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We met through Grindr and it appeared we had the same kinks, or at least I made sure mine matched his. Our body types were similar, we weren’t twinks or bears we were somewhere in between, possibly classed as scallies. The first “date” was a getting to know each other, the second we got to kissing and cuddling, the third was sex and the fourth was some foreplay. At least he thought it was foreplay and from an outsider, that’s what it would of looked like only the foreplay was just part of the process I initiated to enable a body swap.

Why would I swap with someone so similar? Well I enjoy the thrill of a body swap and like to explore someone else’s body touching it as if it was my own, which it was! I also had to change every 12 months, shed my current skin in favour of new skin. Even though I went for a similar body type and most men all have the same “features” there are differences in each and every one of us.

So how do I do it? First I get them into a compromising position, making sure they are unable to react. It wasn’t strictly necessary, after all we were having sex, but it just made the experience more believable. Then I’d lower their trousers, mine too and thrust my dick into their butts. Once I had done this their body would instantly be immobilised. Then I’d start the take over. I didn’t really need to do anything I would simply get sucked inside them. As my body connected into theirs I would gain control of them. Once I had full control their dick which was now mine would instantly ejaculate.

The experience, the ejaculation, lasted for around half an hour because it was my former body being pumped out as cum and then being formed back into my previous body. The final position was with me, in my new body, with my dick in the butt of my former body.

Usually they didn’t notice anything had happened at first. But because we had the same kinks it appeared he was fully aware of what had just happened. His kinks extended to muscle, ink, feet, leather, body scents and a body swap. He instantly noticed the ace of spades tattoo on his arm was gone. He noticed his blue vest was now a red t! He noticed he smelled different, he noticed that his scent was now mine. He looked at his new hands, they were mine.

Bro, how did you do that? Did I just get ejaculated from my former cock, have we swapped bodies? This is amazing if we have.

Err, yeah, I do this often, normally people don’t notice. But you clearly have.

Bro, that was so horny, I wanna do it again.

You can, in about a month, but not with me, I can’t go back to a skin I’ve had before.

We joined each other on the bed, explored our new bodies and our joint fetish’s



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