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the worst and cruelest fate ever

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/20aw5i7y8qi5mfw4hmibb/Angel-516.mkv?rlkey=7pkzqr49crjwacecf2d3yvlyv&dl=0



Jesse baldo

I'M SO GLAD you picked up on the TRAGEDY that is a soul loss, That means no afterlife, and just like real life and faith in the world, in angel there is an afterlife so that is obliteration! Most people never seem to pick up on this! Which makes sense, it's usually people who were raised in faith based homes that truly feel the loss or understand it, I will never SPOIL ANYTHING for the show so my comments are safe to read, If you want to know the COMIC that will NOT RUIN any part of this show for you, continue reading, I have not read the part , but it is canon, The writers must have realized the tragedy, and in the comic book they briefly mention that somehow Freds soul is RESTORED!! So don't cry! Also if you mention my comment in a reaction i'd be so happy haha, Disclaimer, I don't know exactly how they do this in the comic and have only heard it from people who read the comic and a screenshot on reddit I believe. It will NOT ruin the show knowing this so don't worry ,if a mod is reading this, ITS SAFE!

Cory James

I read this story once where Harmony accidentally triggered the sarcophagus before Fred did and Illyria took over her body instead. So seeing that scene in the lab where Wesley is examining the sarcophagus and Harmony wants to wear a hazmat suit reminds me of that every single time LOL Amy Acker is a phenomenal actress. The complete different feel of Fred and Illyria is perfect, she feels like a completely new person and not just the character pretending to be a different person. I love Illyria and I probably wouldn't have if it hadn't been for Amy Acker's acting of her...well...it. God King. Wesley stabbing Gunn is both in character and not. Did this Wesley get abandoned by his friends? He didn't kidnap Connor cause Connor didn't exist anymore. I guess reactions to grief are never really in character anyway. I can't believe I finally caught up! I started watching your Buffy/Angel reactions a couple months ago and I was hoping to catch up before you reached the end of Angel and I did it! I made it for the final stretch. So excited!