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someone touch giles right now!! i'm not messing around anymore 

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hs8j5exq8a5wuan/Buffy%20711.mkv?dl=0




"Coz they have to kill buffy last for some reason" i think because if they kill her first, that might activate one of the potentials and that potential (new slayer) would have more power to keep the fight going. So it makes sense to kill all the potentials first, then buffy and faith last. I dont *think* another slayer would activate if buffy died, but maybe the First is playing it safe by leaving Buffy last along with faith lol

Clara V.

I can't lie, I always thought the whole "we have a plan" bit, complete with the clever-seeming flashback, only for there to not actually be a plan was very, very dumb. And it's not like I'm even doubting that Buffy could beat the Turok-han without a big plan, but the way the episode made such a big deal about nothing doesn't make Buffy seem badass like it was clearly intended, just really dumb.