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my fave joke so far ahhh 

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ocfl5ecg88h9rz/Ted%20103.mkv?dl=0




In the first episode I thought Roy was going to be a prick, but he's actually pretty cool. In fact most of the characters are great. The only ones I don't like right now are the assistant whose name I don't know - he needs to become more than a caricature of a toady - and Jamie. *edit: I meant Rebecca's assistant, not the assistant coach. The assistant coach is great too.


Ahh okay I thought you meant you don’t like Nate. But yeah Higgins isn’t very three dimensional at the moment. And Jamie is just a lil bitch but hopefully he’ll have a nice character development


This was another good episode. I wasn't expecting to enjoy the show this much, but I'm loving it.