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Today will be a short chapter as a lot of my focus this week has been on one of the monthly comms, which is evolving into something very special.  I'll be talking more about it and teasing the cover next week!

Reduction & Relocation - Lori Warren

Chapter 18 - And Then Another

[October 1st, 2005]


Lori’s eyes snapped open. Gina threw the “muh” at the end of the word “mom”, which Lori had picked up was the universal sign of a teenage girl’s annoyance, outrage, exasperation…you name it, really.

Lori winced hearing two more sharp, explosive knocks.

“What is it?” Lori grumbled in confusion to the closed door.

“Mom, it's 10AM. They’re open!” Gina exclaimed.

“Who??” Lori asked, clutching her head from her light but noticeable hangover.  She was never much of a drinker, and now she was realizing at her age and tolerance, drinking water before bed was very important even if you planned to have a single, albeit large, glass of wine.

“Are you serious, Mom?  Did you really forget?  The DMV! You said you would take me to get my driver’s license!”

Lori paused and sighed.  She wanted to just stay in bed all day, but she didn’t dare stand in the way of a teenage girl and her driver’s license.  “Okay, okay.” Lori replied in defeat.

She waited and listened.  There was a concern that Gina might do what Lori had done to the three girls when they wouldn’t get up for school in the morning…which was to stand at the door and wait.  At least, if she decided to, she couldn’t do it with Lori’s door open.  It was a moot point though, because Lori heard Gina’s footsteps get further away and disappeared downstairs.

Lori sighed in relief, shifting her legs to stretch and then she felt—

‘Ohh..’ she shivered.

“I’d nearly forgotten” she said, feeling dried stickiness left behind on her thighs and in several other more intimate crevices.  Thoughts of the dream reappeared and clouded her mind, sending shivers down her spine.  Lori bent her legs to point her knees up at the ceiling, planting her bare feet into the mattress and pushing down. Her warm, decompressing buns remained in contact with the mattress for as long as they could as she lifted her hips, and now they were hanging a few inches from the stained mattress.  She could feel his movements from deep between her hanging glutes, gravity too weak to break the embrace between her cheeks and his tiny body, but not for a lack of his movement; he was awake.

Lori reached down into her panties, past last night’s mess, down and fished the tiny man out from her crack.  Just as she’d suspected, he matched her inner thighs and soiled mattress: he was covered from head to toe in her dried, cold cum.

“Hey sweetheart.” She said sweetly, setting him down on her stomach, propping her head up on her pillow to look down at him.  This wasn’t going to work, partly because she didn’t want to accentuate her double chin from looking down at him, but also because her chest was obstructing him.  She sat up a little bit to properly look at him.

“You know…I just have no idea what came over me last night.  I can’t remember the last time I felt so…smitten! I hope you didn’t mind.” She said with a smile.

She suspected he didn’t, remembering the way he was staring at her when she was getting dressed the other day.  It made her feel like a teenager again! Maybe this was the start of something beautiful.

“What were they doing yesterday?!” her subject squeaked, abruptly changing the subject, wiping the cum and sweat off his face.  “What did those psychopaths put in me?!?!”

Lori replied, “Dr. Walker explained it, did you not hear her?”

“I was trying to get away from that horrible red haired woman! I wasn’t listening to shit!” He exclaimed.

“Well, she said that basically it will make staying in my bottom easier for you…she did it for your own good.” Lori said matter of factly, her all-knowing, motherly tone shining through.

“My….own…..good?!” he echoes in disbelief, shouting so loudly he lost balance atop her soft skin.

“Which reminds me…” Lori said, abruptly picking him up off her stomach and lifting him up to her face.  She rotated her wrist and squinted her eyes to focus on the subject’s butt. He let out a high-pitched, weak grunt as she encircled him and she felt him pawing at her fingers.

“Ooooo, that looks like it still hurts.  You poor baby.” Lori reacted genuinely to the large wound on the subject’s ass.  She also couldn’t help but notice something else: his cock and balls dangling down between his legs.  She was shocked at how big they looked.

‘Well….in relation to him’ she clarified to herself.

She deduced that he must have been a wild ride before he volunteered for this experiment. He was already wild enough at this size!

“Let me make it feel better.”  She did what she used to do for her girls when they were younger if they fell down and skinned a knee.  Lori began gently blowing on the painful-looking wound on his ass cheek.

“Is that helping?” She asked between breaths, but he didn’t answer…nor did she stop.  She continued to blow.  After a few more breaths, Lori was just about to apologize for what she suddenly realized must have been some unpleasant morning breath when she noticed something interesting.  His cock was…moving.  It was hard to tell since it was so small, and she was seeing it from between his legs and from behind but it was…lengthening!

‘No way…’ she thought.

She now redirected the stream of her focused, cold breath from his ass down between his legs, against his cock and balls from behind.  She saw them noticeably twitch, but it could have just been from the strength of the breath leaving her lungs.  But then, it started growing more, and he started kicking his legs a bit.

Overcome with a strong, unrecognizable lust.  Lori turned him around and she stared at him longingly, like a prey animal…and the little subject seemed almost to understand what was happening.  The look in her eyes…the hunger…

Lori began blowing up close right on his growing cock. She was blowing much quicker now, inhaling quickly to refill her lungs and blow again.  He whimpered up to her between moans, “What…ohhhhhh…are you doing?”

She stopped blowing long enough to say, “I’m returning the favor…you made me feel so good last night.  Between the way you felt after the doctor put you back…and before I fell asleep…I just want to make you feel good too.”

She continued blowing, pulling in deeper breaths quicker so that the now close, warm streams of air could last way longer.  She then brought him close enough to plant a single delicate kiss on his stiffening member.  It felt so little against her lips.  Just this action alone, how naughty it felt, pushed her over the edge.  He was so stiff but still protesting, pushing against her soft lips.

Lori giggled, “Be honest with me..have you……you know….while you were in my behind?  Cmon now you can be honest! I can imagine it might be hard not to!  My ex-husband once told me that even exceptionally warm, cozy temperatures can make men get hard..and then it's all over!”

He emphatically said no as Lori continued kissing his lower half, but she didn’t believe him.

“Are you sure?” She asked teasingly, feeling flutters in her heart and lower stomach.  “Because I’m sure it's really warm and cozy in there..” she said, speaking of her ample rump, currently changing compression states as Lori started to absent-mindedly rock her hips up and down.

She extended her tongue and tucked it in under his balls.  She licked up, but did not have the precision she’d intended…for her tongue surged up well beyond the tip of his throbbing cock and slapped him in the chin.

“You taste like me.” She purred, unrecognizable even to herself.

She hadn’t felt this way since she was a teenager, feeling this way and watching the way his body was responding to her…she loved it.  She probed his crotch with her tongue, her other hand going down between her legs and into her dirty panties.

She focused her eyes on him, trying her hardest to even comprehend what was happening to him…breathing sharply out of her nose.  She suspected he was fighting it..fighting her.  Perhaps trying to last as long as he could?  Guys did that all the time.  The licking and probing intensified as did her stimulation of her own clitoris.  The tiny finally let out a squeak of defeat and twitched profusely, and Lori savored that now familiar, previously long-forgotten taste on her tongue.  It was so subtle you could have missed it.  He was breathing rapidly and twitching profusely.

“Oh you dirty, dirty boy.” Lori said.  “You know, I wasn’t going to do this right now.  I was going to actually have a serious talk with you about…the future.  But you’ve got me so riled up.”  She lowered his limp body down past her breasts, down her stomach, underneath the covers, lifted up the waistband of her panties, and—


Lori jolted at the sound of her door opening, dropping her tiny subject onto her soft cushiony stomach under the blankets.

“What are you doing?” Lori said defensively, pulling the blankets up to cover herself.  She was fully dressed on top but she felt vulnerable laying there in bed, especially considering what she was about to do.

“What am I doing?  What are YOU doing?  Are you serious right now?  It's like 10:30 and you haven’t gotten out of bed yet! You don’t even care” Gina wailed dramatically and then wrinkled up her face and whined, stamping her foot.

“I want—”


“—to get—"


“—my license!”

“Okay, okay!  I’m getting up!” Lori said, swinging her legs out from under the blanket, tucking the tiny naked man down into her panties before getting up.  She shivered as she stood, her lower half cocooned in her blanket as the waistband gently but securely snapped back below her belly button.  She felt the little man slide down and make frenzied, delightful contact with her hungry lips.

“I’m going to go get in the shower and then we’re going to go.  Don’t worry, the DMV will still be there when we get there…so please stop being so dramatic.”

Gina seemed pleased enough with the answer, enough to turn around anyway.  Lori reflected a moment on how close she came to being caught.  She must have forgotten to lock the door.  In all the confusion, she hadn’t reprimanded her daughter for just barging into her bedroom.  She’d have to say something on the drive over, for sure.  But right now, she looked down and pulled the waistband out, looking at the tiny little person; he looked like he was lying in a giant hammock, lovingly cuddling with her sex.  He just looked so cute.  She allowed the fire in her loins to slowly extinguish, confident she could reignite them later.  There was plenty of time for that.

“Looks like we’re going to have to have that talk later on today, honey.”  Lori grabbed the heatbox off the charger and deposited the subject in.

“Wait, wait!” he shouted before she shut the flap.

“I’m starving!  And so thirsty!  I can’t remember the last time I had any food or water!” he exclaimed desperately.

Lori caught herself actually rolling her eyes, looking over at the clock on the wall.  She then stole a quick glance at the vitamins she’d received with the subject, still in the same spot on her nightstand.  She almost picked them up…almost cracked open the seal…but she didn’t. Instead, she went over to her drawer and pulled out a half-full fun-sized bag of pretzel sticks.  She broke two and dropped them in for him and then quickly soaked a clean tissue with the last few warm splashes of her bedside water.

“Here” she said unceremoniously closing the lid, feeling the pressure to hurry lest her daughter return to whine some more.  The sopping wet tissue clung to his body, which might have been uncomfortable but at least he would have no problem pulling the absorbed water out of it.

After her shower, she ran the subject under the faucet, allowing his tiny little body to snake and slither pleasantly through her soapy fingers.  She was glad that she could make him feel so good, and she could tell by the way his little thing was stiffening again under the warm water that he was enjoying this too, he must be!

“Sorry, but if there’s no time for me there’s certainly no time for you!” she said playfully, cutting the water and drying him with her damp bath towel.

“Lori…Lori, Lori, Lori, Lori!” he squeaked, trying to get her attention as she dried him. “Please don’t put me back in…I’m not ready..I really can’t handle it..I can’t take another minute of this!  It's too much..there’s just..too much! It's been over a week! Please, tell me when it will stop!  Tell me it will stop!”

Lori frowned, “I’m sorry dear..I don’t have the answer to that.  We’ll talk more about this later though, I promise.” She gave him a gentle kiss on the chest, engulfing his whole front half.

He pushed forcefully trying to break her away from him, but the only reason why her lips left his skin was because she chose to end the kiss.

“Can you please just let me stay here today?  Please?!  Just today, Lori, I'm begging you.”

“You’re being as dramatic as my daughters, do you know that!  C’mon! It can’t be THAT bad!  I just got out of the shower.”

His pleading became more frantic and less articulate as he started to cry.

“It’ll be okay, it really will.  You’re so much stronger than you give yourself credit for.  You can do this.  I know you can!”

She lowered his whimpering body to her freshly clean asscrack and forced him between her heated, freshly dried ass cheeks and got dressed.

Getting Gina’s drivers license was pretty uneventful, with a significant amount of time spent sitting in a boring room and waiting.  The drive home, however, was anything but uneventful. Lori practically ripped the “oh shit handle”, as Victoria once called it right before being grounded for a week, off the ceiling of the car when Gina got onto the highway.  Somehow, they got home in one piece. Her blood was pumping from the adrenaline, but she was proud of her daughter, and Gina was nothing but smiles.

Luckily, it was a weekend so there was nothing else to do that day except have fun and relax.  They’d actually done something as a family that they hadn’t done in awhile…and it was definitely something she would have grudgingly passed on doing had she not spoken to Dr. Walker about this very issue yesterday.

“Grab mine too, Vicky.”  Lori said as she bounced upstairs to change.

“Sure, mom.” Victoria said.

“And don’t forget the helmets.” She added at the steps.

“Yeah, I’ll get your helmet.”  Victoria replied specifically.

“Helmet-SSS” Lori added, hissing the “S” that pluralized the word helmet, to which Victoria rolled her eyes and complied.

Lori changed into a pair of dark-pink nylon shorts.  They were loose enough on her thighs not to restrict blood flow, but they hugged her butt almost too tightly…not enough to warrant getting a new pair just yet.  After pulling on her tank top and a pair of bright white socks, she went downstairs and met her kids out front.

Gina was already sitting, wearing a pair of baby-blue yoga pants and a light zip-up hoodie.  Isabella was bent over, pumping air into her front tire.  She was wearing her tight black bike shorts and a thin zip-up hoodie very similar to Gina’s, only it was light pink.  Victoria was trying to figure out how to unhook her helmet, she was wearing a band t-shirt that Lori hadn’t heard of but made sure they weren’t too offensive before purchasing it, and some hand-me-down nylon shorts similar to her own, but they were bright orange.  Ironic that they fit so tight all over considering they were hand-me-downs from Isabella.

“Here, let me.” Lori took Victoria’s helmet and unclasped it within seconds, returned it to her, and then accepted her own helmet.

“Okay then, are we ready to go?” Lori asked as Isabella and Victoria mounted their bikes.

Lori had noticed that the subject’s positioning in her bottom was quite high up, near the top of her crack in fact.  When all the girls were distracted, she stole a quick second to plunge her hand down the back of her shorts, find the subject, and quickly send him down the length of her bottom’s deep cleavage, stopping when he was perfectly aligned with her asshole.  She managed to pull her hand out of the back of her shorts right before the girls looked up, and by then she was straddling her bike and softly planting her wide bottom onto the narrow seat.



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