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another polar bear???

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lbfsk7s0w3rtndma7toq0/Lost-114.mkv?rlkey=n3l21f61z1n3xfy767tk0663m&dl=0




Finally, Claire! We've had a disturbing lack of Australian accents these past few episodes. I'm not a fan of Michael's behaviour on the island. What his ex-wife did was terrible, and I feel for him. And his intentions are certainly good. But on the island he seems very aggressive and hostile towards nearly everyone - including Walt! Only Sun seems to be on his good side. At least at the end of the episode he seemed a bit more mellow.


I love the reaction and this is just a random behind the show secret but actors Charlie and Kate dated in real life during this season so I find their scenes interesting. Also I don’t know if you noticed about Walt but when he got angry the bird hit the window as he was reading a book about birds. He got angry over his comic with the polar bear, then a polar bear appeared. I think that’s what Brain meant by weird things or examples of them but who knows what that means. I can’t wait to see the next episode but one a week is torture lol.


The only ones we have seen so far that michael has a problem with is Jin and Locke. And to be honest under his circumstances, it seems logical why he would be upset with them. He seems okay with everyone else? And hes being overly protective of walt because this is the first time he even gets him and there stuck on an island.