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You know, I wish I could change my body you know. It’s great being skinny but sometimes I long for more.

Oh really? What would you change?

Everything, the whole shabang. Top to tall so to speak. I wouldn’t even mind if parts of my body were less than average shall we say, but I would go the whole hog!

So if I told you that I could get you a new body and you could change it as often as you changed your socks, would you do it?

For sure.

Okay, well it’s quite simple really, you just need to have sex with a guy, any guy. All you need to do is pick who you want to be, he will arrive here within about 5 minutes, I’ll posses him, we will fuck, swap. Then you’ll need to posses your former body so that I end up with yours.

That simple eh? Some kind of fantasy of yours is it?

A fantasty and a fact, it’s what I do. I help people by getting then their ideal body. The beauty of it is that the person you choose doesn’t even realise they have been swapped. You should know though, that the cooling off period after a swap is only 1 hour, after which you have relinquished all rights to your own body and there is no way to return to it. If you don’t like your new body say so quickly or swap with someone else.


It’s for that reason your allowed a 15 minute “trial” as the person you wish to become. From this point it’s all a little weird as I also get a 15 minute trial as you. So the only question to ask is who you want to become?

That’s a huge change, in more ways than one! Are you sure?

If this is real, then I am 100% sure.

A few minutes later the man arrived, still dripping as if he had just gotten out of the pool. I began the possession process and entered his body by pushing my dick into his butt. My much smaller body was absorbed by his and I immediately felt his power and strength. So, the trial. It’s a little weird. As you can see, even though he arrived like he had just stepped out of the pool he is, or rather I am fully clothed. His body arrived like it was in the photo, but now it’s him as he is now, because it is him. To get a trial in his body, wear his shoes and socks. Before you do, you should know that we will be linked, you have full control over yourself as him and because we are linked full control over me! In a nutshell anything you do I copy!

He them on and instantly transformed. His much smaller body expanding to become a duplicate of me a tattooed hunk! My body instantly froze and connected to him. Now every move he made I made too. He took off his top I did too. He circled me and I was circuling him, giving each other a 360 view of each others amazing physique.

After five minutes he was fucking me and as I had to repeat everything be did, I was fucking him a few minutes later. After precisely 15 minutes his borrowed body returned to normal and now it was my time. It was a struggle to make his socks and shoes fit my enlarged feet but I got there in the end and I was soon transformed from the muscle hunk into him. Now he mimicked my every move. We didn't bother to fuck. And soon I was back to being the borrowed muscle tattooed hunk.

So did you like all that?

Sure did!

Want his body?

As if there is any answer other than yes! Of course I do!

Well fuck me then!

He did exactly that, cummed fairly quickly and I returned the favour.

As soon as it was done I felt the body I had invaded start to deflate, loose most, if not all of its muscle definition, it's skin tone fade and it's tattoos disappear. Whereas his body was expanding, growing, inflating, stretching and popping. His muscles were huge, he was now about a foot taller than me. His skin tone darkened and muscles appeared on his flesh. Within minutes he now has the body of an absolute

ly stunning man, a god almost! He was back to how he was in the photo, dripping wet from the pool, he will stay like that for now.

Well, dude, your old body is a hell of a lot smaller than the one you have now but I like it. How's your new one?

I, I, I'm stunned! It's truly amazing.

Well it's not over yet. Technically your him and he is you and I'm still inside him. You need to help him become me and me become the old you, if that makes any sense whatsoever!

Of course it makes sense in the body swap world, that I never knew existed half an hour ago. How do I help?

Well I need to get out of this body and you need to go inside your old body for a while, for me to get out, you push in, we fuck again, swap, then you leave and are free to be the new you!

Cool, I don't think this body will fit inside my old one!

It will, trust me. Just push your dick into my butt, the rest will take care of itself.

He did just that and his new body was absorbed by his old one and I was pushed out of the front. I stepped away for a moment!

Dude, I feel like I'm an alien trapped inside a human skin. I'm looking at this body knowing it was my own not long ago, but also knowing this isn't what I look like now, plus I always imagined aliens to feel like they were trapped as they would be bigger inside a human. That's how I feel!

I can see why you would feel that way. Don't worry it won't be for long and you can get back to your (new) body in no time!

We fucked, swapped and I became him for the second time. I loved body swapping. Last thing bro, my dick in your butt once more and you'll be pushed out, only this time I'll be wearing a rubber johnny, just so I dont go back inside you again!

Cool, hurry up I don't like this alien feeling and I know this body, yours definitely isn't mine.

Moments later he popped out of the front of my former body again, back to being the muscled, tattooed hunk again dripping from the pool. Quickly beach attire surrounded his naked frame and he was dry.

Enjoy your new body, if ever you want to change again, hit me up. I wouldn't mind that being mine for a while!



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