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they can't end it there

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2zozvkhudnpi4ytq96gjm/Lost-Girl-108.mkv?rlkey=h7uhxd0dh4utkfyymfcrfxmg5&dl=0




Dyson: "Don't come to me again. Also, Lauren doesn't love you." Dude! Possessive much? But then Lauren's motivations for kissing Bo are rather muddled too. Although I don't think that Lauren is just playing Bo as you said. I do think there's genuine feelings there - that's why she was helping Bo behind the Ash's back. But which one of her reasons had the the most weight is anyone's guess. Kenzi seems to be the only one who likes Bo without ulterior motive, and she's clearly not a romantic interest. That's just one reason why she's the best.