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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 7 - Injection Therapy (Mayumi)


Mayumi sighed as the professional doctor’s thumb lightly pressed against the center of her round, soft breast.  Her nipple was pink and flat, surrounded by an areola only slightly more pink than her fair, pale skin. The nipple at its center had plenty of surface area for the doctor’s thumb.  Her brown eyes stared down as the doctor’s thumb, as if claiming the ample territory upon its supple surface, started gently twisting and rubbing, awakening Mayumi’s nipple.

The nipple, once docile and flat, awoke beneath the doctor's ministrations. It flowered like a delicate bud, blossoming into a stiff, taut peak that strained against the confines of Dr. Walker's thumb. Mayumi let out a shallow, sharp gas as the doctor twirled the erect nipple between finger and thumb.

The stiff nipple then sank into Dr. Walker’s gloved palm and 5 shadowy indents formed in a radius around it as the doctor slowly squeezed.

Mayumi, overcome by the sensations that coursed through her, found herself closing her eyes for a fleeting moment. Her lips bore the evidence of her internal struggle, as if the gentle yet firm touch of the doctor threatened to unearth an involuntary response.

"It's very important that the area be properly loosened and stimulated prior to injection," Dr. Walker intoned scientifically, her words a juxtaposition to her hand’s sensuous adventure atop the Japanese teenager’s voluptuous breast.

Mayumi couldn’t believe how small the doctor’s hands were compared to her breasts. The fingertips of her cute, gloved hand could barely expand outside of her areola.  Just one of the teenager’s tits had to have been more than 4 or 5 handfuls, easily.  Mayumi blushed, seeing how hard her nipple was getting.  To their credit, they retained some sense of professionalism and didn’t say anything, even though Dr. Walker would occasionally cease the kneading of the pillowy breast flesh in favor of paying more attention to Mayumi’s rock-hard nipples. Nicole was still setting things up and Dr. Walker was now bouncing Mayumi’s breast, flipping her four fingers under the mammoth tit and letting it crash back down heavily on her waiting palm.

Mayumi watched, mesmerized at the way the huge tit slapped lightly into the doctor’s palm.  It deformed and splayed out as it collided with the doctor’s waiting gloved palm. Even as it rested, the nipple danced and waved as the reverberations of force made their way repeatedly through the tightly linked breast tissue.  She looked away from her dancing, jiggling breast to see that Nicole was now screwing the container with the pink label onto the needle, although this needle didn’t look like a normal needle.  It looked more like some sort of scanner.

“Okay Mayumi, we’re ready for the next phase.  You can fix yourself.” Dr. Walker said, referring to Mayumi’s exposed left tit, still carrying a residual hint of all the bouncing it had just done.

“Oh…”, Mayumi gracefully maneuvered the mass of flesh back into her top, “I thought you would have needed it…out.”

Mayumi saw Dr. Walker ready to respond but then she heard Nicole say, “Actually, it's best if the breast is compressed during injection.”

“Someone has been reading the literature.” Dr. Walker said proudly, then looking at Mayumi and saying, “She’s exactly right. These injections are not exclusively done into breast tissue, but empirical evidence suggests that this condition is uniquely necessary for breast injections.”

“Can...I see it first?” Mayumi asked for the needle in Nicole’s hand.

Nicole's eyes went from the needle right to Dr. Walker.  Mayumi followed the Disney Princess’s blue eyes to the nodding doctor.  When Mayumi looked back, Nicole was carefully handing the needle to Mayumi.

Mayumi accepted the needle in her hands, her soft palm resting entirely over both tiny containers.  She adjusted her grip and raised the needle up to her face so she could see inside those containers.  She wanted to see the fluid that was about to be injected into her breast.  She brought the pink labeled container up to her eye, so close it was almost touching her cornea.  Mayumi felt her long eyelashes grazed the curve of the container as she focused her vision with all her might, looking for the tiniest hint of something...anything.

She allowed her eye to scan the entire length of the container, which didn’t take long since it was really not much larger than her eye to begin with.  It looked just like water. Nothing was there. When she looked back up, she caught Dr. Walker and Nicole smiling at each other, and the room was eerily quiet.  Dr. Walker broke the silence, extending an open, gloved hand to accept the syringe.


Mayumi nervously nodded her head and handed the needle to Dr. Walker. She clasped her hands over her lap and anxiously rubbed her hands together, her inner arms lightly pressing her breasts together.

“Did you read ‘Holding’”? Dr. Walker asked Nicole.

Nicole nodded and dutifully took her position on Mayumi’s right side.

“So Mayumi, the injection is going to go into your left breast, about 2-3 inches out from where the breast meets the skin of your chest.  In order to do that and maintain the desired compression, we’re going to leave your breast in your shirt. Nicole is going to part your breasts, allowing me access to the injection site.  Is that okay?” Dr. Walker asked courteously.

After Mayumi said yes, Nicole plunged her fingers down into Mayumi’s deep cleavage.  The Disney Princess wiggled and fanned her fingers slightly, overcoming the natural friction of her own soft hand and Mayumi’s even softer breast flesh, going deeper and deeper.  Finally, Nicole’s whole hand was between her breasts, and the Disney Princess’s fingers were now curling under Mayumi’s right tit.  She gently pulled it away, stretching the material of the shirt slightly and separating the right breast from its twin sister.  The depth of Mayumi’s cleavage was now breathing and bathed in light, under the direct gaze of all three women.

Dr. Walker brought the needle toward Mayumi’s chest and Mayumi started hyperventilating.  Her massive chest heaved and Dr. Walker encouraged her to relax.

“Just breathe, Mayumi.” Nicole said. “This will be over very quickly.”

Her gaze remained fixed upon the needle's approach, its slender stem now delicately poised between the twin peaks of her breasts. The anticipation hung heavy in the air, a palpable tension that mirrored her own apprehension.

As the needle's tip drew nearer, the pink sticker adorning the water-filled chamber brushed against the generous curve of her bosom and lightly pressed into it as Dr. Walker positioned the needle

Mayumi's eyes remained trained upon the glinting needle journeying deeper into her parted cleavage, her emotions a maelstrom of fear and curiosity. Her heart quickened as the needle's glistening tip kissed the smooth skin of her left breast. A quiet but sharp gasp escaped her lips as the stem began to shrink into her flesh

The moment the needle broke the skin was painful, like a thorn that had lodged itself within the delicate flesh of her breast. However, the pain did not get worse as the stem sank further into the flesh of her breast...it just felt uncomfortable

“You’re doing great, Mayumi.  The hardest part is over.”  Dr. Walker encouraged, leaning in so close she surely could smell Mayumi’s skin.  Mayumi was happy she’d showered right before arriving.

Mayumi stared down at her breast with wide eyes as more and more of the stem disappeared into her skin until finally it was as deep as it could go.  Dr. Walker’s thumb repositioned expertly over the syringe, as if she’d done this a million times before, and began slowly pressing the plunger.

She applied steady firm pressure and Mayumi watched the plunger start to force the fluid in the only direction it was allowed to go:

inside her left breast.

It was a strange sensation.  The Teenager, the Doctor, and the Disney Princess all stared intently at the syringe as its stem gradually introduced the clear fluid into the side of Mayumi’s swollen tit.  If she had to compare it to the piercing of her tit flesh and the gradual deepening of the tip, she’d say that this part was actually pleasant.

“Mayumi, your skin is sooo soft.” Nicole said, letting her bare fingertips gently rub against the wall of Mayumi’s soft breast. Mayumi would have wondered if Nicole was just saying that to take her mind off the injection, but she knew her skin was incredibly soft.

“Thanks,” Mayumi said.

“What do you use?” Nicole said.

Mayumi wasn’t sure how to tell Nicole and Dr. Walker that the skin between her breasts was so well moisturized and youthful because of how often she’d let men fuck her cleavage.  There was something thrilling about watching a throbbing cock take its rightful place between her big tits. Where American women probably preferred large, throbbing cocks, Mayumi liked them on the smaller side.  It made her tits look even bigger, which she loved...and when his member was little...well, that was even better as it completely and effortlessly disappeared in her cleavage.  Little things really were adorable…especially when they were near her big breasts.

She would just hold her big soft breasts together with her elbows and the lucky guy would pump away until he exploded between them.  Having large breasts often results in the stretching and advanced aging of skin, but a healthy dose of ejaculate, she found, really helped keep the skin young.

“Its called I-Mju Hatomugi.  I get it from Japan.” Mayumi said.  Technically it was the truth, because it was the lotion she used, but the erotic explosions in her cleavage did far more for her skin than the lotion did.

She could feel the clear, clinical liquid begin its journey into her breast tissue. The liquid, slightly colder than her own body temperature, whispered its presence with a sensation that was almost alien and easy to feel.

With each passing moment, the syringe relinquished more of its payload, and Mayumi could feel the clear liquid escaping the needle's tip, dissipating into her breast tissue.

Only half of the clear liquid remained in the syringe and the other half was deep in her breast tissue now.

Dr. Walker was still going.

A quarter full, then an eighth full—it was not until the plunger met full resistance that the last vestiges of the liquid yielded to the doctor’s steady pressure, surging into Mayumi's breast.

Mayumi felt the relatively cold liquid deep in her breast radiate and diffuse in the tissue. She was aware of its slight spreading until her internal temperature warmed the fluid to match her body.  Then that was it.  She couldn’t feel the fluid anymore. It felt like it happened too quickly, but Mayumi reminded herself that the cold fluid was in such a small quantity, and there was just so much warm breast tissue surrounding it.  Really thinking about it, it made sense that the cold sensation would dissipate that quickly.  The fluid injected into her breast couldn’t have been more than 2 or 3 pen caps worth of cold fluid.  Compare that to her immense O-cup breast, which was larger than her head and super-warm all over! It made sense that it would warm to its new environment as quickly as it did.

It felt uncomfortable again as the needle began to slowly retract, appearing to grow out of her breast.  Finally, the tip emerged and Mayumi sighed.  It was finally over.

Or so she thought.

Dr. Walker handed the syringe to Nicole who accepted it with her free hand and started pressing a series of buttons on the side.

“What is that?” Mayumi asked with fear and tremors in her voice. The Disney Princess was using her free hand to rub some kind of vaseline onto the side of her left breast.

Dr. Walker was accepting the syringe back from Nicole but the way she held it…it looked now more like a barcode scanner with a string of small LED lights over the top.  One end was curved and flat, resembling a sonogram wand and on the other end terminated into a “T” shape. Atop the center of the “T” shape was more threading, kind of like the needle they’d just used on her.  Along the side were very small knobs and what looked like very tiny strips in the plastic, the kind you would see overtop of an integrated speaker.

“Don’t worry Mayumi,” Dr. Walker said, bringing it toward Mayumi’s chest. “This isn’t going to hurt at all, it's just going to touch your skin.”

Mayumi watched Dr. Walker lightly pressed the scanning end of the device over top of the spot where she’d just gotten the injection.  Dr. Walker pressed a few buttons on the side and then it was quiet. The three women watched, although Mayumi assumed she was the only one who didn’t know what she was watching for.  Suddenly, a light on the top blinked a few times and three quiet chirps sounded from the side of the device.  Dr. Walker and Nicole both smiled at each other.

“Is...that good?”  Mayumi asked?

“So far!” Dr. Walker said with a smile, turning to look at Nicole.  “Do you remember what’s next?”

Nicole looked up at the ceiling for a moment thinking,

“Disrupton?” she answered in the tone of a question.

“Correct.” Dr. Walker said, returning her eyes to Mayumi.  Dr. Walker must have been letting Nicole explain because after a moment or two of silence, Nicole spoke.

“Now we’re going to do what we did earlier…” Nicole said.  She was pulling her hand out of Mayumi’s cleavage, despite its best efforts to keep control of her fingers.

“You don’t have to remove your breast from your blouse and it won’t be for as long, but we have to majorly disrupt the breast tissue.”  Nicole said.

Mayumi felt Nicole's hand cup her left tit and Mayumi gasped as the Disney Princess began forcefully squeezing, bouncing, and even lightly slapping Mayumi’s solid left breast. Mayumi shivered as Nicole’s fingers pinched her protruding nipple and started moving slowly up and down...then left and right.  Her breast was so large, the flesh seemed to follow her movement in slow motion.  Nicole would pull the nipple to the right and Mayumi’s tit flesh would start jiggling over in that direction, but by the time it got there, the Disney Princess was already pulling the nipple to the left.  Slow to follow, the breast tissue rippled back over, but now Nicole was moving the nipple in quick, tight circles.

She gradually increased the radius of those circles until Mayumi’s entire O-cup breast was bouncing up nearly 12 inches and crashing back down.  Nicole’s grip on her nipple had to tighten in order to control all that unruly flesh and Mayumi winced in discomfort.  The flesh responded by jiggling and rippling under the intense forces but it only lasted for about 10 more seconds.  After which, Nicole returned to Mayumi’s right side and reinserted her fingers.  Mayumi’s left breast was still quivering as Nicole re-exposed the injection site once more. Mayumi’s nipples were hard enough to cut glass, and her left one was incredibly sensitive from all the force applied to it.

Once more, the doctor held the device up to the same spot and pressed all the same buttons.  But this time, no lights came on.  No chirps from the speakers.  Nothing happened, but Dr. Walker and Nicole smiled, so Mayumi assumed that meant everything went as it was supposed to.

“That’s good?” Mayumi asked nervously.

Nicole replied, “Yes, it is. And now we just have to check the SC&VF syringe...” She said confidently, not concerned at all with the profound look of confusion on Mayumi’s face.  She did, however, look toward Dr. Walker, seeking confirmation. “Right, Dr. Walker?”

“That’s right!” said Dr. Walker.

Dr. Walker pressed a button and the two were quiet, intently staring at the lights.  Nothing happened again and once more, Dr. Walker and Nicole smiled.  Mayumi wanted to ask but she figured they wouldn’t tell her anyway.

“We’re all done, Mayumi.  You did wonderful.” Dr. Walker said with a big smile as Nicole began cleaning up.

Mayumi smiled with relief, readjusting her top to properly contain her breasts. Dr. Walker looked down at her cleavage, “Lets just make sure we maintain that compression on your breasts for awhile.”

Dr. Walker looked at her watch.  “It's still morning...I think if you leave them compressed until around 8pm tonight, that will do just fine.”

Mayumi nodded.

“So, as I’m sure you remember, in order to be eligible for the compensation, we will have to set up a follow up meeting to check on the injection.  Today is Friday...are you doing anything not this weekend but next?” Dr. Walker asked.

Mayumi replied, “Actually, I may be going to be going back to Japan to visit my family.”

Dr. Walker smiled, “Oh, that’s great.”

Mayumi returned the smile, “Yes, usually I can only go once a year but with this compensation, I can afford to go again!”

Dr. Walker said, “I’m so glad to hear that.  How about you reach out to us when you’ve returned and we can get you back in here when you’re available.”

Mayumi agreed and thanked both Dr. Walker and Nicole for being so professional and helpful in getting her through this uncomfortable experience.  Mayumi shook both of their hands and hopped off the chair to leave.  Her breasts bounced heavily as her flip-flop clad feet hit the linoleum.  This was the only time she caught Dr. Walker staring at her cleavage; she caught Nicole looking as well.

She herself couldn’t help but stare down at her bobbing breasts as she left RR Labs.  The injection site on the left breast was completely hidden, and it bounced aggressively against its sister as Mayumi walked.



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