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it's this month's process livestream!


I'm a little late this month due to some other projects getting in the way, but I'm hoping to turn this video around pretty quickly after making the song today!



it's songs



heckin love to see a song made


I really hope you give yourself a Flanders makeover for the video


Reading around the topic this morning, and Doctor Who managed a similar effect to what I think you're going for in The Sontaran Stratagem, insofar as using a shoestring budget to turn a bathtub into a convincing birthing pod. The biggest considerations tbh would be cladding any bathtub you use in sci-fi-looking paraphernalia and (if necessary or desired) the classic unspecified umbilical pipes. (Honestly some hosepipes and some liquid latex would probably do the trick there) Honestly I'm just a big fan of when there's Effects in Things, and you've proven capable of slapping together some neat effects in your videos so far, so I'm excited for this turn of events! EDIT: if you wanna minimise the amount of Effects Stuff you need to pull off the gross factor, a mouth pipe might be the way to go - looks horrible when you pull it out, and allows you to breathe under the slime EDIT 2: a cursory google brought up an LA-based SFX company called Roger George Special Effects, who have a recipe for Methylcellulose-based slime on their website. This is the second edit in a row for this comment, but I'm gonna chalk this burst of enthusiasm down to "Rambler didn't go to any Halloween parties this year so has to get the costuming/effects bug out of her *somehow*" .... EDIT 3: alternatively, if you dont want to go to such extreme lengths, some Baff Slime or related product would probably do the trick