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her mask is slipping

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jp491peoibf8sgsdcxcqu/Bsg-106.mkv?rlkey=y9zuiffgv246et320vtz533f9&dl=0



Andrew Pulrang

During the press conference, when President Roslin said she would take questions, for a moment I expected a man with long gray hair to stand up and say, "Trent Crimm, The Independent."


If Chief Tyrol admits he was with Sharon at the time of the bombing, they'll investigate her even closer. And he knows something happened with her around the time the water reserves were destroyed. So he's protecting her, at the cost of implicating himself (though not legally). And his crew is protecting him. What a mess. Isn't it interesting how the Cylons seem to be testing Carl's dedication to Sharon? Tricia Helfer is similarly staying close to Dr. Baltar. Or maybe that's just a figment of his imagination, who khows. I agree that it's a bit weird that they don't allow people from different departments to date. But I guess technically she does outrank him still.


Oh yeah that makes sense! If they admit where they were that gives ample opportunity for sharon to have opened the hatch. People are too nice protecting others at their own expanse on this ship