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best season premiere yet 

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0gajxd0t9v0l5bu/Angel%20401.mkv?dl=0



Ron Fehr

Who's Fluffy? That's easy, it's Gabriel Iglesias. Lol😄

Cory James

No one likes Connor at this point but me LOL He's terrible for sure but also...he's 16/17 and traumatized and doesn't know how to...be a person at all. He was raised in a hell dimension by a psycho. He doesn't know how to turn to people for help. He doesn't know how to even know people are manipulating him. He trusts Holtz unconditionally cause he is THE ONLY person he'd had. Ever. When Angel tells him Holtz lied and killed himself, you can tell he's torn. He doesn't believe Holtz would do that to him but he knows Holtz would do that. That's why he says 'even so...' Cause admitting he was wrong means Holtz betrayed him and he can't wrap his mind around that.