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Well, being a bit of a bad lad had its rewards but being tagged, under curfew wasn’t one of them. Having to be at home between the hours of 5pm and 8 am the next morning was tough. If I broke curfew I'd be recalled to prison. There wasn't a chance I could risk that and it couldn't be tampered with or removed. This was my life for the next 3 months. Or so I thought!

I wasn't happy being on curfew so I began looking for ways to remove it or at least fool it into thinking I was actually at home. I came across a site that said it could reprogram the device to allow me to be someone else for extended periods of time. The person I chose to be didn't even need to know about it for it to work, although they recommended that I asked the person if it was ok or not as the shock of a body swap maybe more that they were happy with. It was an extreme thing to do but I was passed off with being locked up in my own home. I hadn't even decided who I would do this with and I ordered the device.

It arrived the next day, it was a simple pin, with a chip inside. It came with a set of instructions all I needed to do was insert the pin into the device for precisely 60 seconds and the chip would do the work. The tag would then be programmed to transform me everytime I touched someone else. It would only allow me to become a male, so I couldn't become a woman. It would be permentally activated from the moment it was reprogrammed and would now happen every time I touched someone. Who ever I touched would transform into me and I would transform into them. They, in my body would have the tag. It wouldn't work, for body swapping whilst they had my body. I still hadn't decided who I would try it with first. But I activated it anyway. Then there was a knock at the door. It was Brad. Brad Kipling or kippo.

Kippo invited him self in and sat on my sofa. “Getting the beers in lad?”

Kippo would be perfect, at least as my first swap. I told him the beers were in the fridge and to help him self. Once he returned with two beers in hand I was already sat on the sofa and he returned to sit next to me. I thought about it for a few moments as he clugged down his beer. Fuck it, I thought and I touched my sneaker with his. Was this enough? Was this considered a touch? I think so because I began to feel different. He reached around putting his arm on the back of the sofa and managed to touch my neck for a second. Fuck, that was definitely enough.

Changes began to happen rather quickly and he was noticing. He had already grown facial hair and his blue clothing was changing colour too.

What the fuck was in that beer he asked, I'm changing, you are too. Fuck, why do you look like me? I'm wearing your clothes, sneakers and your tag! My hands, these are yours! What the fuck is happening?

Erm, I could say I have no idea, but I'd be lying! I was sick of being tagged, I swapped our bodies! Don't be mad it's reversible!

Well I'm not mad, it's very weird. Fuck, I even sound like you. Why am I wearing your clothes though, and your tag? It's a bit disgusting!

That's how it works, you get everything there is about me. Besides it would be more disgusting if you were wearing your own clothes in my body. Also, I don't think my sneaks would fit your body so I think it's kind of a must, your feet are bigger than mine. As for the tag, that's the reason I swapped us.

So I'm you, I'm tagged, I'm stuck here in your house. How long for?

It's your place now! I'll let you decide since I didn't tell you about it. But it's for as long as you want, or we can swap straight back. Entirely your choice!

No, ill try being you for a while, it is kinda of hot having someone else body. How do we swap back? Can I swap with someone else?

Swaps will only happen when I am in my own body, so you can't swap out of it. But to swap us back its the same way we swapped in the first place, we just touch each other. So whilst we are swapped we can't touch each other otherwise we will swap back!

Dang, so sex is out of the question?

Sex with yourself?

Yeah, that would be hot as hell!

Sex isn't recommended, but not impossible. We would swap, then swap again and again until we stopped so it would get confusing!

Yeah, but I wanna try it.

Fine, but not today! I want to go out for a bit, after dark.

Okay but don't be getting yourself into any trouble. And keep me updated how your night is going!

I won't. And I will.

The next day we swapped back. By the next evening, he was begging me to switch again. He said he preferred being in my body. Weirdly I preferred his too. I agreed. He begged for sex too and I agreed. We must of transformed into each other at least 100 times, we were both horny as hell.

We now spend more time in each others bodies than our own. And fuck a lot too!

The tag comes off in a few weeks but I'm going to ask if I can keep it, but obviously not be bound by its curfew!



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