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i'm so glad i kept it together during this episode. i definitely did not cry once 

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jzjc8aa4ztrboeo/Tlou%20109.mkv?dl=0




Another great episode. I'm sad we have to wait for season 2 now. :( One thing that bothered me in this episode is that nobody ever bothered to tell Ellie the situation and ask her what she wanted to do. Joel was being a bit selfish and putting his feelings first by killing the Fireflies and taking Ellie, and then lying to her about it. (Granted, I certainly sympathize and understand where he's coming from). Then you have Marlene saying that sacrificing herself for the cure is what Ellie would have wanted. Maybe it would have been, but did anyone bother to ask Ellie's opinion on the matter before making these decisions for her? No.

Nicologik Reacts

You really hit the nail on the head with your review. The essence of the game and also this show, was breaking with this stereotype of the good hero. Usually in games and shows and movies you have your hero. And he will kill sometimes to safe loved ones, humanity etc... But you never question his/her way. In this show it´s very different. First they build up this charatcer, and in the last episode they make you question him. But not too much, so that in the end you are caught in between understanding and beeing disgusted. And you start questioning right and wrong yourself. That´s what made the game so great, and that´s what makes the series great. I´m glad you got exactly where the producers wanted you to be in the end there. This show is much deeper than you would think at first. As someone who played the game, I have to say the hospital shooting hit way harder on me in the show, than in the game. Because in the game you get used to shooting people from the very start, and you "do it yourself" while playing the character. It´s what you do, when you play a video game. But seeing it from the outside perspective like it was handled in the show it felt way more immersive and frightening. And that music in the backround ..... Oh by the way, the giraffe wasn´t CGI, it was real. :) They really went to a zoo and put bluescreen everywhere, but it was a real animal :)

John Alexander

Games like this, by their nature, desensitize you to violence acts within them, the most violent act in the world becomes a boring side quest. In that way, video games force you to feel what it would be like to be in this situation. They force you to compromise your morality to progress, just as the world of TLoU forces Joel to compromise his morality in order to survive. In short, the game doesn't really want you to consider the morality of killing all the people you're killing until after you've finished playing the game.


yeah i really don't know why they didn't tell Ellie what was going on. All of this maybe could have been avoided