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sorry for the late upload guys 

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0gkr7s38qboeu54/Ted%20208.mkv?dl=0



Dr. Charlotte

Really loved your reaction! I've seen this episode before but I still cry like a baby everytime I see the jamie/Roy hug moment 😭.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

I said 'boys will be boys' at the exact moment you did :D And when you've finished you should rewatch and you'll find that a bunch of things Ted says make a lot more sense when you know what happened with his dad :'( but you already found one of them! I'm a little uncomfortable with the boss/employee aspect but otherwise I think Rebecca and Sam are cute <3


honestly sam and rebecca are cuter than i expected but I'm still not here for it at all