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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 9 - The Lecture (Emma)


Emma normally would have sat a few minutes in the breakroom after dropping off her lunch for the day.  She was always very punctual and would often use that extra time to relax before starting a day at the lab.  Today was a little bit different.  Today she wanted to make sure she got a good seat at today’s lecture.  She walked briskly down the hallway, waving to Dr. Becotte and Dr. Rodriguez who were just leaving the Subject Storage Facility.  They were transporting an interestingly large number of subjects, one of which she recognized from earlier that week.  Emma smiled down at him, remembering how large his bicep felt as she checked his blood pressure.  That was the last time she’d seen him and now…well, his bicep didn’t look so big anymore.

She said her goodbyes to Dr. Becotte and Dr. Rodriguez as they crossed into the threshold of what might have been the most secretive area of RR Labs, informally referred to as “The Third R”.  Emma would have loved to see what went on in there but she did not have the clearance…but maybe one day!

Sure enough, Emma was the first one in the conference room.  She’d seen her fair share of lecture halls during her degree and this conference room closely resembled one with its auditorium-style seating and large presentation stage, fully equipped with projector screens and audio interfaces.

This conference room was somewhat famous in this building.  It was in this very conference room that Dr. Walker and Dr. Bexley gave their presentation to the Board of Investors on “Subcutaneous & Visceral Fat Immersion through Injection”, or simply “Injection Therapy”. Oh, to be a fly on the wall in this room on that day!

The audience was blown away, as the story goes, two of the female investors so moved by the development that they accepted a round of “Injection Therapy” just to celebrate the momentous occasion.  It was because of the two young, ambitious doctors’ talent and dedication that Emma was here today.  It was why every injected subject was where they were.

Emma retrieved a light green spiral notebook. Its pages were filled with complicated calculations as well as intricate chemical reactions. Some were neat and tidy taken in this very room while others were scribbled quickly as she struggled to keep up with the quick mind of Dr. Walker. She turned to a clean sheet nestled halfway through the notebook as the front door creaked. Emma’s gaze was drawn to the entrance where Luanne and Tatiana made their entrance.

Luanne, with her sun-kissed blonde hair cascading like a golden waterfall, was the embodiment of Southern charm. Sun-kissed blonde hair cascading like a golden waterfall framed her dimpled cheeks and warm features. Her paper-thin white lab coat let through the pattern of tiny hearts decorating the blouse underneath and clung to her petite frame, accentuating modest curves.

Luanne was dedicated to her studies as was every girl at RR Labs, pursuing a degree in molecular biology.  The subject demanded both intellect and perseverance for which Luanne had demonstrated more than adequate aptitudes. However, beneath the veneer of academic prowess, there was a delightful quirkiness about her–and charming and disarming ‘air-headedness’ that would have made it difficult to dislike her.

Tatiana was Emma’s senior by one year.  She carried herself in a confident air of sophistication tinged with a hint of sarcasm. The native New Yorker’s chestnut-brunette locks framed a sour expression as usual.  An unfortunate case of ‘resting bitch face’ – perhaps it was her Jewish heritage or her upbringing in the bustling streets of New York City. Nevertheless, her beauty was undeniable, her considerable chest subtly accentuated by the contours of her form-fitting blouse, which peeked from beneath her thin white lab coat.

She was pretty, sure...but not A LOT prettier than Emma.

Emma also felt she was the more intelligent than Tatiana as well. Both Luanne and Tatiana had been accepted into the RR Labs intern program after Emma.

Next in was Dr. Brandi Thompson, who was usually the oldest woman in the audience, aside from Dr. Walker and Dr. Bexley.  She had been with RR Labs for a long time, starting out as an intern just like Emma, Tatiana and Luanne back in the mid-2000’s but she worked in the Acclimation Department under the former head Dr. Kleinhardt. She’d started as Acclimation Therapy Assistant but took the position of Head Acclimation Therapist soon after completing her degree and after Dr. Kleinhardt left RR Labs.

Back in the day, almost every subject’s first introduction to long-term residence in the female rear end started with Brandi Thompson.  They’d be tucked away between her cheeks for short-ish stints of time just to get used to the process of rear-housing before they were turned over to their long-term and, in some cases, permanent Participants.  Nowadays, Dr. Thompson worked with cutting-edge new technologies to advance her research into subjects’ adaptation and acceptance of the female rear end as well as training her new protege who had just been hired a few weeks ago as the new Acclimation Therapy Assistant.

Her research into the psychological adaptation processes of subjects to the environment of female rear ends kept her busy, no doubt, but Dr. Thompson had always deeply valued education and was always interested in cross-training.  There weren’t many opportunities for Acclimation cross-over into Injection Therapy but Dr. Thompson considered it beneficial to learn about Injection Therapy as the buzz around the new-ish technology was only getting louder as time went on.

Dr. Thompson had beautiful, long blonde hair that she often kept braided but today it flowed freely at her shoulders.  She had an official RR Labs lab coat as did all the RR Scientists with her name over her breast and everything. She had a wider frame than Emma did, but it didn’t mean at all that Brandi was fat.  She was just bigger.  Bigger thighs, bigger hips, bigger chest, and a much bigger butt.  Emma couldn’t help but watch out of the corner of her eye as Dr. Thompson walked past Emma and Luanne, taking a seat several spots away from Tatiana.  The doctor was friendly and very approachable but she sought to preserve the professional barrier between RR intern and RR scientist in this unique learning environment. Still, Dr. Thompson was so sweet and friendly; it was just impossible to hate her.

Someone who was much better at acquiring hate had just walked into the lecture hall.

Well, hate may have been too strong of a word.  Jealousy, envy, resentment...they were all fair, but hate may have been too much.  The other girls seemed to like her or were at least okay with her.

“Hey Nikk.” Emma said as Nicole took a seat next to her.

She specifically wanted to sound breezy, as if she didn’t care.

“Hi Em.” Nicole replied, sounding convincingly breezy and as if she didn’t care.

Emma watched out of the corner of her eye as Nicole lifted her long blonde hair out of her lab coat collar and allowed it to fall onto her shoulders and neck.  Instead of calculations and formulae, Nicole’s pink spiral notebook was filled with notes she’d taken during procedures and sketches of various equipment.  She had a degree in mechanical engineering and an interest in how parts fit together so she assisted Dr. Walker and Dr. Bexley, following in Dr. Hernandez’s footsteps with improving RR Labs instruments and technology.  Best she could as an intern, anyway.

A few minutes after Nicole’s entrance, all the dull, girly chatter tapered off abruptly and Emma looked up from her notes.

“Good morning, interns.” Dr. Walker sang with a smile.  “...and Dr. Thompson.”

Dr. Thompson smiled and nodded her head.

Dr. Walker was followed closely by another woman whom Emma assumed would be Dr. Bexley but it wasn’t.  Emma did not recognize her.

Depending on the observer's perspective, this mystery woman would either be deemed curvaceous or, under more critical scrutiny,  heavyset. Her jeans strained valiantly to encase her voluptuous thighs, resembling an ongoing battle between flesh and stitching, while her generously proportioned derrière asserted its own defiant presence. Her shirt, a cute flowery top, was a bit too short. It showed off just a little bit of belly, which was already way too much for her voluptuous, full figure…at least that’s what Emma thought.

In Emma’s opinion, you could only do that if your belly was completely flat, not with a bit of pouch as this woman had.  It looked as if this woman’s strategy was to distract from the small amount of her showing belly by showing a lot of cleavage.  Just like the rest of her, this woman’s boobs were big.  When it came to tits, she wasn’t as big as the busty Japanese girl but Jesus, who was?

The woman stood slightly above average height and she looked to be in her late 30’s, possibly early 40’s.  She was hispanic and wore dark lipstick which accentuated her already hardened features, but her expression softened pleasantly as Dr. Walker introduced her.

“The moment you’ve all been waiting for is here.” Dr. Walker said only half-jokingly.  She motioned toward the latina woman who waived to the interns in the audience.

“This is Angela and she has agreed to help us out today.” Dr. Walker said, turning back to Angela.  “You can have a seat right here if you like.”

Angela took a seat facing the interns, crossing a huge left thigh over her right.  The denim running from her knee up to her ass cheek looked like it might explode as she got comfortable, ready to listen to Dr. Walker speak.

“So if you all remember where we left off last week, I believe I’d left some questions to be answered.  Let's see if you all did your readings of the case studies and findings I provided.”

The intelligent, impressive doctor looked directly at Emma.

“Emma, what does the ‘SC&VF’ in SC&VF immersion stand for?”

‘What an easy one!’ Emma thought, trying to hide her smile.

“Subcutaneous and Visceral Fat.” Emma said, beaming with pride and confidence.

“Very good.  Tatiana, briefly explain the typical subject’s SC&VF immersion experience as we understand it.”

The pensive brunette Jewish woman stammered for a second but quickly found her words.

“His experience is a constant pressure and compression by adjacent fat cells that surround him, Dr. Walker. Well...actually maybe a better way to say it would be that he is under pressure and compression constantly, but the intensity of the pressure and compression sort of varies depending on the activity of the Participant. And also, the lattice structure of the fat cells maintain their shape and position so if the fat cells are squeezing him hard enough, he either won’t move anywhere or he’ll kinda...like...pop out like a bar of soap between wet hands.”

The girls in the room giggled at the analogy and Tatiana’s hand gesture as she continued with a confident smile.

“...but then he’ll just get slowed down and eventually stopped by other fat cells.  When they’re a bit more relaxed or absorbing motion or movement, the subject’s more likely able to move about on his own.”

“I see.  And how does he move about?” Dr. Walker followed up.

Tatiana opened her mouth to speak but then stopped, her confidence seeming a bit lacking.  She quietly replied, “Well, he…umm…doesn’t really…right?”

“Very good!  Anyone know why?  Is it because he doesn’t try to?  Someone besides Tatiana.” Dr. Walker said, scanning the room of girls.

Emma answered, “They definitely try.  It's because there is very, very little friction between the subject’s bare skin and the fat cell membrane.  Pushing off of it doesn’t work very well.”

“Yeah,” Nicole added. Emma turned her head a bit annoyed at Nicole’s interjection but tried not to be too obvious about it as the blonde continued. “Even if he is able to make progress against the fat cells he’s pushing against...it's like...practically zero progress in the grand scheme of things.  Just one fat cell to him would be like...something around 700 or 800 ft tall.”

“Very good, Nicole!” Dr. Walker smiled.  “811 feet to be exact!  To our subject, each fat cell would appear to be nearly twice as tall as the Pyramid of Giza!”

Dr. Walker looked at Luanne.  “Let’s work backwards from a comparison like that one.  I’m picturing...a Walmart…and I want all you girls to picture one, too. Now take everything out of it...all the aisles, all the people.  All the registers, all the lights.  We just have a giant, empty warehouse.  Now get 38 more of them.  Now, from the perspective of the subject, what did I just describe the volume of?”

Another easy one!  But still, Emma thought there was no way Luanne would get this one and she was right.

Luanne tilted her head in confusion.  “The volume of uhh...umm…….”

“The volume of one fat cell.” Emma said with a smile, saving Luanne from the embarrassing situation while also scoring some points with Dr. Walker.

“Correct!  From the subject’s perspective, it would take 39 completely empty Walmart warehouses to contain the gel-like triglyceride lipid fluid trapped in just one fat cell.”

Probably determined to get some points back, Luanne blurted out, “And that’s what he eats, too!  ...right?”

Dr. Walker replied, “Yes, that’s right.  Part of the generic synthetic compound in the cell exposure solution allows the subject to process this triglyceride lipid fluid with remarkable efficiency.  Without it he would starve.  But since there is so much to go around, that would never be a concern of his!”

The interns giggled.

Since you brought it up, how does the subject feed, Luanne?” the doctor asked, giving her another chance.  “Does he pass through the membrane into the fat cell?”

Luanne proudly replied, occasionally glancing down at her bubbly notes, “No, that was Dr. Bexley’s hypothesis, but you determined that the membrane was way too thick, even for something as small as a subject to pass through and DEFINITELY too thick for something so weak to completely rupture.  The subject needs to make…ummmm…”

Luanne trailed off, leafing frantically through her notebook and the confidence came back as her eyes widened on the page. “...mico-tears!  They need to make micro-tears in the membrane in order to get access to the gel and eat, but he’s barely even strong enough to do that; he has to use his teeth and it usually takes him around half an hour to create a hole big enough to eat from.”

“Excellent, Luanne!” Dr. Walker said and Luanne beamed, her rosy cheeks getting rosier under her blonde hair. “And even then, it's a race against time.  Even though it took so much work from the subject, the hole created is actually so small that the fat cell is able to repair very quickly.  The subject is lucky if he can get a few mouthfuls before he has to chew a new hole into the membrane.”

Tatiana raised her hand. “Is it possible for a subject to create a big enough hole to fit through?”

Dr. Walker replied, “Most things are possible and what you’ve described is no exception.”

Tatiana continued her line of questioning. “So….umm..I guess it's possible then that a subject could..like…enter a fat cell then?

“Like a sperm and an egg?” Luanne asked, her eyes lighting up but then squinting in regret at her blurt as both hands rushed to cover the huge grin on her face.

Dr. Walker smiled, “You’re not all that far off, Luanne!  As a matter of fact, our research indicates that it is possible for a subject to penetrate a fat cell, but he would strongly wish that he didn’t!”

“It would be bad for him to be inside the fat cell?” Luanne asked, twirling her blonde hair in her fingers as she tried to keep up with Dr. Walker.

“Well, that depends on who you ask,” Dr. Walker replied.  “The membrane will still repair itself just as quickly as if he was on the outside.  But the extreme concavity of the membrane from the subject’s new vantage point INSIDE the fat cell would render any efforts to break the membrane decidedly unproductive.  Once the membrane seals behind him, his confinement within the fat cell would become permanent.”

“Wow…so he’d be stuck in that fat cell for the rest of his life?” Luanne asked, her mouth agape.

Dr. Walker nodded cheerfully. “That’s right, Luanne! On the bright side, he’ll not have to work nearly as hard for sustenance ever again!”

The girls giggled.

“It’s actually a fascinating study that Dr. Bexley conducted.” Dr. Walker said, retrieving a tiny notebook from the tightly stretched breast pocket of her lab coat.  “I’ll send out an email to everyone here with a link to the study for your review.”

As Dr. Walker quickly scribbled a reminder, Emma had to unbutton the top button of her blouse to allow some of the building heat to escape.

The door opened and Dr. Walker smiled, “Oh, speak of the devil.  Hello, Dr. Bexley.”

The interns echoed Dr. Walker’s greeting, to which Dr. Bexley smiled.

“Hi, Dr. Walker.  Girls.”

Dr. Bexley was pushing a cart toward the row of interns and when Emma saw what was on the cart, she grinned ear-to-ear and her throbbing heart skipped a beat.

“We were just discussing your study on SC&VF cellular penetration…”

Dr. Bexley smiled, her adorable button nose wrinkling up as her mind drifted back to fascinating memories.

“...as well as our disagreement on Lipid Bi-Layer Permeance.” Dr. Walker said with a playful smirk.

Dr. Bexley placed one tray in front of Emma and one tray in front of Nicole.  “Ahh yes you won that day, Dr. Walker.  But let's not forget the day of Endodiapoly Luminescence”. Each girl got their own tray; Emma, along with the other 4 girls, couldn’t have been more excited but each girl knew not to touch anything just yet...except for Luanne who was gently corrected by Dr. Bexley to wait.

“What you see on the tray in front of you,” Dr. Walker said, “are two items. The one on the left is our proprietary dual-channel, double loaded and double full, 0.5cc, SC&VF Immersion Syringe.  We say double loaded because both channels are loaded, and we say double full because it is fully prepped for injection. The left channel hidden under the device shielding of course is our experimental dosage of ENDODIAPOLY LUMINESCENCE,”

Dr. Walker said with extra emphasis while looking playfully at Dr. Bexley, evoking a light chuckle from the raven-haired doctor.  The top button of her lab coat was open, revealing ample cleavage as well as a beautiful, thin gold necklace with a tiny jewel at the end.  She often played with it in her fingers when she was deep in thought or basking in praise.

Dr. Walker continued, “Can anyone tell me about the Endodiapoly Luminescence?”

Dr. Thompson was the only one to raise her hand.  “Endodiapoly Luminescence was created by Dr. Bexley as a solution to the problem of fat cell lattice illumination.”

“Very good, Dr. Thompson! But why do we need to illuminate the fat cell structure? Why would it matter if the subject can see his surroundings?” Dr. Bexley said, cheekily pretending as if she didn’t know the answer when she certainly did.

Dr. Thompson chuckled, “We don’t do it for the subject. Despite the groundbreaking advancements in Injection Therapy, SC&VF monitoring is still in its infancy and we’re trying to find new ways to monitor the subjects during fat immersion.”

“Exactly right,” Dr. Walker said. “We still have a way to go until we can fully monitor them. But, credit where credit is due, Dr. Bexley found a way to solve what would be a major problem with monitoring the subjects in the future: a light source.”

“And that’s what you see in the left channel of your Syringes.  There are several hundred nanoscopic illumination devices in that solution and their job once injected is to emit a very low and power-efficient frequency wavelength of red light.  During each injection, a small portion of that load is mixed in with the main chamber; there is probably enough in that left channel for around 7-9 injections.”

“It is specifically selected to maximize productive refraction off of and into the surfaces of the fat cell structure.  The level of light is INCREDIBLY insignificant, so much so that it could emit consistently for hundreds of years, but it will be enough for its purposes. Once we finish our development of and deploy the first NNV, or Nano-Night Vision Camera, the red light will welcome it and illuminate its surroundings for recording.

“Plus it lets them see too, probably.” Luanne said sweetly, leaning down close to her syringe, resting her chin on the backs of her hands and peering into the syringe.

Dr. Walker chuckled as Dr. Bexley took a seat next to Angela.  “Yes, I suppose so.”

“The other device you might recognize as our proprietary SLM-Signature Detection Element built right into the injection device. I believe each of you have at least watched myself or Dr. Bexley use one or have even used it yourself.  You should use your SLM device to run detection of the subject after injections and during checkups.  Additionally, best practice dictates you should ALWAYS run detection on your SC&VF syringe before or at least after injection.”

The pretty young interns all nodded silently, some jotting notes in their notebooks.

“Anyway, back to the SC&VF syringe.  In the main exposed channel, you will see a container with clear liquid.  Each of the SC&VF syringes in front of you contains a fully-prepped, cell-exposed subject ready for injection, and yes...as I’m sure you have already figured out…”

‘Oh god, please…’ Emma thought to herself, hoping she was right in what she was assuming.

Dr. Walker said, patting a smiling Angela on the shoulder.

“...you will all be performing an unassisted injection of your subject into our wonderful volunteer, Angela.”

Emma thought she might faint from excitement.

“And that’s not the best part,” Dr. Bexley teased. She seemed more excited than Dr. Walker about the prospect but that was somewhat normal as Dr. Walker could be difficult to read at times. “But we’ll get to that in just a minute.”

Dr. Walker continued. “We managed to negotiate a deal with a certain correctional facility that I will not name.  Inmates deemed eligible were given the option to deduct 10% from their sentences if they agreed to carry out the remainder of their sentence in laboratory custody.  These subjects are categorized separately from our traditionally acquired subjects, which we identify with a pink label.  As you can see, these instead have blue labels.”

“Ladies…” Dr. Bexley said, brimming with excitement that caused her large breasts to sway. “...look down at your SC&VF syringes:  before each of you is an inmate who decided to sign the dotted line.”

Emma looked at the syringe in front of her; she wanted to pick it up so badly.

Dr. Walker handed five pale blue manilla folders to Dr. Bexley. The raven-haired doctor leafed through each of them, perhaps doing a final check as Dr. Walker continued, “You will be responsible for reviewing their file in detail.  Personal identifying information such as names has been removed, but psychological profile, physical screenings, and bio-genetic testing information is all very detailed.  I expect each of you to know your subjects inside and out.”

Dr. Bexley picked up where her colleague left off. “Each of these subjects now belong to you but they will not remain in your custody for long. You will be responsible for not only performing the injection of your subject into Angela, but you will also select the specific injection site on her body.”

Emma’s mouth dropped.

‘I get to pick where he’s going to be injected?’ Emma thought.

She was NOT expecting that.

Her mind felt like it was catching fire with desire.




Is this one finished ? it's not updated anymore


I've gotten a little backlogged with the other patreon content. Mayumi will start back up again next Friday!


Wow, hope that at least one girl decides for a sole injection!