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RR Vignettes #5 - Samantha Beaurmont

Chapter 3 - Candice Comes Home


“I can’t believe I have both my girls here under the same roof again!” Samantha’s mother cheered.  Candice, Samantha’s older sister, had barely kicked her bleach-white Adidas off at the door before Marilyn ensnared her in a big Momma Bear hug.  Marilyn wore a comfortable and well-loved pair of light blue denim jeans, faded from the effects of time and countless washes. Her top was a cozy, oversized lavender knit sweater, deliberately worn today as it was a gift from her girls for some Mother’s Day years ago.

Samantha’s older sister laughed, almost falling backward as she tried her best to support the weight of her heavier mother. It almost looked comical, seeing Marilyn's pear-shaped figure have to stand up on the tippy toes of her bare feet to reach Candice, and yet the mother’s heavier, healthier frame completely overwhelmed Candice’s petite stature.  The older sister was slender everywhere except her chest, but you wouldn’t have known it from looking at her now, being squeezed down into a diamond in her overbearing mother’s arms.

“I’m glad to be back too, Mom.  I missed you guys!”

Candice started to say something else, but her words were muffled by Marilyn’s shoulder. Only her cute blue eyes–wide with the startings of panic–were visible amongst the landscape of soft lavender as she lightly tapped her mother’s shoulder.

“Air, Mom!”

The two sisters laughed as Marilyn blushed, “Oh, you’re fine!”

“Okay, well I’m gonna head upstairs and unpack.” Candice said, picking up her large, heavy duffel bag off the ground.

“Oh, do you want to eat first? It’s already 1PM; way past lunch time!  I can put something in the oven.”  Marilyn walked briskly to the kitchen, still listing off the various items she could make but Candice was already marching for the steps.

“It’s okay, Mom!  I got some fast food on the way up here.” Candice motioned silently for Samantha to follow her to her room. “I’m gonna go up and unpack!”

Samantha followed Candice toward the stairs, passing two bright bowls on the kitchen counter.  Marilyn was one of those moms that liked to have bowls of snacks out in the afternoon.  She’d lay out a bag of chips, pretzels, and even some sweets in the hopes that her daughters would partake.  Candice had once compared it to how companies nowadays liked to add amenities to the workplace in order to cut down on how often their employees feel the need to leave.

Samantha snagged a few pretzels, her favorite, and began munching as she climbed the steps.

As quickly and discreetly as she could, Samantha bit off a very small piece of pretzel from the last twist in her palm.  She then readjusted her grip, half the pretzel now wet from cracking between her teeth, and stuffed it down the back of her cargo pants. She then wedged the stiff pretzel piece deep between her soft, cushiony butt cheeks.  Samantha wasn’t sure exactly where along her crack the subject was at the moment but he’d already demonstrated that he was quite good at finding his food when he was hungry enough so she didn’t even give it a second thought as her hand came out empty.

Candice’s room hardly looked any different from when she lived there.  The older sister had a lot of possessions, mostly in the form of wardrobe, and had opted to bring only what would fit in her dormitory.  That meant A LOT of stuff had to stay behind.  For every book Samantha owned, Candice had 3 dresses.  For every comic book decorating Samantha’s bookshelf, 2 pairs of flip flops ran neatly along the wall of her walk-in closet.

Samantha slowly settled into a comfortable cross-legged position across from her sister, casting admiring glances in Candice's direction. Candice had always possessed a natural beauty, standing tall with an innate grace that seemed effortless. Yet, at this moment, she appeared even more striking—Samantha struggled to pinpoint the exact word.

Perhaps the word was "grown-up"?

Candice had been away at college for just over a year, and in that relatively short time, and yet she already seemed so much older and more mature than Samantha.

Candice's choice of attire contributed to this newfound aura of confidence and maturity. She wore a chic, form-fitting blouse in a deep shade of emerald green, its fabric draping elegantly over her slender frame but just tight enough in the chest area to invoke their mother’s subtle judgment. The blouse was paired with well-fitting deep-blue, denim jeans so tight that even the thought of wearing them herself was making Samantha uncomfortable.

Surely the subject wouldn’t have been a fan either, the way the strong denim would have hugged and squeezed her big soft cheeks into firm, solid boulders of immovable peach concrete.

“So what have you been up to, sis?” Candice asked, plopping down across from Samantha as she unzipped her duffel bag.  “Dating anyone?”

“No, definitely not. “Samantha said, laughing at the question as if it were a joke.  “Are you?”

“I’m talking to a few guys.  It’s hard to pick sometimes!” Candice giggled, removing a few pairs of folded jeans.  They looked so much smaller than the cargo pants that Samantha was wearing.

And then, Samantha’s ears perked up at the barely audible sound of a scuff in the hallway.

Candice apparently heard the same thing. Her eyes practically rolled in the back of her head.  “Mom, I know you’re out there.  You can come hang out, too.”

Samantha watched her mother sheepishly round the corner of her daughter’s open door frame.

“I was just walking by!” Marilyn said defensively.

“Yeah, yeah.”

The three women discussed the end of Samantha’s senior year, the youngest daughter expertly guiding the conversation away from her college plans whenever it seemed to be meandering in that direction.

Samantha kept a close, watchful eye on her mother and the moment that she believed Marilyn to be deliberately changing the subject to Samantha and her coming college experience, Samantha shot her mother a wide-eyed head shake.  Luckily, her mother was a fast thinker and transformed her statement into a discussion on one of the many books Samantha was currently reading.

“Oh, what a lovely headband.” Marilyn said, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she pulled from Candice’s bag a short, plaid skirt. Candice and her mom had always butted heads when it came to Candice’s wardrobe growing up but in her mother’s defense, the skirt was incredibly short.

“Thanks, Mom.  I definitely wear it around my head.” Candice said, returning the sass and winking at her giggling sister.

“Candice!” The next thing she pulled from Candice’s bag left no inspiration for sarcasm. Marilyn held in her hands a tiny, neon green two-piece bathing suit. “Are you serious with this?” She sounded less like a joking big sister and more like the helicopter mom that she was.

“Mom, chill out. It’s just a bathing suit.” Candice said, rolling her eyes as she playfully snatched the tiny bikini.  It was so small and light that the two-piece nearly slingshotted across the room.

“Why do you even have that? It’s February.”

“You never know! Adriana’s mom has an indoor pool!” Candice laughed.  “Mom, if you wanna stay up here and pack, you gotta learn to be okay with stuff like this.”

Marilyn nodded solemnly, as if she were searching for the ability deep within her. “You’re right, sweetheart.”

“And if you keep up the jokes,” Candice said. “I’ll buy one for Samantha here.  Lord knows that she’d be able to fill out those bottoms way better than I can!”

Marilyn chuckled lightly, probably not at Candice’s joke but the idea of Samantha actually wearing anything other than baggy swimming trunks into the water.

“Oh, you’re turning into a tomato!” Candice giggled, lightly squeezing her younger sister’s shoulder.  “Don’t be embarrassed, Sammi. It’s 2010.  Big butts are in, in, in!  You should own it!”

Samantha blushed profusely, her mind immediately going back to the boy in her butt.  She hadn’t thought about him in hours but now he was at the center of her mind. If anyone would have been grateful for its sheer size and softness, it probably would be him since he was essentially being cradled and protected by it every day.

Samantha kept a close eye on her mother, who was now looking down toward where her youngest daughter’s butt came into contact with Candice’s carpeted floor.  Samantha didn’t worry about her mother spilling the beans on her little RR Labs partner, but she still raised a finger to her lips when Candice was distracted.

* * * * * * * * * *

Later That Night...

Samantha yawned, re-crossing her left ankle over her right as she lay in bed atop her blankets reading. The book that rested upon her chest was beginning to sway forward and backward as her eyelids grew heavy, her body’s way of telling her that it was close to bedtime.  She finally shut the book a mere 25 pages AFTER she’d first decided that she was done reading for the night.

She looked at her clunky wrist watch.  It was 10:45PM.

She hadn’t so much as moved a muscle other than to turn the pages in the past hour or so of her book until now, which she assumed from his lack of struggles was behavior that the subject preferred.  It made sense.  As soft and warm as it must have been in there between her butt cheeks, it was probably tough to be jiggled and jostled around all the time.  She couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of her little subject being wedged in her mom’s butt.

First of all, it was even bigger than her own and second of all, the woman never stopped moving!  She was blurry in half of the family photographs for heaven’s sake!  He’d never have a moment of relaxation and calmness with her mother.  In a weird way, that made her feel good…to know that he was actually lucky to have ended up with Samantha.

She climbed out of bed, scooting her hips along the mattress until her feet touched the ground.  The subject had reached 12 straight hours tucked between Samantha’s butt cheeks.  It had actually been closer to 13 hours since she’d settled him into her bottom that morning, but Samantha had to remove him very briefly a few times when she used the bathroom.

Samantha changed for bed, pulling on her favorite fuzzy pajamas and a nice, cozy sleep shirt.  The box on her dresser lit up with 2 LED lights.

‘That’s probably good for tonight.’ Samantha thought, reaching down the back of her pajamas and into her crack.

What she pulled out first was the tiny stick of pretzel.  Its texture had evolved during the hours it had spent nestled between her butt cheeks. Samantha wasn’t surprised by how warm it was–no warmer than the subject was whenever she took him out of her butt.  However, the pretzel also felt surprisingly softer than when she had initially wedged it there nearly ten hours earlier.  Perhaps the pretzel, with its super-dry and airy properties, slowly extracted molecules of her body’s moisture from the soft skin of her buns. She inspected the morsel with curiosity, noting several nibbled edges, as if a skittish mouse or rabbit had taken cautious bites.

The pretzel was close enough to her face that she could pick up the strong scent.  The aroma was noticeable and smelled strongly of her ass.  Samantha’s nose wrinkled.

‘Glad I don’t have to smell that all day…’ Samantha thought, tossing the warm pretzel piece into her wastebin.  The thought of having to smell a butt for an entire day was not something Samantha would have ever signed up for, but all sorts of people do all sorts of things for all sorts of reasons…if her subject wanted to sign up to live in her butt…and she was going to get paid for it…who was she to question it?

Her ring finger found him first, or perhaps he found the ring finger.  She immediately felt him clambering to grab it, as if he was afraid it would leave without him.  Samantha hooked her thumb around and gently pinched the subject, pulling him out from her doughy, pale cheeks.

Initially, he was the same sweltering temperature as the space between her cheeks but Samantha could already feel his body temperature starting to cool, away from the protective and nurturing environment of her crack.  Luckily for him, the tiny little box had enough power to keep him warm for the night.

No sooner than a second after removing him from her crack, ending his 12-hour obligation to her booty, Samantha was startled to hear a knock at her bedroom door.

There were two knocks, to be precise…and then immediately the brass doorknob rotated.

“Crap!” Samantha hissed.  She could have dropped the little subject into the box, where she was planning on having him spend the night but her brain didn’t work quite fast enough.  She pulled away the waistband from her lower back and roughly plunged the little subject right back to where he’d just been removed.

Her cheeks were still jiggling under her pajamas when the door fully opened.

It was Candice.

“Hey, sis.  I saw your light on.” Candice said. “You’re up late, huh?”

“Oh, I was just reading.” Samantha said, her racing heart gradually slowing as it became more and more likely that she’d managed to successfully hide her little butt companion before Candice saw anything.

She sauntered into Samantha’s room, practically floating with an ethereal grace, even as she moved barefoot in a short, slinky pair of silk shorts and a tight sleepshirt. Candice stopped in front of her sister, looking down with a knowing smile.

“So….Mom told me.” Candice said.

Samantha brow furrowed. “Umm….told you what?”

Candice scoffed, her grin widening like a mischievous cat who’d just caught a canary. “Come on, Sammi…she told me your secret.”

“She….did?” Samantha’s cheeks reddened, and her much larger, much softer cheeks about 3 feet south flexed and clenched.  She wasn’t ready to have to talk about this with Candice.  She wasn’t ready to show her the tiny little boy in her butt. She couldn’t breathe.  How could her mom do this to her?

Mercifully, Candice broke the silence.  “Yeah.  Were you just never gonna tell your big sis that you were going off to college?”

Relief flooded the mousy brunette like a cool, refreshing drink on a scorching summer day.

“Ohh!” Samantha uttered.  “I was….well, I was going to tell you eventually.”

“Oh yeah? When?” Candice raised an eyebrow.  “After you graduate?”

“No…” Samantha said, looking down at her socks and trying to find the words.  “I just…I mean…I thought maybe since you’re going to a big, fancy school that you might think…”

Samantha trailed off.

“Oh, you need to stop that.” Candice said, her tone almost indignant.  “No one, least of all me, is going to think less of you for going to community college or anything like that.  There’s nothing wrong with community college.”

Samantha smiled politely and remained silent. She was sure that her dear sister was just trying to comfort her.

“No, seriously.  I mean it.” Candice insisted, plopping down at the foot of her little sister’s bed.  The blonde bounced playfully, pulling her bare feet in under her thighs as she crossed both her legs and pulled Samantha onto the bed next to her.

Up to this point, Samantha usually took her time sitting down.  She didn’t offer many pleasantries or kindnesses to the subject, but over the past few days of housing him between her butt cheeks, she’d found a gradual transition from standing to sitting was the least that she could do.  This time, however, as her bottom smooshed abruptly forcefully into the mattress, she realized it was definitely the hardest she’d sit down while the tiny boy was in her butt.  To his credit, he seemed to handle it okay for the few seconds that Samantha dedicated her focus to his struggling, but then she returned her full attention to her big sister.

You remember Adriana right?”

Samantha nodded her head.  Adriana was one of Candice’s best friends growing up but being two grades higher than Samantha, the two rarely ever spoke. It always made sense to Samantha that the two would be good friends as they were both beautiful and fashionable as well as intelligent and driven.

“She’s here visiting family too.  Guess where she went to college.”

Samantha’s eyes widened.  “Adriana went to community college?”

Candice nodded. “Yup!  She did her first two years at community college and then guess what? Once she found out what she wanted to do, she was able to transfer to a four-year program to finish out her Bachelor’s and now she’s getting ready to start law school!

“That’s pretty cool.” Samantha admitted.  She didn’t realize that community college could be a jumping-off point for something greater…and maybe it would be for her, too.

“Also…” Samantha added. “I kinda always hoped that I would get brave enough to go away to college when I got older…but it just…I dunno…didn’t happen. Part of me wants to go off on an adventure like you did…to a new place with new people but I was just…I dunno…”

“Sam.” Candice said with a smirk.  “You don’t have to go far from home to have an adventure.”

With community college, you don’t have to worry about giving up the things here that make you feel comfortable and safe.”

“That’s true.”

“Yeah, and at the same time…there will still be plenty of chances for you to meet new people and learn new things about yourself and what you want. You don’t necessarily have to leave home to find that.”

The room was quiet for a moment, but it looked like Candice wasn’t done talking. She had that look on her face that she wanted to say something but wasn’t sure how to phrase it.

“Listen, Sammi.  Remember how I said Adriana is back in town?  She’s throwing a big party at her house this Saturday. I really think you should come with me.”

Samantha felt her heart leap up into her chest, and her perceptive older sister noticed.

“Before you freak out, Sammi…listen.  There’s going to be a bunch of people there from our school and they all are going to be having fun.  It’ll be a great chance for you to let them see you outside of school, you know?  And maybe you’ll find some other girls who are going to CC also!  And who knows…maybe you’ll even find a nice boy!”

Samantha scoffed to herself at the ridiculousness of the proposition.  Of all the anxiety she was feeling about the idea of going to a big party like the one her sister was describing, finding a boy was the furthest thing from her mind. Besides, she sort of already had one in a weird way, right?  Even though she never talked to him…only took care of him in her butt.

But from deep between her cheeks, she felt that new, growingly familiar sense of confidence.  The boy in her crack now seemed to symbolize her courage to volunteer for Dr. Bexley’s experiment. If she could be brave enough to do that, couldn’t she also handle a girl’s house party?

“You and I can go together.” Candice said.  “Can you just promise me that you’ll think about it?”

She didn’t have to do it. She didn’t have to think about it. Samantha could have quickly given her older sister the answer that she wanted and that might have been the end of it.  And yet, she sat in deliberative silence. She was leaning towards doing it, and that thought alone was scary enough.

“I will. I promise I’ll think about it.”

“Good!” Candice said.  “And if you want to borrow any clothes, you can help yourself to what I left in my closet.  What that badonk of yours will fit into, that is.” Candice joked, gesturing toward Samantha’s wide hips.

“Staaaaaahp blushing!  It’s a compliment!” Candice laughed, shaking her sister’s shoulders.  “If I had a butt as big as yours, you better believe I’d be showing it off.  And I wouldn’t be wearing baggy cargo pants, that’s for sure.”

The girls stayed up and talked until 1AM, and just as when they were little girls, Samantha was the first one to start nodding off, and the first one to fall asleep.  In a half-awake daze, somewhere between dreams and reality, Samantha felt her loving sister hand on her hip. She sleepily rolled in the direction of Candice’s gentle pressure and then Samantha felt the covers under her feet, legs, and butt being pulled downward out from underneath her.

The fabric rustled as if it had a life of its own, creeping up slowly over Samantha’s feet, knees, thighs–her hips, tummy, and breasts, and then nestling in under her chin.

“Good night, sis.” Candice said sweetly before leaving Samantha’s room and turning out the lights.

For a brief moment, Samantha considered getting up and removing the subject from her ass.  He’d spent well over 15 hours tucked away between her butt cheeks at this point–significantly well over the Dynamic Daily Minimum or whatever they called his minimum amount of time that he’d have to spend in he butt. However, she was just so toasty and cozy now!

Not wanting to undo the loving tuck-in that her dear sister had done, Samantha dismissed the idea of allowing the subject a break from her compressed rump.   If he could handle being between her cheeks during the day, the night should be even easier.  She had also forgotten to charge his sleeping box so it’d be hard for him to stay warm in her cold room. Honestly, the more she thought about it, the more it made sense for him to spend the night in Samantha’s comfy, warm butt.

She sighed, relishing in the relief of excusing herself from her unspoken, paper-thin promise to her subject.  There was still the issue of the real promise she’d made to her big sister.  At this point, her promise to think about it wasn’t even so much about deciding if she was going to go.  Samantha knew that she was going to do it.

It was more about trying to remain positive.  There’d be plenty of time tomorrow to worry about it, but she was just so sleepy.

Samantha drifted off into a deep, comfortable slumber.




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