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Michael scott

Thanks for the chapter. Anrosh is going to wet herself when he tells her about this conversation.


They way someone was dressed was noted, " They" I think this is a typo?


Scared his soul could be scarred?


Thanks for the chapter, other people's POVs of Ryun are always fun to read.

Tim Johnson

There has been a few typos mentioned, but I definitely saw a lot more in this chapter. Should definitely give this one a solid pass or three with the editing comb. Also thanks :) can't wait for the next one

Tristan A

I wonder what the general level of power of the league members are. I mean I suppose with Selia only seeing the one display of Ryun's abilities she wouldn't think too much of him. While we as the readers know that he's more of an army destroyer than a one on one combatant. Even then he usually doesn't fight like that.

Michael scott

It was mentioned that Erdania was upset after the battle with a spirit. I wonder if that spirit was the spirit of thier lover. The one that got lost and became a spirit in the Under. If she recognized him it would be heart breaking.


I find myself really hoping for some sort of development towards Selia getting to know Ryun better and shortly thereafter have some sort of encounter with both her and Erdania, maybe even a bit of romance or just the start of something. They both seem like interesting characters to get screen-time with them and Ryun, seeing as how they also understand that same profound loss of losing a lover you were basically soulmates with in every sense of the word.