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The Grass is Always Greener

Chapter 2 - Words That Bite

[February 4th, 2010]

Kelli pulled her enormous bare cheeks apart just enough for the sound of her encouraging voice to enter her crack. Matt didn’t care much for the grating sound of her favorite TV show, Glee nor the sing-songy tone of her voice but he did welcome the brief gust of fresh air circulated by her overhead ceiling fan that drifted down between the blonde’s big butt cheeks.

“Just one more episode and that’ll be our six hours, Matthew!” Her big cheeks gently bounced back into position around the tiny naked man, the releasing of the fatty orbs akin to pressing and letting go of the button on a walkie-talkie.  She’d sent the message and that was it.

The pressure around Matt remained mostly constant for the next 20 or 30 minutes, save for the few times that Kelli laughed at her dumb show, causing her loosely packed butt cheeks to jiggle as if the twin glutes found the show just as funny.  It made sense to Matt.  The blonde’s head was probably about the same size as each of her fat ass cheeks and probably had about the same brain mass.

After the twenty minutes, Matt watched two fingers with chipped nail polish appear over his head, eclipsing the overhead ceiling fan as they gently plucked him out of her crack.  She promptly marched to the bathroom and carefully adjusted the water temperature until it was just right.

“Hold your breath, Matthew.” Kelli said, her voice as sweet as sugar.  She joined her two hands, one containing a dollop of foam hand soap and the other containing Matt.  Kelli hummed an annoying pop song while she tenderly lathered Matt’s entire body, washing away the subtle but noticeable scent of her ass before drying him off with his own dedicated hand towel.

“There we go, all clean!”  Kelli said, boasting as if she were a talented stage performer who had just performed a logic-defying magic trick. Matt was not impressed.

She returned him to his cage, setting him down softly on his velvety carpeted floor.

“And now you’ve got the whole day to have fun!  Now that works over, right?” Kelli said, her hands resting on the tabletop in front of Matt’s cage and her chin atop her hands.

“Right.” Matt grumbled.  The only reason he responded was because he wanted something. “Are you going to give me more root beer or what?”

Kelli’s eyes squinted. “Oh shoot.  We’re out of your root beer.”

This freaking girl…

“Oh!”  Kelli’s eyes widened.  “But there’s still a little bit of my soda left in the fridge!  It’s Diet Dr. Pepper.  Is that alright?”

Matt liked Dr. Pepper…and even diet was okay.  But it would have been more enjoyable to let Kelli believe that she’d let him down, so he shook his head no.

“Sorry Matthew…I’ll pick up some more on my way home tonight.”

Matt cursed under his breath as Kelli filled up his water dispenser and lined his ‘pantry’ area with an assortment of sugary snacks, mostly travel-sized bags she’d swiped from the campus cafeteria.

“Are you going to be okay here until I get home tonight?  It probably won’t be until around 10pm.”

‘Are you freaking kidding me?’ Matt thought.  ‘5 whole hours without you around to bug me?  Holy shit, stay out as late as you want.’

He’d have been happy to continue ignoring her but he didn’t care to risk her interpreting his silence as disagreement about her extended absence. Matt grumbled in the affirmative, the bare minimum of acknowledgement.

“RR Labs called me again yesterday…they said that they were going to have to dock our pay for coming short of the DDM.”

Matt took a deep, shaky breath as he reached for one of the crumpled pieces of Cooler Ranch Doritos.

“I mean..we did great today…and I think if we keep doing great everything will be fine.  I know we can keep it–”

“--Kelli…” Matt said.

Kelli stopped talking immediately and leaned in closer so as not to miss any words coming out of the tiny man’s mouth.

“Just get the hell out.”

The ditzy blonde’s thick lower lip quivered for a second and her eyes darted up, as if she were holding back tears.  She didn’t say anything else to Matt.  She stood up and walked out.

As much as he hated Kelli for what she was doing to him and the horrible experiences she was putting him through daily, he had to admit that she had a great point about getting all that gross ass-housing out of the way early.  Now he had all this free time to just lounge out on the couch and watch his shows.  It was great to just sit back and sink into the TV show and forget about his own life and his own problems for a little while.  Would he have taken Walt and Jesse’s problems over his own?  Easy to say yes now of course.

However, Matt had to remind himself that Walt and Jesse’s meth conquests would likely see them dead or in jail by the show’s end. By then, Matt would hopefully be out of this terrible situation.  Maybe he’d even watch the Breaking Bad series finale, whenever that might be, from something other than a crappy old matchbook.

Suddenly, Matt felt his cage rattling as if an earthquake was cresting.  The reality was far more concerning.  It was the deep rumbling of heavy footfalls coming up the stairs.  The thunderous steps had to have been coming from Kelli’s fat roommate, but why was she not continuing on down the hallway to her bedroom?  Why was she stopped in front of Kelli’s door?

Why was she now twisting the knob?

The brass doorknob rattled violently and Matt’s blood ran cold.  He heard girlish giggling on the other end of the door…the only thing keeping Matt and Kelli’s roommate separated.  And then he heard the slinking metal sliding into the keyhole.

“Oh god…” Matt thought, scanning around his cage.  There was nowhere to go, nowhere to run.  The only place he could hide was in his bed.  He leaped onto the makeshift bed that Kelli had created for him as the door squeaked quietly open.

“What the hell could that thumpy oaf want in here?” Matt said nervously, pulling the small stitched fabric of his blanket over his head.  He was hiding as if he were a scared child trying to evade a monster, only this monster was real.  He couldn't believe it, but he wished Kelli was here right now. As much as he hated her, he knew that she would protect him from this noisy beast of a woman.

And now she was kicking her big, clunky shoes off?  What the hell was going on?!

Her footsteps got closer, making a bee-line for Matt’s cage.  He was literally trembling under the blankets as the thunderous steps got closer.

“Kelli?!” Matt said.  “Why are you walking like a damn elephant?”

Kelli burst out laughing, both her hands trying to contain the giggling but they failed miserably. “Am I being loud? I’m sorry! Sarah’s older sister was visiting and she brought a bottle of Hypnotic and I’d never drank before but it was really fun!”

“Kelli, I’m trying to sleep.”  Matt said, rolling over away from the drunk teenager.

“Oh, sorry!” Kelli hissed, her whisper somehow louder than her giggling and piercing enough to rattle Matt’s bones.

She clumsily undressed down to a frilly, pastel-green bra and bright pink pair of panties.  “Wanna sleep with me tonight?” Kelli asked, biting her lip.

Matt rolled over and looked at her with indignance. “Are you serious right now?  I did my hours for the day.”

“I knoooooow.” Kelli giggled, leaning down to look into Matt’s cage, her eyes, curious as a playful kitten’s, trying to burn holes through his blanket. Her breath was an unpleasantly imbalanced blend of alcohol and altoid mints.

“I didn’t mean sleeping in my butt, silly.”

His eyes wandered down from her playful but drooping eyes to her massive, exposed rack. He wouldn’t have minded getting some up-close-and-personal time with those huge tits but at what cost?  Being friendly to Kelli?  Letting her think that the hell he had to endure in her fat, disgusting ass everyday was okay?   Hell no.

Matt rolled back over away from Kelli. The drunk girl waited for what felt like hours but was probably closer to 10 seconds before standing up.  “Good night, Matthew.” Her voice quivered.  There wasn’t as much enjoyment or youthful energy in her evening greeting as there was in her drunken proposition, but Matt couldn’t possibly have felt bad for her.

If anything, he was getting angrier as he watched the goofy drunk blonde climb into her big comfy bed.  Her creamy white soles wrinkled up as she leaned back, trying to pull the blankets out from under her own knees. When it came to her lack of brains, she was really outdoing herself.  She finally figured it out, getting under her covers and crumbling into a heap, but she’d kicked them off her body minutes after she started snoring…much louder than she normally did.

“Great, how the hell am I supposed to sleep now?” Matt complained.  Why did stuff like this have to keep happening to him??

Bitter and angry, Matt stomped over to the android phone and powered it on, preparing to watch another episode of Breaking Bad….with the volume turned all the way up of course.  But then he saw something that made him grin.  It was a pop-up notification asking him to confirm tomorrow morning’s alarm. The dumb bluetooth alarm clock on Kelli’s dresser next to her bed.  It was set for 6 AM.

“Oh, wouldn’t it be shitty if she missed her big important volleyball game?” Matt snickered out loud, activating the alarm clock control from the phone.  He turned off the alarm…and the backup alarm.

“That’s what you get.” Matt said to Kelli, who had rolled over onto her stomach now, her face smooshed into the side of her pillow and her bare foot hanging off the edge of her bed.

* * * * * * * * *


Matt awoke to the sound of Kelli slapping her alarm clock.

He looked over just in time to see her rolling over to address a prominent wedgie that developed over the course of her slumber.  Her sheets rustled noisily as she slid out of bed, her thick, smooth legs kicking wildly as if she were a fish out of water.

“How the frick did my alarm clock not go off?!” Kelli asked out loud, rushing to stuff her bare feet into a pair of white socks.  She exploded up out of bed.  Much to Matt’s unashamed amusement, the flustered teenager became a fleshy blur, bouncing off the floor and walls like a tennis ball.  She dropped to her knees, sitting on her sock clad feet in front of her dirty clothes hamper. Kelli’s thighs splayed out to twice their already expansive width as colorful articles of clothing flew up through the air–panties, socks, bras, jeans, and shirts to name a few.

“I can’t believe I did this...I didn’t even have time to wash them…”  Kelli lamented, digging through her dirty laundry.  Matt knew exactly what she was looking for.

“Ah!  Found them!” Kelli cheered, taking the victories where she could get them as she held up her lucky checkered navy blue, skin tight shorts.

Normally she’d change her underwear after waking up…but then again she’d also usually get a shower.  She had time for neither of those things now as her big butt jiggled rebelliously into the cramped navy blue confinement.

“Good..” Matt thought, rolling over to go back to sleep. “I hope she misses her competition.”

Kelly had grabbed her keys and a bottle of water from the fridge, slipping into her well worn athletic shoes before marching toward the door.  She stopped in the door frame, the jiggle of her cheeks from the last step slowly decaying as she remained motionless.

“Oh no…” Kelli said as she turned around.  “Matthew.”

Matt closed his eyes as Kelli approached his cage, but she was persistent.  “Matthew…you have to wake up.”

“What is it?” Matt asked, pretending to be groggy.

“I don’t know why but…my alarm clock didn’t go off this morning.  It’s 11am…I have to leave for the game right now.”

Matt waited for her to explain how this was his problem.  He looked at her and lifted his hands with an attitude, “...okay?  So?”

Kelli faltered for a moment, looking like she really didn’t want to say what she was about to say.

“This isn’t my problem….soooo…I’m gonna go back to sleep.” Matt replied with annoyance in his voice.

“I was going to wake up at 6am today so that we could get the….6 hours out of the way.  Cause I’m going to be gone all day today, remember?”

Matt froze, feeling his heart sink into his chest.  Had he just completely screwed himself by turning off her alarm?

“What are you telling me right now?” Matt asked.

“You’re going to have to come with me.” Kelli said, looking down at her wide hips.  The material of her navy blue shorts was stretched so tight with a subtle crease or two that ran from her crotch to the outer edge of either hip.  “In my butt…”

“Umm…absolutely not!” Matt said, throwing the covers off his body.  He was naked and usually a bit more modest around Kelli, but he was far too angry for that right now.  So what if this was his fault?  He’d be damned if he was going to be punished any more than he already had been.

“There is less than zero freaking chance that I’m gonna spend even a second trapped in your sweaty, dirty ass while you’re playing volleyball.”  Matt exclaimed, pointing his fingers aggressively at Kelli.

“Matthew, I’m so sorry.  I’ll make it up to you, I promise.  I know I messed up.  I’ll get another alarm clock..I’ll get TWO more!” Kelli exclaimed, reaching into the cage and picking Matt up roughly in her fingers.

He could tell that she meant business right now.  She usually always waited a bit longer before skipping over his lack of consent and picking him up.

“No! You didn’t even shower yet!”

“I don’t have time, Matthew!” Kelli said with intensity, quickly moving Matt around to the back of her volleyball outfit.  “I’m so sorry!”

“Kelli, please!” Matt said, feeling the heat and smelling the foul air coming up out of Kelli’s waistband.  It wasn’t enough to make him vomit or anything, but the absence of her normal coconut cleanliness was nowhere to be found…and he was only just now being wedged down into her crack!  How much worse was it going to get when she started walking to the game?  When she started playing?

Six freaking hours like this?  Buried in all this dirty ass?

“I promise I’ll make it up to you, Matthew.  We just can’t miss the minimum hours again or we’ll get in trouble.”

Kelli gently stroked her curvy left butt cheek, pressing lightly enough to compress the doughy flesh against Matt in a tender gesture of apology.  “I promise it will be okay.”

She picked up her things and made her way to the door.  Matt had grown very accustomed to his time in Kelli’s ass crack…and each of his experiences were of her laying down, completely stationary.  She would be reading…or working on homework…or watching a movie…or chatting with girlfriends on the phone.  No matter what she was doing, her butt cheeks were always motionless.  Well, mostly motionless; she had a tendency to bend her knee while lying on the stomach and fidget her foot..and any kind of body movement is going to result in a booty that big shaking a bit.

But anyway, that was the extent of Matt’s experience with Kelli’s booty.  Mostly stationary.  Now, however, she hadn’t even made it to the door yet and the friction from her jiggling cheeks sliding against one another was becoming unbearable.  And it was only going to get worse.  This was the BEST it was going to be for the whole day!

“Let me the fuck out!” Matt shouted.  He was instantly punished for his disrespect as his mouth filled with the creamy, soft fleshy fat of her butt cheek’s fleshy inner wall.  The taste was horrifying!

It only got worse when she started bouncing down the stairs.  She made no efforts to restrain her bulbous butt, her epic buns rocking up and down, gliding up against one another as if they were trying to use the kinetic energy to burst out of her tight shorts.

Matt had only just managed to force the already salted taste of Kelli’s unclean butt cheek from his palette when she jumped down the last step, a resounding jiggle bucking the shrunken man mercilessly.  A winceful shout rushed out of his open mouth, and in rushed more of Kelli’s butt cheek flesh.

The tiny man didn’t try to force the flesh out of his mouth again. Instead, he bit down as hard as he could.

His tiny teeth sank into the plush cushion, and it almost felt satisfying in a primal way. The taste though…terrible.

Kelli shrieked, literally jumping into the air as she grabbed her butt with both hands.  “

“Owwwwww!” Kelli cried, squeezing her cheeks in on themselves, instinctively trying to extinguish the threat in her crack before she found some semblance of rational thought.  Matt squinted in the bright light of Kelli’s living room.  He’d never seen it before, and it was honestly a nice change of pace.

She stared at him, a strong impression of pain in her eyes, and not just the physical kind.

“Did you….bite me, Matthew?” Kelli asked, her other empty hand disappearing behind her back as she gingerly rubbed the inner wall of her cheek.

“You bet I did.” Matt said indignantly.  “And don’t you dare think for a second that I’m going to apologize.  And if you try and put me back in your filthy, dirty ass again, and I do mean EVER AGAIN, I’ll bite it even harder.”

Kelli looked heartbroken, her eyes welling up with tears.  The wheels in her simple, pretty head were turning and Matt found himself a bit nervous about what she was going to do.  He flinched as she abruptly ran back upstairs toward her bedroom. Part of him was worried that she was finally going to snap and hurt him.  No way that she could put up with this much of his abuse and ridicule.

Matt’s stomach was in knots as they bounced upstairs.  Kelli usually held Matt firmly against her soft chest whenever they used the stairs, partially to conceal him from her roommate but also to make sure that he was safe and protected.  She was either too angry or too afraid to let him get that close to her boobs now.

Once in the bedroom, she slammed the door shut and marched over to the cage.  What was she going to do to him?  Take away his dinky matchbox couch?  The stupid cracked cell phone?

Was she going to throw away his stale snacks or his flat soda?  His velvety blue ‘carpet’ that was probably an old worn-out pair of nasty volleyball shorts?

‘Do your worst, you bitch.’ Matt grumbled as she reached into the cage…

…with the hand holding Matt.

Just as gentle as any other day, she set him into his cage.

Kelli then turned to face away from her bedside, full body mirror and she pulled down her shorts.  She spread her huge, pale butt cheeks as she looked over her shoulder into the mirror.  Matt had the perfect vantage point of the crack he’d just been imprisoned within.  Kelli sifted her fingers over the pillowy flesh of her glutes, wincing and breathing in sharply as her fingertip glided over the bite deep between her cheeks.

“I think that’s gonna scar…” Kelli said, wiping away tears as her nose wrinkled up.

She pulled the shorts back up over her expansive rear and went back to Matt’s cage.

Matt balled up his fists and stood as strong as he could.  She was just a ditzy teenage girl and yet he was trembling, trying to look tough and confident but his mind just kept going back to how strong she was…how much more powerful she was than him even if she never chose to use that power.  Maybe she would now.

He had decided that if she put him back in her butt again, he was going to bite even harder…he didn’t care anymore.  He wasn’t going to allow her to put him through this.  Living part time in her clean, stationary crack was one thing but he’d be damned if he was going to spend any time in a dirty, oven-hot ass jiggling all over the damn place.

Matt tilted his head in confusion, watching her stare down at him with tears streaming down her cheeks. Her shining bottom lip quivered as she was about to say something but apparently decided against it.  Was she not going to punish him in some way?

Kelli shut the cage gently so as not to knock him off his feet.  She didn’t say a word, mean or otherwise.  She made sure that the phone’s black cord running through his cage was properly plugged into the wall and then she left quietly, locking the door behind her.

It should have been Matt’s most peaceful, relaxing day since going home with Kelli and yet he felt troubled.  Several hours had passed since he’d bit her butt and she wasn’t expected home until at least 8 PM.  Part of Matt…a VERY small part…was starting to wonder if he’d gone too far in turning off her alarm.  It technically was his fault that things played out as they did.  He hated to admit it, but had he not turned off her alarm, she would have woken up in time to wash her ass and stow him away between her warm, clean cheeks while she read or watched TV. Things could have been very different if he had just let the alarm go off…but then again things could have ALSO been different if Kelli hadn’t agreed to keep him tucked away between her ass cheeks.

Almost embarrassed at the sympathy he felt for this psychotic girl, Matt pushed away any sensation of apology and reaffirmed his conviction.  If he was EVER shoved into her crack again, he’d bite.  It proved pretty effective, clearly.  He was expecting her to try again when the doorknob twisted open and she entered her room.

She wasn’t all bubbly like she normally was when getting home.  Matt looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:07 PM.  There was still about 4 hours left of the day; surely she’d try to make him spend it wedged between her dirty butt cheeks.

Matt clenched his fists and his jaw as Kelli approached his cage, but she didn’t even look down at him.  She just kept on walking to the shower.

“Oh sure…she’s gonna wash the stink off first…and then she’ll put me in there.” Matt thought, watching her disrobe on the walk to the bathroom door.

When Kelli emerged from the shower, she was wrapped in a pristine white towel, her phone cradled between her ear and her shoulder as she opened her dresser drawer.  Matt watched her cleavage deepen as she bent at the waist to grab her favorite pair of pajamas; she was apologizing on the phone, but to who?

If there was anyone on this planet she owed an apology to, it was Matt.  And yet she was apologizing profusely into her cell phone.

“Maybe I’m just not cut out for this..I thought I was…” Kelli said, letting the towel fall at her feet.  “But maybe it's not for me.”

She spent the rest of the time listening as she got dressed, the scent of coconut wafting in the air as she moved about right near Matt’s cage.

“Okay.” Kelli said, breaking the silence of her bedroom.  “Thanks, Dr. Walker.”

The blonde hung up her cell phone and set it to charge at her bedside.

“Kelsey and Amy are downstairs in the living room. We’re celebrating.” Kelli said, although her tone was not that of someone cherishing a victory.  “We’re gonna order pizza and watch movies.”

Matt had to stand up for himself.  He couldn’t allow her to do what he knew she was going to do.  He wasn’t going to go back in there.  No more.

“Don’t you dare put me–”

“--I’m giving you back to RR Labs.” Kelli blurted, interrupting Matt who now stood speechless and wide-eyed.

“You’re taking me back?”

Kelli nodded solemnly.  It looked like she was starting to get upset again.  “I’m going to drive us over there in a few days.”

She looked like she was waiting for Matt to say something but he had nothing. He was completely flabbergasted.  This was finally going to be over?  He didn’t have to go back in her butt?  Did he finally win?

Kelli sat down on her bed and pulled on a pair of striped socks, wiggling her clean, pink toes into the thick wool.

“Thank you.” Matt said.

Her eyes ripped up from her feet to the tiny man in her cage.  It was the first time that he’d ever thanked her and the shock on her face was evident. She shouldn’t get used to it though.  It was the first time…and it would also be the last.

“Are you good with your shows?” Kelli asked, her eyes welling up again.

“Yeah, I’m good. I may even finish Season 3.” Matt said quietly.

The blonde nodded, backing away toward her bedroom door.  She left Matt alone for the rest of the evening, eventually making her way back upstairs at around 1 AM.  Once again, Kelli continued right on past Matt.  She didn’t take him out of his cage.  She didn’t try to tuck him in for the night in her buttcrack.  Kelli just climbed into bed and nuzzled into her thick comforter.

She was upset, but good lord she would get over it. Matt could practically taste freedom and he looked forward to the day that he’d get to say goodbye to Kelli and this god-awful experiment for good.




Ragaey Mahmoud

Waiting for the next chapter 😘