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When the scheme first started, they expected it to be big, so they opened up in a huge venue that was a swimming complex in a previous life. The pool was closed now, but it offered exactly what they needed. Lockers. The first venue was in a run down area of a low-income part and in the beginning, it was slow, but as people realised the potential of what they offered things got better and they opened a second venue in a better area.

The first venue, offered close to 1000 lockers, and there was an online catalogue with images of mems bodies. There were two options, first was the cheapest, a locker a week, pick a locker, but you won't know what's behind it. The second option, was pick an image and be given the key to the locker of that image.

What was in the lockers, an entire outfit belonging to someone else, by wearing their clothes you were given their body for a week. My first time was when they first opened and as you can see from the photo there weren't many lockers to chose from, most were empty with the keys still in the door. You would go in, strip, either pick a locker and be given a key or pick an image from the premium catalogue and be given the correct key. Then you strip, place your own clothes into an empty locker and return the key. After the week, you return to collect your own clothes or someone else, it was entirely your choice. However, if you wanted to be someone else the following week, your clothes are added to the pool and anyone else can become you. Then if you decided not to continue with it you'd need to wait until your clothes and body were returned.

My first body was fun, he was a little older than myself but he was lean and toned. And I was happy with the results.

I did leave it a few months before I used the service again and by the time I got my second body it was from the high end branch. I hadn’t bothered to pay the extra premium and actually enjoyed the randomness of not knowing who I would end up being.

As I slipped on his underwear, I felt the changes beginning. My dick, balls and butt immediately replaced by something larger, his compression pants gave me some shorter, more muscular legs. A sweat stained t shirt gave me his torso arms and hands. I knew I was older again already. However, I was already loving my new body, veins and tattoos on my arms. Adding socks to my feet gave me his feet and to complete the look, shoes which gave me everything else. Shoes, I know it’s weird that they give you their faces, but not many people wear hats these days.

I was happy with the results, but as the week went by I was fed up of being older. Yeah I know 40 is the new 30, but being almost 40 when I should be 32 was a little confusing. I rang the company and asked if they could try to find me a body closer to my age or possibly younger. As a one off they gave me a free upgrade to the premium service. And once I had been this guy for a week I browsed the catalogue and selected a rather attractive fit young(er) stud. In his photo his chest and abs glistened with sweat and I knew I had to be him.

Transforming into him was fun, I immediately felt like I was younger the second I slipped on his underwear, however, my dick seemed to shrink a little, not by much. Adding his shorts gave me his legs. Not as muscular as before, but rather nice looking. His t gave me his torso and those amazing abs and pecs. Socks gave me his stinky feet and his shoes gave me his face.

If ever there was a problem and I couldn’t get back to my own body. I’d happily get stuck in this one.



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