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what a beautiful sunday we're having. isn't it crazy how it's still the weekend? time truly is just an illusion. but no in all seriousness sorry for the late upload. i've been super busy these past few weeks and have been pre-recording a lot and i thought i had a reaction scheduled for sunday. totally my bad. but the reaction is finally here and i thank you for your patience. also this does count as sunday's upload so angel 4x8 is coming tomorrow.

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u30d7eg9pvf7y7m/Angel%20407.mkv?dl=0




It's pretty meta. Buffy is a metaphor for adolescence, Angel is a metaphor for adulthood, and now what's happening in the show is a direct reflection of what's happening in real life; Joss(the powers that be) is pissed off at Charisma, and it ends up in the show, and we all have to suffer for it. Seems like it was destined from the beginning.

Cory James

"Thank god all that connor and cordy stuff is over" Cue my extreme internal wincing. I honestly hope you come to love Connor at least a little bit at some point. I know it's hard to love him as a character but he really was destroyed by the people around him and never stood a chance. I always feel so bad for him. I wish SOMEONE had protected him.