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My guess: he found his ONS. 🤣

Michael scott

Thanks for the chapter. Poor Anrosh


Anrosh thinks about how the masks give people an excuse not to be overly formal, than acts surprised when the guy says the same thing.


Thinking about something and blatantly speaking out about something is a bit different usually in social interactions.


At the end of the chapter. Hopped he didn't so something stupid.

Tristan A

Fuck that line to Eerv's son was so cold. Especially knowing Ryun. He 100% would have started a bloodbath if he didn't apologise. He acts like nobility in the sense that if someone slights him or his people he won't hesitate to confront them the difference being that the things that piss him off are much different then snotty nobility archetypes. It's part of why I still think he has a chance at some form of redemption. You know the more I think on it Ryun is more like a slightly alien god, where as Zack is the incredibly powerful hero. I mean if you see some ancient diety who's purpose War. You don't really look at them as a bad guy or evil guy. Like he's a god of War, of course he's going to go to war, he was literally made for it. Ryun is kind of like that especially with the fact he obtained power from a godlike Aspect. When he does things it's because he is controlled by his very nature. Obviously he has more autonomy than that but it's close.