partner wants me to wear em to spice things up, but with tiny dicks they ain't cutting it.

Well, the dick size limit of 6inch is there to protect sexual partners, we did have larger models but we got sued for allowing such a big size to be used in the bedroom. You can custom build a suit, but hpthe rental service isn't available and the suit becomes yours to own.

Okay, I like the sound of that, do I get to choose what the suit will look like?

No it's based on your last ten hires and is a completely new model moulded around those last ten suits. Customisable to a degree, like to u can specify sizes and colours of body parts and things.

So I could ask for it to have a 12” dick, dark skin and brown eyes?

Exactly, though a 12” dick is not recommended. It will likely injure any woman it enters and most men, though will like the size, would scream.

My partner will love a 12” and if they don't, I'll find someone else who will. I'm bi anyway, so boy or girl, someone will enjoy my new dick. Sin me up, you have my preferences and details for payment.

Okay sir. Your new suit has been ordered, you have 48 hours left with your hire. As per usual, it will dissolve in precisely 48 hours. Your new suit will arrive at approximately the same time. Your purchased suit doesn't dissolve, it's yours to wear for as long as you wish. You never need to take it off if you don't want too. But we would recommend taking it off at least once a month.

When my suit dissolved there was a knock at the door and a large brown box was delivered containing my new suit. I got the suit out of the box. I hated this part. They were always stunning once worn, but the actual suit was made of some kind of skin type latex. They were always pale in colour and never matched what they would truly look like once worn. The key part though was what looked like a huge shaft for my dick to go into.

I wasted no time in trying it on. I only had an hour to reject it if I didn’t like it to be able to return it. It was a unique suit, no one else had this model, this was going to be the new me. I slipped my feet into the opening on its back and pushed them with my legs into the suits legs. I made sure all of my toes were connected into the suits feet. It was a tight fit, I was a larger guy with muscles and these guys always seemed smaller than me, it didn’t matter what my size was, once sealed inside I would be remoulded into the size and shape intended for the suits looks. Then I carefully placed my dick inside the shaft of the suit. It was definitely longer and wider than my own dick and that of previous suits but I didn’t see how it would be 12 inch’s!

The latex was already beginning to seal around parts I already had inside. My feet were being compressed already forming into the size of the suit, the size I had specified on my order, a size 7 and they were arched making them look even smaller. Next I placed my hands inside the suit connecting each of my fingers perfectly inside that of the suit, my hands fell into place perfectly along with my arms. I pulled the suit up a little covering my upper body. The suit was clearly going to be taller than my original self. At this point I felt my dick growing. It still wasn’t 12” yet but it was clearly capable of it. Then it struck me, 12” was my requirement of a placid dick, this thing was going to be a monster when it was hard.

All that was left was a face which now nestled just below my chin. I stretched it over my head and soon my entire body was connected with the suit. It wouldn’t be much longer now and I would see all of the features of my new body. All of my muscles adjusted and new ones were formed developing the features, looks and feel of a real body, my new body. It was literally everything I asked for and more!

I headed for the gym, where I knew I’d be able to experience all of my new body. It was always recommended not to cum in a suit for a few hours until everything was connected properly. Your own dick leaking cum inside a suit was never a pleasant experience so the gym was the safest place for me. I even had a swim. Had to make sure I didn’t get hard. There was no way this thing was going to be hidden easily.

As soon as I got home I measured it. 12” soft. I began to imagine fucking my partner and it soon got hard. Measuring it again it was 16” hard. Imagine 16” of me, my meat inside you! I definitely won’t be rejecting my custom suit!



Ryan Thomas

16” of you inside me? Sign me up


I like this sign me up too I’ll even be the first guy and let him or you inside me lol


Sign me up too.