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Michael scott

Thanks for the chapter. Agree with Alex. I know you need to build it up, but man I hope he gets his ideal soon. The suspense is killing me.


If he gets his ideal would he have to drop out of the tournament.

Tim Johnson

The end is the beginning. I am the end?

Michael scott

I wouldn't think he would have to drop out of the tournament. Because the tournament is how most of the high rankers get their ideal in the first place.


Wow. This writing is so good. And scary. I got the last page and something started resonating already in me like the author was saying about Ryun. Somehow my eyes were drawn to the two words "I am..." and magically like a lightning strike splitting the world in two they filled them in with "I am the end of all things." That would be so scary. What if that is what Ryun really is? Not in an evil way, but in the simple truth.


I like maybe even better Tim's shorter and even more scary inspiration of an ideal. Simply, "I am the end." Maybe even a "true death" type of end of everything where there is no future beginning at all. That would be too scary to even imagine.


Ryun's the systems cleanser. He's gonna give the sweet true death to all. Realistically, his perk about the true death should deffo be the one he changes, if not the harvesting perk.. although his stats might give him away on that one.


Thanos: I am Inevitable or I am both the end and the beginning.