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okay i'm enjoying the show again 

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/870wcsr2tfsvoru/Angel%20408.mkv?dl=0



Ron Fehr

I think what the little girl(?) said "The anwer is in you."

Clara V.

Close, she said "the answer is among you" What a nice, non-cryptic statement that is sure to not be misinterpreted by anyone or cause any issues... right? ;)

Cory James

I just wish Angel would be Connor's dad. Connor calls him dad TWICE! He needs Angel. He has no idea what he's doing. I get that Angel is jealous and angry but he shouldn't be viewing it like that. His son is still a child and has been manipulated his whole life by everyone including Cordelia. He should be talking to his son about this, not just taking petty snips at Cordelia. Sure Connor wants to act like an adult, all teenagers do. The arrogant drunk Liam in Angel who never got resolution with his own father cannot resolve how to act like a father to Connor when he hated the way his own father acted. His solution is to back off and let Connor figure it out on his own because his own father was overbearing but that's not how raising kids into actual people works. The solution is definitely not to send your child off with the predator that groomed him because he actually fell her.